Custom Sims 4 Furniture CC

Custom Sims 4 Furniture CC & Mods (Must Have) Download (2023)

Sims 4 has some of the best features and graphics. The game is all about making it look as realistic and detailed as possible. In Sims 4, the creators highly focus on its infrastructure and its details. They try their best to offer mods that will make your commercial and residential places look as similar to real-life as possible. Many unique furniture mods are available in the game that changes how your houses, restaurants, airports, hospitals, etc. look. With so many of these cc available, it may become challenging to pick the best ones. Therefore, to make this easier for you, here is a list of some of the best Sims 4 furniture cc:

Best Sims 4 furniture cc

Alisa Desk Chair by Severinka

This is a great furniture mod which will give you some lovely desk chairs. They have some very aesthetic colours that you can use for your offices and even for classy houses. The fabric of these chairs is velvet, and they have metal legs. They look very fancy and sleek and are great for any use.

alisa desk chair by severinka

Blackberry Dining Room by Neinahpets

This dining room is a set of some amazingly styled tables and chairs. They have an ancient vintage and rustic vibe to them. They also look very realistic and delicate. These are great if you want to use them in your house.

blackberry dinning room by neinahpets

Cabinet (Natural Wood) by Rrtt@4

This is the cabinet which is made of wood. It is one the best Sims 4 furniture cc. The cabinet is very sleek and stylish. It is mainly recommended for residential and commercial spaces. The cabinet is also made of the natural world before it looks very light when used. You can use this for many purposes or even just as storage or an additional deck piece in your house.

cabinet (natural wood) by rrtt@4

Calligraphik Bedroom by Pilar

This Sims 4 furniture cc is a beautiful bedroom set of furniture. It has some fantastic wood accents. The table is also naturally well and will make your room look big and airy. It is also very functional and will give your house an expensive modern look.

calligraphik bedroom by pilar

Chic Gym Console by SimSpaces

Gym consoles are very rare to find in the game. However, this is a gym console mod that you can get. It is very functional and has a lot of space in it. Please use it as a storage unit. It’s also very modern and stylish and will make your room look very new. If you have any place that you need to fill up, then you can use this console

chic gym console by simspaces

Christmas Bedroom by Severinka

This Christmas bedroom is great for the festive season. You can use this furniture Sims 4 mod to transform your room and make it Christmas themed entirely. With the help of this mod, your room will be decorated with some great Christmas lights and a Christmas tree. You will also get some beautiful decorations, fuzzy rugs along with a bunch of goodies, a stocking and also a few candles

christmas bedroom by severinka

Clark Toddler Bed by Onyxium

If you are a parent to a toddler son, this Sims 4 custom furniture cc is perfect for you. With the help of the cc, you will get a charming bed for your toddler. It is very comfortable and is excellent for your baby as it is very soft. There are also many different colours available, along with some blankets.

clark toddler bed by onyxium

Country Collection by Harrie

The custom furniture country collection will give you some fantastic furniture foil apartments. These are very realistic pieces of furniture that you will find in your own homes. They are very functional and practical pieces to add to your houses. It will also give you a few beds, lights, curtains, floors, side tables, and many more. If you want a primary home that looks good, this mod is perfect for you.

country collection by harrie

Cosy Knits Bedding by Peacemaker

Your bedding can completely change the whole look of your bed. Therefore you must get some good and stylish bed sheets and blankets. With the help of this mod, you will get some very cosy knit blankets and very soft bed sheets. These bed sheets are great for the winters and a comfortable environment in your room. It also has some fantastic neutral colours that will make your room look very homely.

cosy knits bedding by peacemaker

Demez Study by Jomsims

This is a charming study table that you can put into your room. It has some fantastic colours with a lot of details. It also uses colours which will make your room look very lively and bright. The desk is made of excellent materials and has excellent storage space

demez study by jomsims

Dining Room Kit by Maxsus:

This is another fantastic dining room that will completely change the whole look of your house. It is a tremendous get with a functional and beautiful dining table and stylish chairs. It is very homely, and it’s great if you have a rustic and vintage home.

dining room kit by maxsus

Eco Kitchen by Little Dica

This kitchen will make your kitchen look very modern and cleaner. It will give you some very functional and classy furniture that will make your house look expensive. It has some fantastic colours and is very realistic.

eco kitchen by little dica

Furry Club Shelf by Kardofe

If you want to add more recreational items to your kids’ rooms, this shelf is perfect for you. It is an adorable shelf and has a design of a dog on it. It will ultimately make the walls of your children’s room look so much more filled up and lively. It also comes in some fantastic colours and materials.

furry club shelf by kardofe

Lina Livingroom

With the help of this custom content furniture, you can get some excellent materials and home decor for your living room. It has lovely colours and designs for its products. You will get some attractive shelves, baskets, pillow covers, decorations, books, couches, and many more. You can use all of these to decorate your living room and make it very cosy and cute.

lina livingroom

Altara Kitchen Appliances

These are some very realistic kitchen appliances. If you want some tactical kitchen appliances that look good and work great, then this cc is the best option for you. It will give you some very long-lasting steel appliances and utensils for your kitchen that you can use.

altara kitchen appliances

Pear SimMac

This is another cc that will help to make a game look a lot more realistic. If you are a fan of iOS and Apple products, you should try this model. You will get a Mac computer with the help of this mod. This computer looks highly realistic and will work very smoothly with your game.

pear simmac

Mandal Bedroom

This bedroom looks very minimalistic and modern. It is a cc furniture set made entirely of white materials and has very functional furniture. It will make your room look bright and very aesthetically pleasing to look at. It will also make it look very homely and add some messy touches to your room.

mandal bedroom

The Laundry

This will add more realism to your game by giving you a very genuine looking laundry room. You will get some laundry materials, hangers, baskets, washing machines, detergents, and an iron. All of these look very sleek but still functional.

the laundry

Princess Nursery

If you have a baby girl in your house and wish to give her the green princess nursery, you should get this model. This Mod Will give your child a beautiful fairy-like room. It is perfect for kids and is also very functional. It is also made of some unique materials and has great colours.

princess nursery

Victoria Nursery

Victoria nursery is perfect for the modern-looking nursery. This will give your conservatory a clean and organised look; however, it will still look like it is made for kids. It has some excellent materials and will provide you with a set of furniture, including a chair, a storage unit, a mirror, a cupboard, and some rugs.

victoria nursery

Wall Grid with String Light

This room decoration is perfect for teenagers. This will give you a great with some string lights on it, which you can use to decorate your walls. This will make you look beautiful and aesthetic. Along with the string light, you will also get a charming plant for decoration.

wall grid with string light

French Teen Room

This modern furniture cc room is excellent for teenagers. It will give you a French theme and make your room look beautiful and contemporary. It will also give you some pink accents and some white splashes of colours. This will make your room look very bright and expensive.

french teen room

Goldis Bathroom

This bathroom is perfect if you have ample space in your house that you want to convert into your toilet. It will make your bathroom look very grand. It is made up of gold and silver colours and will make your bathroom look very bright and modern. Also very functional and will give you a lot of storage space

goldis bathroom

Come Cosy

You can use this furniture cc pack if you want a cosy spare room. This will give you a couch, a storage unit, some lights, a few plants, and a rug. This will make your house look very spacious and modern

come cosy

iPhone X

This mod will make your game a lot more realistic. It will give you an iPhone x in the game so that you can use a phone of your choice. This phone is also fully functional and is of excellent quality.

iphone x


Jules is a great furniture mod to use if you want to decorate a teenager’s room. This will give you a teal blue themed room. It will also be very aesthetic and pretty. This room will also give you a lot of storage space and make it look spacious and lively. It also has many decorative items that fill up the room so that it looks very homely.


Young Way Kitchen

This is a kitchen cc that will give you some wooden furniture. Your kitchen will look very spacious with the help of this furniture. It will also give you a marble top table and some storage space, along with a few lights and decorative items. It is the perfect setting for an average house.

young way kitchen

Pacific Heights Bathroom

If you have a big, spacious, expensive bathroom and wish to make it look even better, you should use this mod. This will make your bathroom look very bright and give you some great lights. It will also give you some incredible decorations to add to your bathroom

pacific heights bathroom

Thorne Bedroom

This bedroom will give you a very realistic and functional vibe to your bedroom. If you want a bare room with clean and neat decorations to make it look more filled up, you should go for this mod. You will also get unique home decor like frames, shells, bedsheets, etc.

thorne bedroom


The cc will give you a great room for your kid. You will get a Christmas, nature and snowy themed room. This will also give you some cute home decor to add to your room to give it some more life. It has some fantastic shells, frames, and an adorable friend with great colours and designs that will completely change your room.


Hanging Chair by Kardofe

If you want to spice up your living room and add more items, you can use this hanging chair. This is a beautiful chair that will make your house look very homely and cosy. It has some fantastic colours and is made with excellent materials and details. You can also use this in your children’s bedroom as a bit of a toy that your children can play with.

hanging chair by kardofe

We have come to the end of this list about the Sims 4 furniture cc. We hope that this was of help to you and introduced you to some fantastic furniture that you can add to your houses and commercial places.

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