Sims 4 How To Gain Followers Cheats (Complete Guide) 2023
Are you over trying to create a thriving virtual community filled with devoted followers in The Sims 4? We are about to delve into the fascinating world of Sims 4 followers cheat, so there is no need to look further.
This trick can change your gaming and raise the social status of your Sims to the next level, regardless of your experience level with the Sims or where you are in your virtual life journey.
This blog post will reveal how to increase your Sims’ popularity, get more followers quickly, and obtain access to unique celebrity-only benefits. We will walk you through the process, offer the cheats, and advise you on how to get the most out of this potent weapon.
So stay tuned as we examine the ins and outs of the Sims 4 followers cheat if you are prepared to become the online influencer of your dreams. The neighbourhood is about to gossip about your Sims!
Table of Contents
How Many Followers Are Required in Sims 4 to Be Famous?

The Breaking Point Think of 10,000 followers as pivotal in your Sim’s online presence. At this point, you will start producing viral content that appeals to a larger audience. For Rank 4, or Cat Video Creator, you must reach this follower threshold.
Early Career levels:
You will go through the lower levels, such as Simstagram Searcher, Clickbait Writer, or Media Intern, before gaining 10,000 followers.
These positions require 10 to 1,000 followers. Therefore, they serve more as stepping stones than an indicator of fame.
The Ultimate Goal:
If you want to become a true Internet Superstar, be prepared for a lengthy road to 25 million followers. The social media career apex requires roughly 25 million followers.
This opens up many possibilities, including the ability to stream video games live and land lucrative sponsorships and commercials.
Financial Benefits:
Earning 500 simoleons per hour or 2,000 per day in the Social Media career after reaching Rank 10 also brings economic prosperity. You will also be able to do all of your job from home.
How To Obtain 1 Million Simstagram Followers?

1. Level 10 Charismatic Abilities And Popular Videos
The fastest approach to acquiring 1 million followers is to maximize your Sim’s Charisma abilities and produce popular videos. This is how:
Skill Building:
Spend time honing your Sim’s charismatic abilities. Conversations with the mirror should be repeatedly started until level 10. This talent will come in very handy as you pursue fame.
Produce viral content:
When your Sim’s Charisma skills reach level 10, it is time to start making videos. Sims who score highly in Charisma are likelier to create viral material that gains millions of followers. Continue posting videos consistently since gaining followers requires perseverance.
No Promises:
It is vital to remember that success is not assured, even though reaching level 10 in Charisma considerably boosts your chances of producing viral content. But if you persevere and are patient, you will eventually attain your target of 1 million followers.
2. Live Streaming Through A Drone
Live streaming using a drone is another simple and efficient way to grow your audience. You need to know the following:
Instant Follower Boost:
Using the drone to live stream can immediately increase your follower count. While live streaming, your SIM can do various things like play video games, sing, play the piano, cook, swim, or even participate in charitable live streams on a computer.
Popularity and Reputation:
Giving to a good cause while live streaming might increase your Sim’s reputation and popularity and draw more viewers.
3. Make Appearance Announcements At Venues
Gaining fans by having your SIM promote their venue visits is a great strategy. Take these actions:
Promote Public Appearances:
Inspire your Sim to make announcements about their appearance at events. Over 50,000 new followers could be acquired after each outing. The number of followers for your SIM will rise significantly if you carry out this technique often.
Utilize social media resources:
Use networking features on your computer to share memes and interact with your followers even more.
4. Making Use Of Cheat Codes
You can use cheat codes if you are trying to gain 1 million followers quickly. Here’s how to activate cheats and the particular follower cheat:
Turning on cheats:
Press SHIFT + CTRL + C on your keyboard to launch the command console and enable cheats in The Sims 4. Enter “testingcheats true” into the dialogue box. This makes cheat codes functional.
Cheat for Fans:
“stats.set_skill_level major_charisma 10” is the hack code to obtain 1 million followers instantaneously. Press SHIFT + CTRL + C to enter this code into the command console, and then type the cheat. Your Sim will gain a sizable following on Simstagram as a result.
Making Use of the Sims 4 Followers Xbox One and PS4 Cheat

Let us go over how to use the followers trick on your PS4 or Xbox One system so you can quickly increase your Sims’ online fame.
1. Activating Cheats on the PS4:
The controller’s input is:
You need a different method to enable cheats on your PS4 because you lack a keyboard.
Open the command console:
Press the four triggers on the rear of your controller simultaneously to activate the command console. The console will be enabled for cheat entry after this action.
Utilizing once cheat:
You can access the command console, manually enter the cheat code “testingcheats true”, and double-check your entry. To activate cheats in your game, you must use this command.
2. Making Use of the Sims 4 Followers Xbox One and PS4 Cheat:
Let us go over how to use the followers trick on your PS4 or Xbox One system so you can quickly increase your Sims’ online fame.
Activating Cheats on the PS4:
The controller’s input is: You need a different method to enable cheats on your PS4 because you lack a keyboard.
Open the command console:
Press the four triggers on the rear of your controller simultaneously to activate the command console. The console will be enabled for cheat entry after this action.
Entering cheat:
Once you can access the command console, manually enter the cheat code “testingcheats true” and double-check your entry. To activate cheats in your game, you must use this command.
3. City Living Expansion Pack Compatibility:
If The Sims 4: City Living expansion pack is installed on your console, all the techniques described in this article should function without a hitch. Compared to the PC version, there are no new obstacles in your path to fame.
Alternative Techniques for The Sims 4’s Follower Acquisition

Here are some different strategies to obtain followers in a meaningful way if you want to start from scratch when building your Sim’s social media following.
1. Adding Photos to Simstagram:
To use this technique, connect your in-game phone, take pictures, and post the images to Simstagram.
The critical thing to remember is that if you upload the same photo often, you will steadily get followers. It is a technique that successfully “games” the system and virtually always ensures success.
2. Create a profile on social media:
Improve your profile as soon as possible if you are already pursuing a career in social media. You can gain 15 to 20 followers for any change you make to your profile, such as updating your status.
You are free to make frequent adjustments to your profile since there is no restriction on how often you can change it.
3. Send humour to your followers:
One of the best and least dangerous techniques to get followers is to send jokes to your audience via computer. You can gain more than 100 followers with each funny post or mark, which is significant.
4. RecognizeRecognizeired skill set:
You must know that various social media job path levels have different skill requirements. Your work success and how others perceive you depend heavily on your skills.
Because skill development takes time, some players may employ cheats to speed up the process. However, naturally, watching your Sim mature and acquire new skills can be rather satisfying.
With the followers cheating, gaining virtual fame and followers in The Sims 4 has never been simpler. For gamers wanting immediate success, this thorough guide provides a step-by-step plan for becoming social media stars.
We examine early career levels like Simstagram Searcher and Clickbait Writer, starting at the crucial 10,000-foll milestone before progressively advancing to the ultimate objective of 25 million followers as an Internet Superstar. Live streaming and expensive sponsorships are among the alluring benefits.
Alternative strategies are presented for people who value authenticity, like posting photos to Simstagram, improving social media profiles, and sending jokes to followers. Skills are essential to the journey because they provide a sense of success through developing innate talents.
We provide instructions for turning on cheats for PS4 and Xbox One so console users are kept caught up. In The Sims 4, achieving fame and popularity is possible, offering an exciting virtual journey that will have the neighbourhood talking about your Sim’s ascent to stardom. Enjoy the process of becoming a phenomenon on social media!
You cannot directly cheat in The Sims 4 to increase Social Bunny’s following. The Sims’ social media professions are mostly linked to followers in the game. Social Bunny is a fictional character who occasionally assists lonely Sims; unlike Sims, they do not have a social media presence or followers. As a result, there are no cheats or tricks to get more people to follow the Social Bunny because it is not a game feature.