Skyrim Multi Marriages

Best Skyrim Multiple Marriage & Polygamy Mod – Download (2024)

Skyrim is a popular open-world action role-playing game that allows players to explore a vast fantasy world and make choices that affect the game’s story and characters.

One popular mod, or modification, that players can use is the multiple marriage mod. This mod allows players to marry multiple characters in the game, rather than being limited to just one.

The multiple marriage mod can be found on various mod hosting websites, such as Nexus Mods. It is a popular mod among players who enjoy the game’s romance options and want more flexibility in the characters they can marry.

However, it should be noted that this mod is not officially supported by the game’s developers, and as such, may cause compatibility issues or other problems. It is always a good idea to be cautious when installing mods and to make sure you have a backup of your game files before installing.

Functions the Skyrim Multiple Marriage Mod

  1. The Skyrim Multiple Marriage Mod allows players to marry multiple NPCs (non-player characters) in the game, rather than being limited to just one. This opens up new possibilities for role-playing and building relationships with different characters in the game.
  1. The mod also includes a new dialogue system that allows players to propose to multiple NPCs at once, and gives them the option to choose which one they want to marry. This adds an extra layer of immersion and realism to the game.
  1. The mod also includes new animations and scenes for the marriage ceremony, which makes the experience more visually engaging and immersive.
  1. The mod also includes new scripts and features to help players manage their multiple marriages, such as a new dialogue option to check on the status of their spouses, and the ability to divorce any of their spouses at any time.
  1. The mod is highly customizable, with options to control the number of spouses allowed, the ability to disable certain NPCs from being eligible for marriage, and the ability to change the dialogue options for proposing and managing marriages.

How to install Skyrim Multiple Marriage Mod?

  1. First, download the Skyrim Multi Marriage Mod from a reliable website such as Nexus Mods.
  1. Make sure you have the latest version of Skyrim installed on your computer.
  1. Next, install the mod using a mod manager such as Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer.
  1. Once the mod is installed, launch Skyrim and start a new game or load a save file.
  1. In the game, open the console by pressing the ` key and type in the command “setrelationshiprank player 4” (without the quotes) and press enter.
  1. This will enable the mod and allow you to marry multiple NPCs at once.
  1. To propose to an NPC, you will need to have a ring in your inventory and approach them with the ring equipped.
  1. Once you propose, the NPC will either accept or reject your proposal.
  1. If they accept, you will be able to marry them at the nearest Temple of Mara.
  1. Repeat the process to marry multiple NPCs at once.

Best Skyrim Multi Marriage Mod

Below are the best marriage mods that you can download:

1. Marriage Mod- To have and To hold

Marriage Mod- To have and To hold

It is a Skyrim mod that allows players to marry NPCs in the game and gain access to new dialogue options, unique quests, and shared inventory. This mod adds an immersive and realistic aspect to the game, allowing players to experience the joys and challenges of marriage in the world of Skyrim.

2. Marriage All (Love) Mod

Marriage All (Love) Mod

The ‘Marriage All (LOVE) Mod’ for Skyrim allows players to marry any NPC in the game, regardless of race or gender. This mod expands the game’s marriage options and adds more depth to player’s relationships with NPCs.

3. Free Marriage Mod

Free Marriage Mod

The Free Marriage Mod is a popular Skyrim mod that allows players to marry any NPC in the game without any limitations or requirements. This mod adds a new dialogue option to NPCs, making it easy to propose and start a new life with a companion of your choice.

4. Marriage Without Amulet of Mara SSE

Marriage Without Amulet of Mara SSE

Marriage Without Amulet of Mara SSE is a Skyrim mod that allows players to marry NPCs without the need for the Amulet of Mara. 

This mod removes the requirement for the amulet and allows for more freedom in player choice for marriage partners.

5. Dominions More Potential Marriage Candidates

Dominions More Potential Marriage Candidates

“Dominions More Potential Marriage Candidates” is a Skyrim mod that adds new NPCs to the game that can be courted and married as potential spouses.

This mod expands the pool of marriage candidates and adds more diversity to the game’s romantic options.

6. Nocturnal Marriageable Mod

Nocturnal Marriageable Mod

The “Nocturnal Marriageable Mods” is a Skyrim mod that allows players to marry the powerful and mysterious Daedric Prince, Nocturnal. The mod adds a new questline and dialogue options to propose and marry Nocturnal, adding a unique and exciting new dynamic to the game.

7. Multiple Marriages – Spouse Dress Up-Rehousing

Multiple Marriages – Spouse Dress Up-Rehousing

“Multiple Marriages – Spouse Dress Up-Rehousing” is a Skyrim mod that allows players to have multiple spouses and customize their appearance and housing. This mod adds a new level of immersion and role-playing to the game, allowing players to build their own unique households and families.

Best Children, Spouse, And Family Mods

1. Realistic Elven Children

Realistic Elven Children

The “Realistic Elven Children” mod for Skyrim adds a new level of immersion to the game by introducing realistic and detailed child NPCs of the Elven race.

This mod includes new textures, animations, and behaviors for these child characters, making them feel like a natural part of the game world. Whether you’re a player looking for a more immersive experience or a role-player looking for new characters to interact with, this mod is a must-have.

2. Deithwen – Family Edition

Deithwen – Family Edition

“Deithwen – Family Edition” is a Skyrim mod that adds a new family to the game, complete with unique dialogue, quests, and a fully-furnished home. The Deithwen family is a group of skilled warriors, each with their own unique backstory and personality.

Players can interact with the family, complete their quests, and even adopt them as followers. This mod adds depth and immersion to the game, making it feel like a living, breathing world.

3. I’m Glad You’re Here

I'm Glad You're Here

“I’m Glad You’re Here” is a Skyrim mod that adds a new questline featuring a mysterious stranger who appears in the player’s home. The quest leads the player on a journey of discovery and self-reflection, ultimately leading to the realization that the stranger is a manifestation of their own inner desires. With unique dialogue options and a deep narrative, this mod adds a new layer of immersion to the game.

4. Custom Family Home

Custom Family Home

“Custom Family Home” is a Skyrim mod that allows players to build and customize their own family home. Players can choose from various architectural styles and decor options to create a unique and personalized dwelling for their character and their family. The mod also includes new furniture and household items to add even more realism to the player’s home life.

5. RS Children Overhaul

RS Children Overhaul

“RS Children Overhaul” is a popular Skyrim mod that significantly improves the appearance and behavior of children in the game. It adds new, more realistic textures and animations, as well as new dialogue and interactions.

It also makes children more engaging and interactive, allowing players to give them gifts, play games, and even adopt them as followers. Overall, it enhances the immersion and realism of the game’s child NPCs.

6. Hearthfire: Multiple Adoptions

Hearthfire: Multiple Adoptions

Hearthfire: Multiple Adoptions is a popular Skyrim mod that allows players to adopt multiple children in the game. This mod expands on the vanilla adoption system, giving players the ability to adopt up to six children and customize their homes to accommodate them. It also adds new dialogue options and interactions, making the adoption process more immersive and realistic.

7. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

“Relationship Dialogue Overhaul” is a Skyrim mod that enhances the dialogue options between characters in the game. It adds more depth and realism to the interactions between NPCs, making them more engaging and meaningful.

With this mod, players can develop deeper relationships with NPCs, resulting in more interesting and dynamic gameplay.

8. More Gifts for Children

More Gifts for Children

“More Gifts for Children” is a Skyrim mod that adds a variety of new gifts for children to the game. These gifts range from toys and games to clothing and accessories, and can be found in various locations throughout Skyrim. With this mod, players can make their child characters even more unique and special by giving them one-of-a-kind gifts.

Best Custom Wives & Husbands Mods

1. Avrusa Sarethi

Avrusa Sarethi

The Avrusa Sarethi mod for Skyrim adds a custom spouse option, allowing players to marry the character Avrusa Sarethi. She is a skilled alchemist and offers unique dialogue and quests.

Players can also purchase a home from her and live together in it. This mod adds a deeper level of immersion and engagement to the game’s marriage system.

2. Bolrin


Bolrin is a popular mod for custom husbands in The Sims 4. It adds new features and options to the game, allowing players to create more realistic and detailed husband characters.

Apart from that, there are new clothing options, hairstyles, and facial features, as well as new animations and interactions. This mod is a must-have for players looking to create the perfect husband for their Sims.

3. Cute Argonian Spouse

Cute Argonian Spouse

“Cute Argonian Spouse” is a Skyrim mod that adds a custom Argonian wife to the game. She is a cute and adorable Argonian with a unique appearance and personality.

She can be married and will follow the player throughout their journey. She also has her own set of dialogue and interactions to make the player feel like they have a real Argonian spouse.

4. Kashim


“Kashim” is a popular mod for custom husbands in the world of video games. This mod allows players to create a unique, customizable husband character with a variety of different features and options.

Whether you’re looking for a strong, rugged warrior or a gentle, nurturing partner, Kashim has everything you need to create the perfect husband for your game.

5. Brelyna Maryon

Brelyna Maryon

This mod allows players to add Brelyna Maryon as a potential spouse for their character, complete with unique dialogue and interactions. She is known for her stunning appearance and her unique spellcasting abilities, making her a valuable addition to any player’s in-game family. With her addition, players can experience a new level of immersion and realism in their Skyrim gameplay.

6. Khagra


Khagra is a fierce and determined character, perfect for a custom husband in Skyrim. He is skilled in combat, able to wield a variety of weapons and armour with ease.

He is also a skilled hunter, able to provide food and resources for his family. Despite his fierce exterior, he is fiercely loyal and loving towards his wife and children, willing to do whatever it takes to protect them. He is a true warrior and a valuable asset to any player’s household.

7. Morinth


Morinth is a unique custom wife character for Skyrim. She is a powerful and seductive Asari warrior, known for her deadly charm and fierce combat skills. 

She is a skilled archer and wields a unique energy sword. Her unique abilities and backstory make her an intriguing and dynamic companion for players looking for a powerful and mysterious partner. 

However, be warned, Morinth has a dark secret that may make her a dangerous companion.

8. Visarra


Visarra is a custom wife character in Skyrim, known for her fierce independence and fierce loyalty. 

She is a skilled warrior and hunter, and is always willing to lend a hand to those in need. She is also a skilled cook and alchemist, and is always willing to share her knowledge with others. 

She is a strong and confident woman who is not afraid to speak her mind, and is always willing to fight for what she believes in.


Is there a mod that enables multiple marriages?

Yes, there are several mods that enable multiple marriages in Skyrim. Some popular options include “Multiple Marriages” and “Marriage Mod.” These mods allow players to marry multiple NPCs and build a larger family within the game.

Can you marry multiple partners in Skyrim?

Yes, you can marry multiple partners in Skyrim by using console commands or mods that allow for polygamy. However, it is not a feature included in the vanilla game.

How many people can you marry in Skyrim?

In Skyrim, players can marry up to one person at a time. To marry, players must first complete a specific quest or task for the NPC they wish to marry, and then speak to a priest or priestess of Mara to complete the ceremony. Players can divorce their current spouse and marry someone else.

Can you Unmarry in Skyrim?

Yes, you can unmarry in Skyrim by using the console command “removefac 10009E3” or by speaking to an NPC named Maramal, who is located in the Temple of Mara in Riften. He will offer you a quest called “Divorce” which will allow you to end your marriage and return your ring.

Who is the best to marry in Skyrim?

The best person to marry in Skyrim depends on personal preference and playstyle. Some popular choices include Aela the Huntress for her combat skills and companionship, Mjoll the Lioness for her strong personality and loyalty, and Ysolda for her trading skills and potential to become a powerful merchant. Ultimately, it is up to the player to decide who they feel would make the best partner.

Is there a divorce mod in Skyrim?

No, there is no official divorce mod in Skyrim. However, there are several fan-made mods that allow players to divorce their spouse, including the “Marriage and Divorce” mod and the “Divorce in Skyrim” mod. These mods can be found on various modding websites and can be installed through the use of a mod manager.


In conclusion, Sims 4 Multi Marriages mods are a great way to add more depth and complexity to your gameplay. These mods allow players to have multiple marriages, which can lead to interesting and unique storylines. These mods are also a great way to add more realism to the game, as many people in real life have multiple marriages. 

However, it’s important to note that these mods can be a bit buggy, so players should be prepared for potential issues. Overall, Sims 4 Multi Marriages mods are a great addition to the game for those who want to add more variety to their gameplay.

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