Rogue 5E | Guide | Dnd | Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition – 2024
The Scout, the Striker, and the Face_ it seems like the Rogue 5E were born to play these parts in Dungeons and Dragons.
You might think like your party doesn’t need a Rogue. However, when you’re faced with guards, traps, locks, and other such obstacles, you’ll regret your not getting this character class.
Rogues are of two types_ Ranged and Melee. Just as Archer or Ranged Rogues fall back on sniping, Melee Rogues are suitable for two-weapon fighting.
But what attacks does a 5E Rogue specialize in? What skills and abilities do they possess? Moreover, what sort of weapons do they wield? Which races can make better Rogues than others?
Table of Contents
Rogue 5E Guide: Class Features
Meanwhile, find out which features are characteristic of the Rogue dnd 5e class in the game:-
Hit Points
The Hit Dice is 1d8 for every Rogue level. At the 1st level, you get 8 hit points, along with your Constitution modifier. Meanwhile, for every Rogue level after the 1st one, you get hit points combining your Constitution modifier with 1d8 or 5.
Although these aren’t enough to save you when you’re alone during a melee attack. So, surround yourself with a healer like a Monk and either a Fighter or a Barbarian.
There are both Intelligence saves as well as Dexterity saves, though the latter will protect you from fireballs and other such things. As a result, to improve your Dexterity saves, use Evasion.
Starting Equipment
- Either a Shortsword, or a Short Bow with a quiver of 20 arrows
- Choose a Shortsword or a Rapier
- Thieves’ tools, leather armor, and two daggers
- Any one out of an explorer’s pack, a burglar’s pack, or a dungeoneer’s pack
5E Expertise
Think about your campaign’s style and theme, along with your dnd 5e Rogue character, before choosing skills for them. For instance, pick any two of your skill proficiencies at the 1st level, or expertise in Thieves’ Tools and another power. After reaching the 6th level, select two more of your Thieves’ Tools proficiencies or any other skill expertise.
- Armor: Light Armor
- Saves: Intelligence and Dexterity
- Tools: Thieves’ Tools
- Skills: Any four skills out of Deception, Stealth, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, Perception, Insight, Persuasion, Investigation, and Athletics.
Cunning Action 5E
While starting your Sneak Attack, use the option for 5e cunning action, which gets enabled at the 2nd level. Basically, it helps you during combat by letting you take further action on every turn of yours.
Furthermore, Rogue melee attackers can flit around the battlefield fast and safely, using Disengage and Dash. However, to stay out of sight between attacks, Archer Rogues should use the Hide option.
Thieves’ Cant
This is a mixture of code, dialect, and jargon to form a language that Rogues use for hiding secret messages. Since they learn this language during their training, only those who know it can understand such words. You can also convey short and straightforward messages using secret signs and symbols_ it’s fun!
For instance, bard guide 5e has their own poetic language and a way with words that’s unfamiliar to many. Similarly, rogues have a secret language of their own.
Reliable Talent 5E
You must’ve honed your selected skills to perfection, by the time you reach the 11th level. In addition, the Reliable Talent feature motivates you to choose the Skilled feat.
You become so elusive after attaining the 18th level, that very few enemies can get hold of you unless you’re incapacitated. Therefore, you are invincible, quite like the DnD blood hunter fifth edition, which can smell danger from miles away.
Stroke of Luck
On reaching the 20th level, using a Stroke of Luck means that you can’t fail whenever you need to succeed. For example, if you miss a target within range, you’ll be able to use this feature for making the miss a hit. Moreover, you need to finish a long or short rest until you can use the Stroke of Luck again.
This feature dramatically enhances your hearing skills. So, if a creature is invisible or stays hidden within 10 feet of you, you can guess its location with Blindsense. It’s enabled as soon as you reach the 14th level.
Evasion 5E
Whether you’re attacked by an ice storm spell or a dragon’s fiery breath, you can easily dodge out of the way. This feature, making you more agile, gets enabled at the 7th level.
Slippery Mind
With greater mental strength by the time you reach the 15th level, you can acquire more proficiency in Wisdom saves.
Sneak Attack 5E
The foundation of all d&d 5e rogue combat tactics is the Sneak Attack 5e. However, for every turn, you can use this feature once. Consider it a blessing that you can use it from the 1st level itself.
Once you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you’ll be able to deal bonus 1d6 damage to the victim.
Subsequently, as you make the rogue level up 5e, the amount of bonus damage keeps increasing.
When Can a Rogue Sneak Attack 5E?
You can use the Rogue Sneak Attack 5e feature in either of the following two situations:-
- If your target is within 5 feet from one of the Rogue’s allies. When this happens, you can’t have any disadvantage, and the victim can’t be incapacitated.
- If the Rogue has an advantage on the attack due to some reason or the other.
Uncanny Dodge 5E
If you can see your enemy, and this creature attacks you, you can reduce the attack’s damage against yourself by half. But this uncanny dodge 5e class feature is available from the 5th level.
Wails from the Grave
Whenever your Rogue’s about to kill a creature, it will start hearing deathly wails all around. Furthermore, if you see another creature within 30 feet of your victim right after taking the Sneak Attack action on your opponent, you can target that creature. Also, take a long rest to regain all the uses you’ve spent on this feature.
Whispers of the Dead
At the 3rd level, the sounds of the dead start echoing in your ears. After taking a long or short rest, a ghostly presence provides you with its knowledge. This helps you gain proficiency in any tool or skill you like.
Tokens of the Departed
If someone dies in the Phantom’s presence at the 9th level, they can snatch a tiny part of the departing soul’s life essence and give it a physical form. Thus, when you see a creature dying within 30 feet of you, you’ll find a soul trinket in your hand. While this token is with you, you get Constitution saves and death saves.
Ghost Walk
At the 13th level, the Phantom turns into a half-ghost. When in this spectral form, they can hover and fly at a speed of 10 feet per hour. But they can’t stay in this form for more than 10 minutes. Therefore, you need to destroy a soul trinket or take a long rest before using this feature again.
Death Knell
While using the Wails from the Grave feature at the 17th level, you’ll be able to deal psychic damage to both the creatures.
DND 5E Rogue: Skills, Abilities, and Feats
Take a look at this rogue 5e guide to the feats, skills, and abilities available for your character:-
- Dexterity:- Dexterity is a Rogue’s oxygen. It gives you a bonus for your saves, damage, skills, tools, attacks, and AC.
- Charisma:-Next to Bards, Rogues are a great choice for Face characters. But you need a lot of Charisma to be a good Face.
- Constitution:- Rogues, especially those who mete out melee attacks, are going to find hit points crucial for their playstyle.
- Strength:- It’s better to dump your Strength stats, for Rogues don’t need or use this ability.
- Wisdom:- Perception and Insight need Wisdom to function, but if you aren’t a Face Rogue, it’s not going to help you. Inquisitive Rogues, though, might need more Wisdom to back up their Unerring Eye powers.
- Intelligence:- Most Rogues can’t use Investigation without Intelligence, while Arcane Tricksters need it for preparing and casting their spells.
Arcane Trickster |
Standard Array |
Point Buy |
15 |
15 |
10 |
10 |
12 |
10 |
8 |
10 |
14 |
14 |
13 |
14 |
Other Rogues |
Standard Array |
Point Buy |
15 |
15 |
12 |
12 |
13 |
12 |
8 |
8 |
10 |
11 |
14 |
14 |
The Best Skills:
- Stealth (DEX):- This skill is a must-have for every dnd Rogue, no matter what their subclasses are. Rogues without Stealth are, well, not “Rogues”.
- Perception (WIS):- It’s one of the game’s most crucial skills, so make sure that as many members of your party as possible have Perception.
- Insight (WIS):- While the Bard comes to mind every time we talk of a Face character, even a Rogue can be a Face with sufficient Insight.
- Persuasion (CHA):- This skill is absolutely necessary if your Rogue’s a Face. They must be able to talk to people and persuade them to become allies, if you don’t have a Bard in your party.
- Intimidation (CHA):- When you’re a Face character, intimidating people into doing what you tell them to do isn’t a bad gift.
- Deception (CHA):- Deception is one of the vitals for any Face character in the game. Your Face Rogue will be able to avoid combat and other tricky situations by lying to their foes and deceiving them.
- Investigation (INT):- It helps you while investigating a scene to find any sorts of clues, but the Perception skill is more important than this one.
Rogue Guide 5E: The Best Feats
- Alert:- Being alert and scouting ahead for the party_ that’s what Rogues are well-known for, especially Assassins.
- Dungeon Delver:- If your campaign involves a lot of dungeons, Rogues are your go-to for help in these cases. As they have to handle secret doors and traps often, they’re the likeliest among your party to know their way around dungeons.
- Actor:- This feat gives a huge boost to the Assassin’s infiltration and disguise abilities.
- Inspiring Leader:-If your Rogue has enough Charisma, you can use this feat before each fight to get temporary hit points. With such points, you won’t need magical healing much.
- Skilled:- Adequate Reliable Talent will let you use any skill that the Rogue has already got up their sleeves. The ability score doesn’t matter in this case.
- Sharpshooter:- If the Rogues in your party are great archers, then this feat is an excellent choice for them. You can deal some awesome damage by combining the Sharpshooter feat with Advantage and Sneak Attack.
- Skulker:- Archer Rogues, especially those who are more into sniping than anything else, are going to find this heat quite helpful.
Rogue Expertise in Weapons
- Shortsword:- It’s the perfect option for Rogues when they’re fighting with two weapons, but they can’t throw it at their foes.
- Dagger:- A Dagger deals less damage than a Shortsword, but you can throw it at your enemies. Like a Shortsword, this weapon is also awesome for two-weapon fighting.
- Rapier:- For a melee attack with a single weapon, a Rapier is a Rogue’s best bet.
- Light Crossbow:- Its range is similar to that of a Short Bow, but it deals larger damage than the latter. As Rogues can’t get a chance for Extra Attack, it’s no use checking out the reload properties of the Light Crossbow.
- Hand Crossbow:- It’s a good enough ranged weapon, but you should use the Light Crossbow more than you use the Hand Crossbow.
- Short Bow:- A Light Crossbow is far better than a Short Bow can ever be.
- Longsword :- Your Rogue 5E can’t use this weapon during Sneak Attacks, but you still need it for other situations.
5E Rogue Guide: The Best Races
For 5e Rogue optimization, check out which races would make the best characters of this class:-
- Aarakocra:- Archer Rogues are going to pull off this race in a classy way. Apart from the extra Dexterity, they get the ability to fly! As a result, this keeps them out of their enemies’ clutches, and obstacles like high walls are no longer an issue.
- Bugbear:- Choosing this race increases Strength, which is useless for your Rogue. But you definitely need the free Stealth proficiency that comes with the Bugbear race. Additionally, combining Sneak Attack with Surprise Attack lets you deal weapons as well as 3d6 damage right at the 1st level, which is crazy.
- Gnome:- Arcane Tricksters will love the extra Darkvision and Intelligence, though other Rogues won’t find much use for the Intelligence bonus. For instance, the Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin) would be a wonderful choice if you’re planning a subterranean campaign.
- Half-Elf:- This race is a great option for those who want to play the Face of their party. With High/ Moon/ Sun, you get a single cantrip to gain either Thundering Blade or Green Flame Blade. A Rogue belonging to the Vanilla Half-Elf race gets plenty of skills, but these aren’t sufficient for Face Rogues.
- Halfling:- It gives you the Lucky feat and a bonus to your Dexterity. Also, if you’re a Lightfoot, you can swiftly hide behind the Barbarian or the Fighter in your party!
- Human:- A Versatile race, Vanilla Human Rogues can get a horde of skills and a fantastic increase in their ability scores. Boost some base 13s by using the ability modifiers of Humans with the point buy method.
- Kobold:- Rogues of this race gain powerful Pack Tactics. Your ability scores improve by a considerable mark, while you get guaranteed Sneak Attacks.
- Tabaxi:- With the Tabaxi race, a Rogue gains bonus Stealth and Perception, turning them into the role models of their class.
- Tiefling:- Tiefling Rogues get Darkvision and a couple of free spells thrown into the bag, especially if you go with Glasya. But if you’re an Arcane Trickster, the Feral Variant would be a better option for you.
- Changeling:- Charisma, Dexterity, changing their appearance whenever you want, and bonus Face skills_ a Changeling Rogue has it all. But these skills are more suited for social situations, so this race won’t be a good choice if you want to delve dungeons.
- Simic Hybrid:- This race of Rogues is versatile, just like Humans.
- Satyr:- Along with Charisma, two free skills, and Dexterity, you get Magical Resistance_ how cool is that? But this race has nothing to offer the Arcane Trickster.
So, to find an answer to all these questions and more, keep reading! To know the latest updates, check out Gameizmo.
The Rogue DND 5E Table
Level |
Sneak Attack |
Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st |
1d6 |
+2 |
Sneak Attack, Expertise: Perception and Stealth, Thieves’ Cant |
2nd |
1d6 |
+2 |
Cunning Action |
3rd |
2d6 |
+2 |
Roguish Archetype: Thief |
4th |
2d6 |
+2 |
Ability Score Improvement (DEX 16 – <18) |
5th |
3d6 |
+3 |
Uncanny Dodge |
6th |
3d6 |
+3 |
Expertise: Thieves’ Tools and Sleight of Hand |
7th |
4d6 |
+3 |
Evasion |
8th |
4d6 |
+3 |
Ability Score Improvement (DEX 18 – <20) |
9th |
5d6 |
+4 |
Roguish Archetype feature: Supreme Sneak |
10th |
5d6 |
+4 |
Ability Score Improvement (CHA 14 – <16) |
11th |
6d6 |
+4 |
Reliable Talent |
12th |
6d6 |
+4 |
Ability Score Improvement (CHA 16 – <18) |
13th |
7d6 |
+5 |
Roguish Archetype feature: Use Magic Device |
14th |
7d6 |
+5 |
Blindsense |
15th |
8d6 |
+5 |
Slippery Mind |
16th |
8d6 |
+5 |
Ability Score Improvement (CHA 18 – <20) |
17th |
9d6 |
+6 |
Roguish Archetype feature: Thief’s Reflexes |
18th |
9d6 |
+6 |
Elusive |
19th |
10d6 |
+6 |
Ability Score Improvement (CON 14 – <16) |
2oth |
10d6 |
+6 |
Stroke of Luck |