41 Best Sims 4 Traits Mods & CC (All Free) Download – 2023
Are you also tired of the same traits in every sim you come across in the game? I can guarantee you that at least one or two attributes of your character match that of another, which makes the entire gameplay slightly boring.
But don’t worry, we have got a list of some of the best Sims 4 traits mods and CCs that would add that touch of zing to your game and also bring in a surprise element because you would notice new quirks and discover a lot more about the characteristics you chose for your avatar.
Table of Contents
List of Best Traits Mods
Here’s a list of some of the most excellent mods and custom content that you’ll come across, so let’s take a look.
1. Alcoholic Trait

This is quite a dark but fun attribute for your character because their life would be dependent on alcohol entirely. Drinking so much alcohol would eventually lead to bouts of depression from time to time, and alcohol is the only way for them to feel good. So you see, it’s a never ending loop. You can either help them control this habit of theirs or let them obsess over it; it’s up to you.
2. Lot Traits

Customizing your lot is pretty essential, right? It makes the gameplay even more fun when you have a beautiful town or city full of banks, bakeries, or other such features that you want. There are so many options to choose from that it’ll make the game more exciting and engrossing.
3. Lifestyle Traits

Want to make changes to your avatar’s lifestyle? Well, this cc would add 4 new lifestyle attributes to the game, out of which two are political. You can make your character either support the Republican or Democrat parties and apart from that, it includes All Rounder and Mediator characteristics as well.
4. Hobby Traits

Hobbies are quite important to add more depth to your character’s personality; therefore, this mod incorporates 4 new habits for you to choose from, such as the Bar Drinker attribute. This means they’ll occasionally have a drink, unlike the alcoholic option above. You can also get your sim hobbies, like Chess Lover, Coffee Lover, and Beauty Lover. You can add these to your character’s personality as soon as they are born.
5. Bossy Trait

As the name suggests, your character would get superior to others attitude, which eventually leads them to boss other sims around. This adds an even better sense of realism because we do come across such people in our life as well. These avatars would be annoying, but not all attributes are good.
6. Handsome Trait

If you want your characters to look handsome and to be known for their appearance, then this is the characteristic for you. Your sim would be able to make friends easily and would have women fawning over them. However, you can make your character’s good looks work for the greater good; after all, you have an influential power over your fan following. So it’s up to you.
7. Autism

Now, this is quite an inclusive trait because you can play with an autistic character, which would have quirks, such as doing an activity repeatedly, lacking social skills, and only talking about a few topics to others. It makes everything more realistic and better because of the depth in gameplay that it adds. So download this cc now.
8. Arrogant

First bossy, and now arrogant. Even though these characteristics might not be your go-to ones, they are still interesting to add because everyone isn’t perfect, and including some flaws make your sim more human-like. Arrogant characters are confident and cannot tolerate failure at all. Their status would be negatively affected whenever they fail or embarrass themselves in front of others.
9. Feminine and Manly

The name of this attribute might have given away what it’s all about. A manly character can feel confident and a female avatar can feel happier, making them more in touch with their roots as a person. Also, their status change might also happen based on random factors, so do give this traits cc a try. There won’t be any major changes in their attributes, though.
10. Blessed and Cursed

Players have the option to either choose the blessed or the cursed characteristic for their sim and based on that your character might make their life heavenly or completely hell. No matter what you decide to opt for, we can guarantee you that it’ll be fun and amusing for you.
11. Farmer Trait

This attribute allows your sim to learn gardening and fishing at 2 times the speed and would also receive several buffs and whims related to outdoor activities. There are so many features that come along with this traits mod, such as talking about their love for vegetables and horses as well. It’d help a lot with the Cottage Living pack significantly.
12. Emotional Traits

Now, let’s talk about this traits bundle, which has several emotions, like –
- insecure trait
- arrogant trait
- calm trait
- stoic trait
- perky trait
- restless trait
- egghead trait
- daydreamer trait
Get ready for a character who feels extremely and intensely as compared to other avatars. It’ll also make it difficult for them to make friends with others.
13. Misery Traits

After emotional attributes, let’s discuss characteristics that are negative in nature, and they are –
- dry skin trait
- alien hater trait
- fame jealous trait
- hates vampires trait
- allergic to dogs trait
- chronic headaches trait
- seasonal affective disorder trait
- hay fever trait
- can’t stand cold trait
- hates heat trait
You no longer need to feel like every character is too perfect because the game also becomes monotonous if the avatars are too good to be true. So add a little drama through this modification.
14. Agoraphobia

This is a phobia that even people in real life face, so it’s quite an excellent addition to the Sims 4 traits mods. Whenever your sim would be away from home, they’d feel stressed and might even encounter panic attacks because of social anxiety. It’ll be a cause of concern to the players, but that’s what gives something new to look forward to when you have to maneuver through this phobia of theirs.
15. Adult Traits

When it comes to this traits mod pack, you can rest assured that you’re going to have a great time while playing because it adds the following attributes –
- sub trait
- dom trait
- slut trait
- pregnant trait
- horny trait
However, this is not all. Along with these qualities, you’ll also get 3 additional aspirations for your avatar, isn’t that amazing?
16. Spa Day

There are two attributes that come with this option: health nut and high maintenance. This cc would help you make use of your Sims 4 Spa Day pack to the fullest because visiting spas would be rewarding now. If your character has the health nut quality, they will gain positive moodlets whenever they do yoga or drink teas. Whereas sims with high maintenance quality won’t be able to make a career in laborious careers, such as military, fast food, manual labor, etc., but they can be great at other professions.
17. Pastry Lover

As is already clear by the name of this mod, your sim would be better at gourmet cooking and baking as compared to other characters because of their love for pastries. They’d gain 3 social interactions and 10 buffs with this attribute. In addition, if your avatar has a career in fields related to cooking or baking, then this trait would be a cherry on top.
18. Deaf Trait

If you’re in the mood for a unique storyline, then this cc is perfect for you because your character would be deaf in the game, which would make up for quite a distinctive character. This option comes with 188 new buffs, which is a lot, and 11 new interactions, such as sign language, hearing aid, and so on. It’s also an excellent choice because it includes the disabled community and makes them a part of the game as well.
19. Shy Trait

Now, this would make things slightly challenging for the players because, as a shy sim, your character’s social, comedy, and charisma skills would progress at a 0.2x speed as compared to the normal 1x speed. Bonding with humans is difficult for them, but it’s the opposite with animals. Also, whenever your avatar communicates to someone through their phone or computer, they’d receive positive buffs. It’s one of my favorite custom traits till now because it’s quite relatable.
20. Zodiac Signs

How can we not list this custom content in the list? It’s one of the most popular mods because it’s inspired by the zodiac signs feature in Sims 2. Your characters would act as per their zodiac; for instance, if your avatar’s a Virgo, they’ll clean the house frequently since they are organized and neat. It’s amusing and entertaining because there are a lot of whims that are added to it as well. You can find it in the rewards store.
21. Eating Disorders

As you must know, eating disorders is a serious matter in the real world, and it has now become a part of the virtual world as well with attributes such as –
- Binge Eating Disorder
- Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Picky Eater
You can download this mod only if it isn’t triggering for you. It would add a unique touch to the gameplay.
22. Shutterbug Trait

You guessed it right, the avatars with this characteristic are obsessed with clicking pictures of every little thing. They have an emotional connection with the photographs they click, and it also helps them earn good money. They’d also progress in learning skills faster than others and gain buffs whenever they photograph something. It’s quite a wholesome attribute, honestly.
23. Beach Lover

There aren’t any personality changes due to this attribute, but it makes your avatar love the beach and the sound of the ocean. Also, they’d prefer to stay in a tropical region, near the sea. You’d gain new social interactions, such as talking about the beach and sharing your views about it. In addition, activities like sunbathing, going to the beach, diving in the ocean, and so on would help you gain buffs. Being a beach person is quite normal, so it was essential to add it to the virtual world too.
24. Hates Outdoors

A lot of introverted players might relate to this characteristic because it makes their gaming avatar hate the outdoors, and you’ll never see them enjoying nature or going on adventures. In fact, they’d receive an uncomfortable moodlet, “Plagued by Nature,” if they do venture outside. So if you’re planning on making them learn skills, such as archaeology, etc., which require being outdoors, then it’d take a lot of time for them to progress in it.
25. Feminist

We’ve all heard this term a lot in recent times and would hopefully continue to hear it, so why should the Sims 4 be left behind on such an important social cause? You can now turn your character into a feminist who fights for women’s rights and equality. There are 13 new buffs and 7 new interactions that you can enjoy along with this option. It’ll also bring forth some distinctive flavor to your game.
26. Child Exclusive Traits

Now, you can download exclusive characteristics for your child sim with this mod, which comes with 8 attributes –
- Bolt
- Fretful
- Gigglemeister
- Rocket
- Sensitive
- Sweetie
- Seluth
- Tattletale
Some of these characteristics might even award your sims with confident or inspired moodlets, and all depth to your character’s personality growth.
27. University Trait

Those with the Discover University pack would enjoy this quality the most because it includes Coffee Addict, Frat Boy, Sorority Girl, Studious, and Cognitively Impaired attributes. These traits have their own quirks, such as a sim who is a coffee addict would become restless if they don’t drink coffee for 12 hours. Frat boys only think about partying and socializing; sorority girls are able to befriend people easily, the studious sim dedicates their time to studying, while the cognitively impaired have extraordinary personalities.
28. Teen Lifestyle

This is one of the most excellent trait packs that you’ll come across because it offers more than attributes to the players. There are a lot of teen related updates that you gain after downloading this cc, such as 4 new aspirations, 2 teen careers, and a lot trait. The characteristics it includes are –
- Band Nerd
- Bully
- Emo
- Heartbreaker
- Innocent
- Jock
- Nerd
- Prankster
So, if you have a teen sim in the household, you cannot miss out on this gem of a mod.
29. Eternal Youth and Immortal

If you want to make your gaming experience endless with the same avatar, then this is an ideal choice for you because this feature stops your character from aging and makes them immortal. So you can enjoy as many challenges, game packs, and so on because your avatar would live on forever. The Eternal Youth option would only prevent death due to age, but if you hurt or injure yourself gravely, the grim reaper would pay you a visit. The Immortal option, though, would stop death due to other accidents, but your sim would continue aging.
30. Add More CAS Traits

Now, this more traits mod in the CAS is a necessity because, without this, you can only add any 3 attributes to your avatar’s personality, but with this mod, there’s no limit to the number of qualities a single sim might possess. This makes your sim more realistic and complex, just like the humans in real life. This cc is updated frequently and is compatible with both PC and Mac. There are a few prerequisites, though, so keep them in mind before downloading it.
31. Awakened Mind Trait

Have you ever wished for your character to be Super Sim? Well, now it’s possible because this quality allows them to master every skill, aspiration, social situation, and so on, making them the best at everything. Their mind would be no comparison to others as they’d learn things faster, would be able to function on less sleep, and never feel uncomfortable or embarrassed in a social situation. You should undoubtedly give this a try.
How do you download Sims 4 traits mods?
Here’s how you can download traits mods –
- Download the mod you want.
- Now, drag the .package file to the Mods folder.
- Start the game, and all the trait mods you downloaded will appear.
These were some of the most popular or must download Sims 4 traits mods that would change the way you play the game and would also offer a different perspective regarding your gaming character.
There are so many more such qualities that you can try out, and the options are endless, so give some of the options mentioned above a try, and then maybe explore some more of these custom content and mods.