Sims 4 Surrogate Mod

Best Sims 4 Surrogate & Pregnancy Mods (Download) 2023

Virtual people, or “sims,” may explore surrogate pregnancies in the world of simulated life for various reasons. Like in real life, several factors could influence a sim to select a surrogate pregnancy:

  • Individual fertility Issues: This occurs when a sim cannot conceive or carry a pregnancy.
  • Life Priorities: When sims must prioritize other facets of their lives, such as work or travel, a surrogate must bear their pregnancy.
  • Solo Pregnancy: This option is for single Sims who cannot conceive independently.
  • Personal Preference: When a sim chooses not to carry a child physically.

Players can learn more about surrogate pregnancies through the sophisticated addon known as the Surrogate Mod to the simulation experience. Here is a detailed explanation of how this mod works:

1. Having a Child Through Surrogacy

Having a Child Through Surrogacy

This mod’s primary goal is to make it possible for playable Sims to become pregnant through surrogate Sims. If your sim has a love partner, they must get their consent to start the process.

You can choose the partner’s response from a conversation box that will appear, influencing the subsequent reactions and mood elevations. If pop-ups are turned off, the game will randomly decide on your behalf.

You can use the feature by choosing your sim and going to Family and Pregnancy Alternate Pregnancy Have a Baby through a Surrogate.

Your sim contacts the Agency of Surrogate Mothers as a result. The window for choosing a sim who will carry the pregnancy will appear. You can then pick a surrogate from the available alternatives.

Your sim will then get a call from the selected surrogate introducing themselves. You can ask the surrogate to come over so she can meet them and, if you want, feel the child.

The surrogate will eventually offer to tell you the baby’s gender, which you can accept or reject as time goes on. You can ask about the baby’s gender while the surrogate is here if they are.

You will receive a notification when the surrogate is prepared to deliver the baby when the time comes. They can choose to give birth at your house or elsewhere, and you can pick up the child later.

Invite the surrogate to your home, click on them, and choose “Ask About Pregnancy Progress (Ready to Give Birth).” It would be best if you warmly welcome the newborn once they are born. 

The surrogate briefly moves into your home during labor but leaves when the birth is finished. In contrast, if you allow the surrogate to give birth on her own, invite her over later, start the “Ask About Pregnancy Progress (Already Gave Birth)” conversation, and the surrogate will bring the child, growing your family.

2. Employing NPCs to Carry the Baby of Played Sims

Employing NPCs to Carry the Baby of Played Sims

The following are possible steps in the artificial insemination procedure for surrogate pregnancies:

  • Your sim will be the biological parent if they can become pregnant.
  • If your sim partner can become pregnant, that person becomes the biological parent.
  • The lab chooses a sample to start the surrogate’s pregnancy when neither the sim nor the partner can become pregnant.

When both partners contribute to the couple seeking surrogacy, genetics are identical to those of the egg and sperm donors. The Sim Profile illustrates relational dynamics outside of blood links, whereas the family tree depicts genetic heritage.

Soon after the process begins, the surrogate will call your sim to introduce them to them while she is pregnant. Your sim can invite the surrogate to bond with them, feel the child, or hang around anytime.

Another phone call offers to reveal the baby’s gender as the pregnancy progresses. Your sim can ask the surrogate about the baby’s gender when they come, thanks to the invitation.

If the NPC’s pregnancy’s two-day waiting time seems excessively long, you can speed things up by preparing them for an immediate birth. When choosing the sim who started the NPC surrogacy process, go to “Pregnancy and Family” and “Status” to accomplish this.

Your sim will be alerted as the birthing time draws near. There are two options:

Option 1:

Invite the surrogate to your home and utilize the “Ask about Pregnancy Progress (Ready to Give Birth)” interaction to have her give birth there.

The surrogate will give birth and briefly reside in your home for the duration of providing delivery, after which she will leave.

You must be on your sim’s home lot to use this approach. Your sim must start the “Welcome New Baby” interaction once the baby is born.

Option 2:

Give the surrogate more time to give birth off-screen. Invite them to bring the baby over after that.

The interaction “Ask about Pregnancy Progress (Already Gave Birth)” verifies the delivery and authorizes the surrogate to transport the child. There is nothing more to do.

Important Notes to Remember–

  • Baby icon skin tones occasionally change due to a known game bug unrelated to the mod. This may impact surrogate-born children. For further information, see EA’s bug report.
  • Even though the mod’s design forbids a sim from starting an NPC surrogate process while their spouse is already in the middle of one, a bug could cause the interaction to show up still and do nothing when selected.
  • The NPC surrogate pregnancy period of two days decreases player waiting. During this stage, the pregnancy’s duration remains unchanged. After it is done, the NPC is invited to give birth by the player, avoiding issues with other mods’ unique pregnancy times.

3. Taking on the Role of Another Sim (Advanced User)

Sims can extend the most extraordinary gift by acting as others’ surrogates. Though it’s not required, Sims should consult their partner about the choice, if applicable.

When your sim is prepared to begin surrogacy, go to Family and Pregnancy Alternate Pregnancy Carry a Baby for Others to access the option.

Your sim is then prompted to contact the Agency of Surrogate Mothers before visiting the lab for the impregnation process.

Your sim can also sign up with the Agency to receive arbitrary surrogacy inquiries.

After becoming pregnant, your sim can interact with the parents, enabling them to form bonds with the child and communicate specifics about the pregnancy.

When the time comes for birth, your sim will either give birth off-screen (if not the active sim) or at home.

Use the Family and Pregnancy Alternate Pregnancy Send Surrogate Child to Its Parents option once the baby is born to ensure it is delivered to the appropriate family.

Your sims can investigate the complex world of pregnancy and parenthood by using the Surrogate Mod, which opens up a wide range of new opportunities and alternate family dynamics.


The Surrogate Mod gives the virtual world an alluring new layer and gives sims access to various options besides conventional pregnancies.

Similar to real life, several situations and personal preferences, such as difficulties with conception, obligations in real life, being a single parent, or personal preferences, lead to surrogate pregnancies in sims. By taking a nuanced approach to these events, this mod allows players to consider many routes to parenthood.

The update gives playable Sims the ability to have surrogate pregnancies, which adds realism and complexity to the simulation. The complex mechanics of getting a partner’s agreement, choosing surrogates, and going through many birth situations give the virtual parenting experience reality.

The mod’s dedication to providing a thorough and exciting gameplay experience is demonstrated by the incredible attention to detail, including genetics, interactions, and post-birth processes.

Players interact with the Surrogate Mod by navigating a complicated web of feelings and choices that mirror the complexity of real-life reproductive decisions. This mod enhances the simulation environment by provoking players to consider the complex nature of parenthood. 

With its cutting-edge features and information about surrogate pregnancies, this mod adds a fresh perspective to The Sims 4, encouraging users to embrace unusual family structures and deepen their understanding of parenthood in virtual and physical worlds.


Can you get a surrogate in The Sims 4?

Yes, you can get a surrogate in The Sims 4.

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