Sims 4 Twins Cheat

Sims 4 How To Have Twins Cheat (Complete Guide) 2024

Welcome to our blog, where we explore The Sims 4’s fascinating universe and reveal its mysteries. We’re about to reveal a cheat code for the Sims 4 twins that will fulfill every Sim player’s fantasy. Are you prepared to increase the turmoil and delight in your virtual homes twofold? 

This cheat will enable the enchanted ability to ensure the delivery of twins, whether you’re a novice player looking for a little more difficulty or an experienced player ready to grow your Sim family. Join us as we explore the details of this cheat code and offer advice on maximising your Sim parenting experience. Prepare to welcome two adorable babies into your virtual world as we explore the fascinating Sims 4 twins cheat.

How to activate cheats in Sims 4?

How to activate cheats in Sims 4?

You must enable cheats in your game to utilize the twin’s cheat in The Sims 4. Don’t worry; we’ll walk you through it; it’s a straightforward process. Just carry out these actions.

Step 1: Press and hold your keyboard’s SHIFT, CTRL, and C buttons to bring up the console command window. (Mac users should press CMD instead of SHIFT.) Press the four triggers on the rear of your controller if you’re using a console.

Step 2: Enter “testingcheats true” in the command console box. The Sims 4’s default cheat code enables the use of all other cheats—including the twin’s cheat—this. This code must be entered first for cheats to function.

Step 3: Finally, hit ENTER. After finishing this step, you’ll get a notification saying that cheats are now enabled in your game. You can add the twins cheat for The Sims 4 when you see this message.

You may use the twins cheat and take advantage of the fascinating complexities of rearing twins in your Sim world by simply following these easy steps.

How to have twins in Sims 4 (without cheats)

How to have twins in Sims 4

There are ways for players to affect the outcome and raise the odds of getting a specific gender or numerous offspring in The Sims 4, even if the likelihood of having multiple births is minimal. Here are a few techniques you can use:

1. Purchase a Fertile Reward

The current Sim’s odds of successfully completing the “Try for Baby” action are increased by the Fertile reward trait, which is sold in the Satisfaction Rewards Store. The non-birth parent, such as a male Sim partnered with the pregnant Sim, also benefits from this characteristic.

2. Give Your Sim a Fertility Massage

Players can give fertility massages to Sims equipped with The Sims 4 Spa Day game pack, a massage table, and a Level Nine wellness skill. These massages increase fertility and give the receiving Sim a “fertility boost” feeling. Playing “Try for Baby” increases the likelihood of multiple deliveries when this emotion is present.

3. Utilize the Lot On The Ley Trait

This lot trait, unique to the City Living expansion pack, raises the possibility of multiple births when Sims conceive on the lot with this trait.

4. Include a Wishing Well

The Romantic Garden Stuff pack allows users to add a wishing well to their Sim’s home. The wishing well’s presence can improve fertility for the Sims residing on the lot.

Players can increase their odds of having multiple births or have a more significant impact on the gender of their Sims’ offspring by using these in-game tools and techniques. Try these tactics out and see how your Sim family changes in fun and unexpected ways!


A game-changing innovation that gives your Sim households a whole new level of excitement and difficulty is the Sims 4 twins cheat. Using this cheat code, you can ensure twin births, tripling the fun and mayhem in your virtual environment. 

This trick offers countless opportunities, whether you want to grow your Sim family or look for a distinctive gaming experience. The Sims 4 twins cheat brings up an entirely new world of gameplay and storytelling, allowing players to take care of the needs of two infants and observe the dynamic interactions between identical siblings. 

Use the cheat sensibly and enjoy the lovely mayhem that twins bring to your virtual existence, but remember to do so.


Why are twins cheat not working?

Please be aware that various cheats, notably the twin’s cheat, were turned off with the release of Sims 4: Seasons. You’ll need to use a mod to enable the Twins to hack if you’re having difficulties getting it to function, and installing the AllCheats Mod, allowing the Twins to cheat and other disabled cheats, is your best option. You’ll be able to experience the thrill of having twins in your Sims 4 games once more once the mod is installed.

Is there a cheat to have twins on Sims 4?

Yes, there is a cheat to have twins on Sims 4.

Can you have Science Baby twins or triplets in The Sims 4?

You can have Science baby twins or triplets in the Sims 4. A new feature in the most recent Sims 4 update lets same-sex couples and friends not in a romantic connection have a “Science Baby.” This implies that they can now conceive a kid together using medical technology. A science baby’s outcome is random, including the likelihood of having twins or triplets.

How do you get twins or triplets in Sims 4 cheat?

The cheat code “sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor” in The Sims 4 can swiftly induce labor and welcome your new child if you’re anxious to grow your family. Enter the code, and your Sim will instantly become a mother of four! After that, you may choose the gender of each baby by clicking on one while pressing the SHIFT key to open the CAS menu and change it to your liking. In no time, savor the joy of a growing family!

How do you get the twin’s lot trait in Sims 4?

There isn’t a particular “twins lot trait” accessible in The Sims 4. Twins or multiple births can result from various circumstances, including in-game choices and the characteristics of the Sims involved. You can use specific strategies to enhance your odds of having twins, such as the Fertile reward trait, a fertility massage, or getting pregnant on a lot with the On the Ley Line lot trait. Even though these techniques can increase the likelihood of multiple births, they do not give players a specific “twins lot trait” in the game.

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