The most self-sufficient and durable class in all of D&D fifth edition classes, is the Paladin 5E. Furthermore, they can efficiently serve as a Face, Striker, or a Defender, whether in a party or while going solo.

But there’s a catch_ you can’t recharge any ability with a short rest. You need to finish a long rest for all of them, except for Channel Divinity.

United by the dnd 5e Paladin Oaths, these blessed champions aren’t afraid to stand against evil forces. However, what weapons do they wield? What are their proficiencies, skills, and abilities? Are they categorized into different Paladin subclasses?

To find out all these and more, keep reading!

DND 5E Paladin: Class Features

  • Hit Points:- For a martial artist like the Paladin 5e, 1d10 Hit Points per Paladin level is incredible! At the 1st level, you get Hit Points combining your Constitution modifier and 10. But, as you attain higher levels, your Hit Points equal your Constitution modifier added to 1d10 or 6.
  • Saves:- A Paladin gets saving throws of Charisma and Wisdom, which means that their foes can’t control their minds or charm them.

Starting Equipment

  • Two martial weapons, or a shield as well as a martial weapon
  • An explorer’s pack or a priest’s pack
  • A simple melee weapon or five Javelins
  • A holy symbol, along with a chain mail


  • Tools: None
  • Armor: All shields and armor
  • Skills: Any two, out of Intimidation, Religion, Athletics, Persuasion, Insight, and Medicine.

Fighting Style: You have to pick one out of twelve Paladin fighting styles and make that your specialty. But remember, you can choose an option only once, even if you get to choose again. Also, these fighting styles could be in accordance with DnD fighter fifth edition because no one can match their combat skills paired with their armour and durability.

  • Great Weapon Fighting:- For a melee attack using a weapon you’re wielding with both your hands, you need to roll a 2 or 1 on a damage dice. As a result, this lets you reroll the dice, and you have to use the new roll.
  • Defense:- To get a +1 bonus to your AC, you should be wearing armor.
  • Protection:- You need to use a shield for enabling this feature. When a visible enemy attacks a target that’s within 5 feet of you, impose a disadvantage on the attack roll by using Protection.
  • Mariner:- Your Paladin’s speed for climbing and swimming will equal their usual pace. It also gives them a +1 bonus to armor class. However, for using this fighting style, you can’t use a shield or wear heavy armor.
  • Dueling:- When you’ve got no weapon other than a melee one in a single hand, this weapon can give you a +2 bonus to your damage rolls.
  • Extra Attack:- On your turn, every time you take the Attack action, you can attack your enemies twice. This starts from the 5th level, before which, you can take the Attack action only once.


  • Preparing and Casting Spells:- From the d&d 5e Paladin table, you’ll learn the number of Paladin spell slots you have for casting your spells. Hence, take a long rest to regain all the spell slots that you’ve spent. You’ll have to choose some Paladin spells from the available spell list. The number of spells you pick must equal half your Paladin level added to your Constitution modifier. Also, don’t be afraid of losing a spell from your list after casting it. After taking a long rest, you can change the spells on your list. However, if you want to prepare an entirely new list, you need to spend at least 1 minute per spell level in meditation and prayer for each spell that you want to replace.
  • Spellcasting Ability:- The more you’re able to convince your allies or your foes to do something you want them to, the stronger your spells. So, every time your Paladin spell refers to your spellcasting ability, use Charisma.
  • Spell attack modifier= Your Charisma modifier added to your proficiency bonus
  • Spell save DC= 8 added to your Spell attack modifier
  • Spellcasting Focus:- You can focus each Paladin spell on a holy symbol before casting it.
  • Cleansing Touch:- Once you reach the 14th level, this class feature’s going to come in handy when your foes charm or paralyze you. Moreover, no matter what spell they cast on you or some other creature, you’ll be able to end that spell with just a touch. The number of times you use this feature equals your Constitution modifier. Take a long rest to regain the uses you’ve spent earlier.
  • Divine Health:- On attaining the 3rd level, the divine magic that flows through your body will boost your immunity to any sort of disease.
  • Aura of Courage:- From the 10th level, your foes can’t frighten you while you’re conscious. You can also use the Aura of Courage to help your allies who are within 10 feet of you. The range of the Aura of Courage increases to 30 feet when you attain the 18th level.

Divine Smite 5E

Hitting your opponent with a melee weapon strike will let you deal not only weapon damage to the target, but also radiant damage. Therefore, its no wonder the Paladins depend on Divine Smite as their most significant source of damage!

For Divine Smite 5e to get enabled at the 2nd level, you need to spend a spell slot. But don’t do so unless it’s necessary, or you might find that you’re out of your spell options at the end of the day.

If the target is a fiend or an undead, there’s a 1d8 increase in damage, until it reaches 6d8.

Improved Divine Smite

Divine power will be flowing through each of your melee weapon attacks, by the time you reach the 11th level.

As a result, every time you make a melee weapon strike against an enemy, it’ll be hit with bonus 1d8 radiant damage.

Divine Sense 5E

You can sense the presence of evil, right from the 1st level itself. So, by using this class feature, you’ll be able to determine the location of any creature that’s not entirely hidden and is within 60 feet of you. But this can only happen until your next turn ends.

Plus, you’d have the idea of whether the creature is a fiend, undead, or celestial, but its identity would remain unknown. 

Also, the number of times you’ll be able to use Divine Sense 5e equals your Constitution modifier added to 1. Take a long rest to regain all spent uses.

Lay on Hands 5E

Replenish your healing abilities, allowing you to heal wounds or cure a disease by spending 5 Hit Points from your healing pool. You can even neutralize the effects of several poisons using this feature.

Alternatively, as soon as you touch a creature, you can restore a certain number of Hit Points to that being. However, you can’t use the Lay on Hands 5e feature on constructs or the undead.

Aura of Protection 5E

Make a saving throw to gain a bonus save that equals your Constitution modifier, though you can get a minimum bonus of +1.

This class feature is enabled from the 6th level when you or your ally makes a saving throw. Your ally must be within 10 feet of you to avail of Aura of Protection 5e.

Channel Divinity 5E

Bound by a particular Oath, you can harness divine power for bringing about magical effects. Thus, by using the Channel Divinity 5e Paladin will let you choose an option.

You have to finish a long or short rest if you want to use this class feature again.

Your Paladins also need to make saving throws for some Channel Divinity effects. At that time, the spell save DC is equal to the DC.

5E Paladin Guide: Abilities, Skills, and Feats


  • Charisma:- With Charisma, you can fuel most of the dnd 5e Paladin’s skills, like spellcasting and Aura of Protection.
  • Constitution:- All martial artists, especially Paladins, need Constitution. This is because Paladins aren’t proficient in making Constitution saving throws.
  • Wisdom:- If you don’t want to increase your Insight scores, dump the Wisdom stat.
  • Strength:- Choosing a Finesse Build will make selecting Strength a no-go. But as Paladins don’t have any ranged fighting styles, you need Strength.
  • Intelligence:- Your skills have nothing to do with Intelligence, so it’s better to dump this stat.
  • Dexterity:- If you don’t wish to pick a Finesse Build, get some Full Plate armor after dumping the Dexterity stat.

Dexterity- Based

Standard Array

Standard Array

Point Buy

Point Buy


Standard Array

Standard Array

Point Buy

Point Buy


  • Persuasion (CHA):- Paladins can make great Faces in your party, and the most vital Face skill is Persuasion. 
  • Intimidation (CHA):- Again, if your Paladin dnd 5e is a Face, you’re going to need this skill.
  • Religion (INT):- This knowledge skill is going to come in handy for your party, but only if you haven’t dumped your Intelligence stats yet.
  • Athletics (STR):- You don’t get enough attacks in a round to knock down your foes, so the Athletics isn’t useful.
  • Medicine (WIS):- Start using magic for this skill.
  • Insight (WIS):- This skill helps if you’re a Face, but you might not have enough Wisdom to be able to use it effectively.

The Best Feats

  • Polearm Master:- Most Paladins select this feat as it gives them a good bonus action. This is because the bonus action that they usually get relates to smite spells. You have to use the bonus action of these spells although at the cost of reduced spell slots. You can consistently use your reaction by making Opportunity Attacks whenever your opponents move closer to you.
  • Inspiring Leader:- You can boost this feat with your Charisma. The temporary Hit Points that this feat provides also aren’t bad.
  • Shield Master:- Since you’ve got the Athletics ability with high Strength, you can use your bonus action to hit your foes with a shield.
  • Sentinel:- Get this feat only after you have the Polearm Master one, because they work well together. But it won’t make Fighting Style: Protection work anymore.

Paladin 5E Guide: The Best 5E Paladin Races

Check out this 5e Paladin guide to know which races would make the best Paladins for your party:-

  • Aasimar:- Selecting the Scourge Aasimar will increase your Paladin’s durability. But if you’re an Oathbreaker, Fallen would be a great option.
  • Elf:- The Dexterity score works well with Paladins of Finesse Build. And with the Eladrin Elvish race, you get a boost to Charisma, as well as free teleportation!
  • Half-Elf:- It feels like this race was born to be Paladins. Their Charisma, Strength, and Constitution ability scores get bonuses. Plus, Darkvision and two free skills, that you get from the Vanilla Half-Elf to perfect your Face skills, add to your character’s immunity.
  • Dragonmarked Elf:- Pick the Mark of Shadow for adding Stealth to your Paladin’s skillset. You also get some exciting spellcasting options that other Paladins don’t possess.
  • Dragonmarked Half-Elf:- Along with the Paladin’s usual spells, the Mark of Storm gives you a long list of new spell options. If your character’s build is based on Dexterity, your ability scores increase dramatically.
  • Tabaxi:- Even while wearing heavy armor, you can start a melee weapon attack fast with the race’s feline agility. Go with the Tabaxi race if your Paladin is of Finesse Build.
  • Tiefling:- Pick this race to get an immediate +2 Charisma. Zariel lets you have free smite spells, perfect ability spread, and a great cantrip. Levistus is a fantastic choice if you’re okay with Dexterity or Strength not increasing at low Paladin levels. You can use ranged weapons with Ray of Frost, while the Armor of Agathys boosts your defense.
  • Triton:- It increases all your Paladin’s critical abilities while giving them some innate spellcasting powers and making them resistant to cold.
  • Yuan-Ti Pureblood:- Your durability gets a tremendous boost due to the Paladin’s immunity to poison and resistance to magic. But it doesn’t help your offensive capacity much.
  • Shifter:- Select this race to obtain Darkvision for your Paladin. The Longtooth variant gives you a spectacular Shifting feature, apart from letting you make a bite attack for increasing your damage output. When you use the Shifting feature of the Beasthide variant, you get bonus temporary Hit Points.
  • Warforged:- With the Warforged race, you get bonus AC, along with an increase in your Constitution score. Using the Defensive fighting style while wearing full plate armor with a shield gives you 22 AC. You don’t even need spells or magical items for this, so your Paladin becomes nearly invincible.
  • Dragonmarked Human:- Your Paladin can’t usually teleport at all. But with the Mark of Passage, you can get various tactical options with the teleportation ability this race gives you. If your build is based on Dexterity, you get fantastic increases in your ability scores.
  • Satyr:- Being a Satyr Paladin is perfect if your character’s build is Dexterity-based. Additionally, when you enable Aura of Protection and Magic Resistance, no one can stop you from winning a fight.
  • Simic Hybrid:- It allows your Paladin to be versatile.

DND 5E Paladin Guide: Weapons

  • Longsword/ Warhammer/ Morningstar:- These options are great when you need a weapon you can wield with a single hand.
  • Maul/ Greatsword:- If you want to wield a weapon with both of your hands, go with a Greatsword or Maul.
  • Rapier:- Paladin Finesse Builds will love this weapon choice.
  • Glaive/ Pike/ Halberd :- Try wielding a polearm for greater reach.

The Paladin Guide 5E Table

LevelProficiency BonusFeatures
1st+2Lay on Hands, Divine Sense
2nd+2Spellcasting, Fighting Style, Divine Smite
3rd+2Sacred Oath: Oath of Devotion, Divine Health
4th+2Ability Score Improvement (STR 17 – >19)
5th+3Extra Attack
6th+3Aura of Protection
7th+3Sacred Oath feature: Aura of Devotion
8th+3Ability Score Improvement (CON 15 – >16), STR (19 – >20)
10th+4Aura of Courage
11th+4Improved Divine Smite
12th+4Ability Score Improvement (CHA 16 – >18)
14th+5Cleansing Touch
15th+5Sacred Oath feature: Purity of Spirit
16th+5Ability Score Improvement (CHA 18 – >20)
18th+6Aura Improvement
19th+6Ability Score Improvement (CON 16 – >18)
20th+6Sacred Oath feature: Holy Nimbus

Spell Slots Per Spell Level

Spell Slots Per Spell Level