
DnD Character Creator | Character Builder 5e (2024)

Developing a character is the foremost task you have to work on as it lays down the foundation of your gaming. Therefore, the DnD character creator would come in handy while doing so and here is the character builder with all content.

DnD 5e Character Generator

STEP 1 – Race, Class and Background

There are three details you need to think through before delving into D&D character creator.


The race determines your character’s species. As a result, you acquire physical appearance and skills from it, which might include, Ability Score Increase, Age, Size, Speed, Languages etc. Therefore, it’s an important task for character builder.

So, the races available to you are –

  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Halfling
  • Human
  • Dragonborn
  • Gnome
  • Half-Elf
  • Half-Orc
  • Tiefling


The profession of your persona and the tasks they can perform comes under the “class” category. So, you’d acquire specific attributes based on their career.

Therefore, some of the classes are –

  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin


The back-story of your player makes them more realistic and human. It also provides bonus languages, proficiencies and skills.

A few backdrops are –

  • Acolyte
  • Charlatan
  • Criminal
  • Entertainer
  • Folk Hero
  • Guild Artisan
  • Hermit

STEP 2 – Stat Class

The statistic category affects the integration of the game also as it incorporates proficiency modifier, ability scores and modifiers, and skill mods.

Ability scores

Subsequently, there are two ways to influence your expertise count.

Rolling a dice:

  • Roll 1d6 four times or move 4d6 once to obtain a result of 4 numbers.
  • Eliminate the lowest number.
  • Add the rest of the numbers.
  • Repeat the same combination five more times, for a total of six numbers.

Use fixed stats

  • Assign the following numbers to the six abilities provided to you (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)
  • Thus, the skills generated by your race are the ones on which you should use the Ability Score Increase.

Ability modifier

The Ability mod refers to the number you set for a dice roll. For example, if the amount set is +3 and the dice rolls a 12, the total score would be 15. However, the DM decides the number you’d surpass based on the difficulty level.

So, this is how to check your expertise sum –

Ability total = modifier

2-3 = -4

10+11 = 0

14-15 = +2

Proficiency modifier

The use of any weapon would add a bonus to your count due to the proficiency modifier. However, you start at level 1 with +2 mastery mod that’d increase as you level up.

Saving throws –

Moreover, if someone is targeting you, you can use saving throw against them to resist the attack.

This is how you can calculate them:

Check the saving throw you’re efficient with –

  • The two counter-attacks you’re proficient at depends on your class.
  • So, choose the one you’re expert in.

Calculate proficiency saving throw modifier –

Add the required ability mods with your expertise mod for all the counter-attacks. For instance, if you had a Dexterity mod of +3, and proficiency mod of +2, your total proficient saving throw of Dexterity would be +5.

Skill scores –

You’d need specific skills at a different point in the game. Therefore, these are an addition to your roll of dice.

Here is how you can evaluate skill modifiers for the D&D character builder –

Firstly, attributes you’re efficient in:

  • Your class and back-story decide your traits.

Similarly, calculate expertise of skill mods –

  • It’s the same as calculating saving throws mods.

Passive perception –

Also, the natural consciousness of your character refers to their passive wisdom.

To calculate it,

  • Its initial score is 10.
  • You must add or subtract your Perception trait bonus. For example, if your Perception is +1, then your Passive Perception is 11.

STEP 3 – Proficiencies and Languages

Furthermore, focus on the dialects your 5e random character knows by checking the race and class both and also the bonuses you might receive.

STEP 4 – Equipment

Additionally, all the tools you need for the character generator online come under the equipment category.

  • Default inventory:– It provides you the items from the beginning with additional benefits because of your backdrop.
  • Purchased inventory:

Your class can also determine if you can buy gear using gold.

In addition, the table of “Starting Wealth by Class” mentions the gold you’d have by default.

You can get anything from the table on page 145, 149 and 150 of the PHB.

STEP 5 – Attacks and Spellcasting

Moreover, physical attacks and use of spells is common in Dungeons and Dragons. But you also have special powers available.

Physical weapons:

It includes staffs, swords and bows.

So, write down the name of the weapon you acquire in Step 3 and do the same for all of them.

Attack modifier:

When you’re attacking another player using a weapon, it includes attack modifier to your d20 roll. If your AC is equal to or higher than the opponent’s AC, you’d be successful in your assault.

STEP 6 – HP and Combat Stats

Furthermore, the random character includes the following combat statistics and hit points –

  • Armour class: It regulates the intensity of your hit.
  • Initiative:- It makes you prompt when faced with dire situations. Your dexterity mod is also your initiative modifier.
  • Hit point maximum:– It sets the limit of the HPs you can acquire.
  • Hit points: There are two HPs – current and temporary. Current HP is your remaining health bar, and you don’t use the temporary one for CC.

STEP 7 – Traits

Traits are the inherent characteristics of your persona and crucial for 5e character builder. They are selected either by knowing about your background and rolling the dice or by using the options in the book and creating your own.

STEP 8 – Name and other information

The nitty-gritty part is the only thing left to do for the D&D 5th edition character, for instance naming them, choosing their class, level background, player name, race etc.

In fact, you’d begin the game with zero experience points and earn more as you progress.


In brief, these are all the essential details you need for the DnD character creator. If you are stuck at one point or are facing any confusion, you can reach out to your DM.

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