Kenku 5e | Race For Dungeons & Dragons D&d – Guide (2023) 5th Edition
The Kenku 5e is an unusual species with some fascinating oddities in terms of theme. These are spectral copies. Therefore, they lack imagination. They can imitate noises and thoughts. Since, they lack their personalities and are incapable of devising their schemes. It presents a fascinating gaming challenging problem. However, how can you play games that rely so heavily on intelligent thought when your avatar can regurgitate concepts?
Table of Contents
What exactly is Kenku?
Kenku is a terrible human bird species. The curse, inflicted on by its treachery of their heavenly lord, has taken away their capacity to flight (a welcome respite for any DM) and their ability to communicate without employing their Imitative characteristic.
Kenku Racial Traits
Many Kenku race 5e is embarked according to their expeditions in the hopes of one day becoming able to fly again. Kenku race 5e excels in penetration and illegal operations. However, he is a practitioner of subtlety and Mimicry.
- Size: Most species’ average height is moderate. Therefore, which is neither excellent nor bad.
Kenku has a typical running limit of 30 feet.
- Expert Forgery: This is a somewhat lackluster attribute. However, rather than winning immediately, you only get an edge when you seek to manufacture copies and forgeries. Since, if you’re desperate for cash. You could consistently manufacture replicas of expensive objects and sell them. However, understand that you’ll need to have the correct tool (i.e., you need a Forgery Kit).
- Kenku Instruction: Two complementary talents is lovely. Since the abilities all function well with a cunning character. Three of the four possible powers are DEX skills, making them excellent choices considering Kenku traning +2 DEX advantage.
- Mimicry: Although, mimicry is a very unusual racial feature that is extremely difficult to describe. D and D Kenku can only communicate by mimicking noises they’ve heard, which may make for fascinating roleplay. Mimicry, in the worst scenario, might be a significant irritation at your table. Mimicry might be a valuable addition to your company based on handling this characteristic with your DM. If you like being covert or performing little penetration, getting creative with Mimicry might go a long way.
- Languages: D and D Kenku comprehends Common and Auran. However, this tribe could only communicate using the Mimicry.

Which Classes are compatible with Kenku?
DEX is a common ability score boost. Since, it combines with Kenku’s characteristics to form a complete stealth package. Even for heroes who do not depend on WIS to aid with the average incidence of WIS save throws, DEX paired with WIS works effectively. Any character that wishes to focus on DEX and gain from being sly would enjoy playing as a Kenku 5th edition.
- Kenku Artificer: To be effective, artificers must have INT.
- Kenku Barbarians: It requires STR to be successful.
- Kenku Bard: Bards prefer the CHA bonus for their abilities. While, DEX might be useful for such a melee Bard construct. Hence, the reality that Bards concentrate on CHA makes it even more effective.
- Kenku Cleric: DEX-based priests may be mighty, and the WIS boost here is ideal for spellcasting. Choose a Domain that doesn’t worry about body armor, like the Trickery Kingdom or the Lite Domain, to get out in front of a Kenku Cleric.
- Kenku Druid: Since, druids prefer quite so much WIS as practicable, but a +1 boost is sufficient. DEX is beneficial for increasing survival. Aside from that, there’s not much to look forward to as a Kenku Druid.
- Kenku Fighter: DEX is as competitive as STR for Fighter. Therefore, going with the Kenku will cost you nothing. The Kenku’s distinct racial characteristics will liven up some less technically fascinating classes. However, Kenkus make great covert attackers.
- Kenku Monk: Both abilities score boosts are perfectly in the Monk’s core. The ethnic qualities lend a wonderful covert twist to the type. Since, a mainly quiet monk seems like a unique taste.
- Kenku Paladin: Paladins may be effective when their concentration is already on DEX. However but their WIS is mostly squandered and would show in CON or CHA.
- Kenku Ranger: DEX and WIS were what the Warrior is seeking, much like the Kenku Monk. The Ranger can bridge the gap between themselves and sneaky Cheaters by utilizing the Kenku’s ethnic qualities.
- Kenku Rogue: Rogues are the archetype of the sly character, and Kenkus thrive at it. Is it possible to have many more cloaking options?
- Kenku Sorcerer: To achieve efficiency, sorcerers must have CHA.
- Kenku Warlocks: It requires CHA to be successful.
- Kenku Wizards: It requires INT to be powerful.
DnD 5e Kenku Classes Options
The Kenku stats and free skill capabilities allow them to excel in a wide range of positions. However, their somewhat stable type and absence of subcategories make things more useful in specific categories than many others.
5e Kenku Good Class
5e Kenku best classes are as follow
- Cleric: Kenku d&d Clerics are pretty awesome. You will use your Dexterity to supplement your Medium Armor AC.
- Druid: Hence, the Druid Kenku was influential in the same way as a Cleric is. You receive the substantial numbers, the added proficiencies, and some strange utility.
- Fighter: A good pick for a Fighter with a concentration on Dexterity. Your skillset will underutilize, yet your great Dexterity will keep them going.
- Monk: Your statistics are ideal for typical Monk setups. Therefore, you get new skills, such as Stealth, which improves your usefulness.
- Ranger: Therefore, rangers have excellent ranged builds. Because of the Archer Style Of fighting, and the Kenku facilitates this.
- Rogue: The Kenku d&d renders the Rogue ineffective. You begin with seven abilities (including your Background) that allow you to handle a wide range of circumstances.
Kenku 5e Bad Classes
- Artificer: Dexterity and extra skill proficiency are both beneficial to the Spellcaster. However, the Kenku Artificer’s material will lag further behind. Both these streamer choices without increasing Intellect.
- Barbarian: Without power, there is no charter. Since, Barbarians aren’t brutal to process with. Especially if you have got a mains Barbarian.
- Bard: It is a close second.
- Paladin: Paladins rely much too heavily on Strength and Charisma to start making a Kenku Paladin valuable.
- Sorcerer: The same issue as a bard.
- Warlock: Charisma is hugely beneficial to a Warlock.
- Wizard: Wizard Kenkus gained from Dexterity and extroversion.
Tabaxi vs. Kenku
There is a massive overlap between the Kenku and the Tabaxi. Their ability goal rises are comparable, and they receive equal skill proficiency. Nevertheless, minor differences allow one must outperform. Another depending on the requirements of the lecture or development.
5e Kenku Names
Barker, Chewing, Clapper, Duck Quacks, Gnasher, Lute String, Mallet Smash, Mauler, Panda Sneeze, Potion Crash, Rat Squeak, Scrubber, Splitter, Tree Creak.
Kenku Features
- Size Medium
- Type Humanoid
- Speed 30 ft
- Vision Low-light vision
- Language’s Auran, Common, Kenku
- Average Height 4’6″ to 5’10”
- Height Modifier + (1d6″)
- Average Weight 52 to 148 lb.
- Weight Modifier + (1d20) lb
- Favor Climate Temperate
- Kenku Training: Proficiency in Acrobatics, Deception, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand
- Ability Score Bonuses: +2 to DEX, +1 to WIS
Culture Of Kenku
The actual roots of the kenku training are unknown (conflicting lore among versions). The kenku began as an appropriate seagull with wingtips, artistic minds, and even their speech.
- APPEARANCE OF KENKU: However, Kenku, unlike many other 5e races, have a restricted appearance. Except for aarakocra, who describes as “like a bird,” kenku have such firmly raven-like looks.
- Kenku description: Kenku was possibly shorter than the average person. Those who were lightweight, their size even though their joints were partly empty, weighing only 34 kilos on average.
- Kenku Speech: Kenku’s distinct way of speaking is likely the race’s most excellent recognizable characteristic. Starting to play with this restriction tries to draw many gamers to the Kenku. However, Tabaxi or the Wood Elf, that also offer better based on race traits. Therefore many gamers, nevertheless, misunderstand how well Kenku’s speech mechatronics operate.
- Personality: Kenku were coy, ego, and wily life forms by nature. Those who tend to hold impartial or opposing viewpoints and behaviors. The large percentage were morally corrupt. But were genuine impartial and great kenku might discover among friends.
- Skills: A kenku effectively mimicked a wide range of noise sources, voices, and pronunciations.
- Society: Kenku lived in tight-knit gang members, family units, or clans known as “flocks.” Such flocks were wary of strangers, including other kenku. They built aeries, which were hidden from view and often closed significant cities.
The Kenku 5e is among the most intriguing racial groups available in 5E. Mimicry is fantastic, and you will have excellent power characteristics and a solid statline. Kindly give it a shot at the next moment. Therefore, a d&d Kenku Cleric could be the most enjoyable building projects you’ll ever play!