Best Sims 4 Vampire Mods & CC For (Download) 2024
The Sims 4 vampire mods are here to make your gameplay even more exciting. Vampires have been a part of the culture for hundreds of years. And over time, they have become nothing but popular.
One reason for their popularity is the infamous teen series, The Twilight.
Thanks to the popularity of supernatural beings, EA also introduced a Vampire Game Pack for the game.
This introduced blood sucking beings to the game. Your Sims can now be a vampire, have powers, and unlock a new residential world. This is known as the Forgotten Hollow. Hence if your Sims prefer living in the dark spooky world, these mods are a must-have.
The Sims 4 custom content creators work hard to bring you the best vampire mods. These mods have high downloads, and Simmers are always looking for more.

Table of Contents
Is There A Vampire Mod Sims 4?
Vampire Sun Immunity
One thing you must keep in mind if you have a Sim vampire is that the Sun is deadly. Your characters will be burnt and die within seconds of being in contact with the Sun. Hence, this would make it impossible for your Sims to move out of their homes in broad daylight. To tackle this problem, ReyvRei, a custom content creator, has come up with the most ingenious solution. This Sims 4 vampire cc gives your sims immunity against harmful UV rays. No need to hide during the day now. Your avatar can freely enjoy the outdoors. Go on picnics, park strolls, and maybe even the Coachella festival.

Vampires – Free Perks
This vampire mod without expansion is quite simple. Your Sims 4 vampire perks will all be free. You can use all your powers without making any sort of payment. You also have another version of this mod where the perks are not free but incredibly cheap. Your Sims can now be the best version of themselves. Your Sims can get stuff done quickly and maybe also cheat a little. If you do not like killing other Sims to quench your thirst, then you can now easily use Tamed Thirst and quench the thirst.
Choose the version you wish to have. Ensure that you read the download instruction clearly before installing.

Vampires – No Weakness
While you are building your Vampire Sim, you are required to specify one of its weaknesses. However, this mod also helps you get rid of those weaknesses. While your supernatural Sims pass through the various stages of their lives, they will no longer have any flaws that will make them inferior. Your avatar will be mighty and powerful. This mod allows you to customize your weaknesses in any way you please. You have the option to make your Sims mighty and strong without any weaknesses. Or you can have a Sim with all weaknesses and no power. That will be a difficult life to handle.
You should note that this mod functions with new vampires or on new games. You cannot use it in the middle of the game. This mod is also compatible with the Vampire Free Perks mod mentioned before.

Slower Thirst Decay
Being a Vampire, it is necessary to quench your thirst by drinking someone’s blood. However, you would expect one Sim’s blood to last for at least a week. However, the thirst decay is much faster than expected. If the characters get thirsty for blood so quickly, pretty soon, the entire neighborhood will be dead. Hence this problem has been tackled by one of the custom content creators, Baibaihe. It simply tweaks the game, which helps reduce the thirst decay by half. It will take twice longer for your Sims to get thirsty. Hence now you can do things other than looking for Sim’s blood to suck.

Turn Into Vampire Always Succeeds
The most exciting yet inconvenient part of trying to be a Vampire Sims is the ability to turn someone else into a blood sucking being. This does not work during the day specifically. However, with the help of this mod, you can turn any human into a Vampire. You can also do this during the day. However, please note that the three-day transition will still remain in effect. You cannot change that. So turn any Sim you wish into a blood-sucking monster and enjoy the results.

Plasma Pack from Plasma Fruit
If you wish to be a vegan Vampire and not suck the blood from other Sims directly, then this mod is perfect for you. It allows you to quench your thirst with Plasma Packs. These packs are made by processing frogs and fish, which are then put into blood bags.
This mod also allows you to craft Plasma Packs with the help of Plasma Fruits. This will fulfill your avatar’s thirst 50% more than any other kind of pack. This Sims 4 mod pack is available in various languages.
Check out this alternative to killing innocent neighbors.

Vampires: Stop Pestering Me
When you install the Vampire Game Pack, you will constantly keep meeting blood-sucking thirsty beings. They wish to devour you at the most inconvenient times. And another thing is that they are very persistent. Sometimes they will also break into your homes and suck you dry while you sleep. This can be pretty annoying for a human Sim. It’s like you have become their daily feast.
However, this mod will help you stop this problem once and for all. With this mod, they will no longer enter your home to drink your blood. They will never visit your home at night, nor will they receive any invitations to transform into a Vampire.
Read the download instructions and other known bugs in this mod in the download link. This will ensure a smooth gameplay experience.

Harvestable Heart Tree
The Sims 4 is probably the only game where you can have trees that grow everything other than actual fruits. The creators’ community has now introduced the Vampire Heart Tree for The Sims 4 game. This is the perfect Valentine’s day gift for your character. It contains edible hearts. These hearts will quench their thirst—now no need to spend energy looking for human blood.
To go one step further, you can cook with these Vampire Hearts. Just replace them in the recipes that use fruits. Like any other tree, you need to take good care of and nurture it. Apart from this, the tree also gives you various moodlets. Another characteristic of the Heart fruit is that it glows in the dark and beats as well. Each time you drink from the Heart fruit, your character will quench their thirst and get a +1 Happy moodlet.

Airianna’s Vampire Tweaks
Being a Vampire should mean that you are immortal. However, this is not the case. There are a few things that make no sense in the game. For example, your characters are always out of energy. Hunger and sleep do not affect them. This takes away the immersive, realistic experience of the game. Hence, to make things exciting, Airianna, a modder, has created the Vampire Tweaks Mod to tackle this problem.
Your avatars can now use Dark Meditation to replenish their energy. Their Vampire Energy will be replenished quickly whenever they are idle. Thirst and hunger will also directly affect them. They will be much closer to the normal Sims now. Although these changes are pretty small, they are quite exciting and essential to make your gaming experience immersive and impressive.

Vampire Powers
Sometimes your characters miss out on a lot of human stuff. However, with this mod, you get a few extra powers. The powers will be added to the Vampire Pie Menu. Your character can now spend their energy on some extraordinary abilities.
Some of the powers allow you to eat human food. Some will enable you to view your reflection in the mirror, stop hissing, be immune to sunlight, and make other Sims willingly give their blood. Some spells last for over 28 days. However, most of the spells give your avatar a visible buff. Check out these powers and give your Sims the freedom to enjoy themselves in the sunlight and look at their beautiful selves in the mirror.

Km Vampire Eyes
Sometimes you need something more than the powers to be a supernatural character. A little make-up and touch-up to your Vampire looks are a must. This mod brings you the perfect set of Vampire Eyes. Created by KittyMeow, this mod consists of over ten new eye colors. There are also a few other variations available. Although this is made for these supernatural beings specifically, you can also use it on regular Sims. The colors included in this pack are unique. Check out this mod as it is a fantastic addition to your sim’s wardrobe. It is functional for all, toddlers to elders.

Vampirify – Vampire Creation Spell
If you live in a world full of vampires, you must know them. This is because you never know when you might face a life and death situation. With this mod, your Sims can turn any regular Sims into a Vampire. This is known as the Vampirify spell. This will also make the spellcaster the master. You will be able to control what the character does. There are specific rules to this spell, however. Only Master Spellcasters that have achieved level 13 can learn this spell. There are various other aspects to understand before using this spell. Check out the download link of this mod to learn more about this fascinating mod.

Vampires Can Kill
Do not judge a book by its cover. The primary focus of this mod is quite simple. It lets you choose whether your characters kill other Sims by drinking blood. Apart from this, a few other things are included in this Sims 4 mod. Your avatars will also have the ability to turn other Sims into cattle. This can be done through the Manipulate Life Spirit interaction. This will also make your character a master of the cattle. However, the cattle will slowly die as the Vampire sucks their blood to quench its thirst. Read the download instructions clearly before installing them to ensure smooth gameplay.

Immersive Vampires
With the help of this mod, your gameplay will be much more immersive and realistic. It also makes it more exciting to play the game. It adds a lot of new interactions that really add to the game. Some interactions include things such as confessing to being a vampire, telling you were joking, accusing someone of being one, asking their opinion on supernaturals, and many more. All these interactions make the gameplay realistic. Every Sims will have different reactions to each interaction. Some Sims may also become vampire hunters after you confess to them. Hence, choose your decisions wisely.

Event: Vampire Initiation Ritual
Willingly becoming a Vampire is not cool unless you celebrate it. Your Sims will now be immortal. That deserves a form of celebration. Hence, one modder decided to make it an event. You can now celebrate your Sims becoming a supernatural being. After the event, your Sims also receive a starter pack reward. Each initiation ritual has to have four compulsory participants. There are the Vampire guests, normal guests, a Vampire movie, and one Senior Vampire.
Celebrate with your friends and family. Ensure that your Vampire guests do not attack your normal Sims guests. There are a few other aspects to this too. Check out the download link for more details.

Darkside Vampire Career
Being a supernatural can now also be a career. Just like other careers, this also opens up various paths your life can take. This mod introduces a dark club to the game, known as the Darkside. To start Vampirism as a career, you need to join the club and start from the bottom. It consists of three pretty complex options. It consists of being a Human Vampire Groupie, a Master Vampire, or part of the Hellsing Organization. Each career will have different levels, and each job has different expectations. So getting paid to suck blood and attack people isn’t too bad. Just make sure you devote yourself to the work you do. Ensure you read the download instructions clearly to have smooth gameplay.

Bloodborne Aspiration
This mod is inspired by the infamous book by Elizabeth Barrial and DH Altair; Vampires Don’t Sleep Alone. With this mod, your character can explore their ancestry. Find their roots and help reveal their true nature. The categories in this mod are known as the Bloodborne Houses. There are eight categories: Cicuta, Interfector, Philologus, Sanctus, Tombeur, Transeo, Tristis and Vespillo. Each category is unique and traces back to the ancestry of the Vampires to reveal their characteristics and roots. This also takes you through various stages where you learn about Vampires. If you enjoy playing with a storyline to follow, this mod is perfect for you!

Daywalker Mod
Vampires cannot survive in the Sun. If sunlight touches their skin, they will burn to a crisp. This puts a lot of limitations on your Sims. They cannot move out of their coffin or house during the day. This causes them to miss out on picnics, pool parties, beach parties, and other stuff. So why not give them that freedom? This mod allows your Sims to move outside in the Sun without getting burned. They can now be daywalkers. You should note that this immunity is functional only for High-ranking Vampire Sims. Also, you will not have to fear when you enter the home late after sunrise. Enjoy your day.

Temerion: Kill the Other Vampires
A Vampire duel is a significant part of the game. The only way a character can kill another is via the Vampire Duel. If you win the duel, then the opponent will drop dead. A tombstone will appear at the place they died. However, if you lose, the fight will be over, and your character will still live. The dual is not an autonomous interaction. You can decide whether you wish to have one or not. The mod will also give your avatars an extra power and confidence boost.

Modification for Child Vampire Manifestation
Your young Sims do not show signs of being a Vampire until they are teenagers. However, with this mod, you can make your toddlers look and feel more like one. This mod will now give your little Sims the ability to have the powers. They can now feed from other Sims and enjoy the blood. The little supernatural avatars can do everything the adults can. They can transform other Sims, get thirsty for blood, and have different powers. The mod, however, does not make your Sims immortal. It will age like any normal Sim and eventually die. There are various versions of this mod, each offering something unique. Check out the download link to know more about this mod.

Autonomous Biting
According to EA, Autonomous Biting would be a calamity in the Sims 4 game. However, the option should be given to the players whether they want a vamp to bite anyone automatically or take their consent first. When you download this mod, you have access to three versions. One only enables Sims that ask to be turned into Vampires, another allows the ones offering to turn Sims into Vampires, and the third version does both. Once your character bites someone, they will automatically be turned into a blood thirsty supernatural if you download the mod. Read the download instructions clearly to ensure a smooth gameplay experience. Let the Vampire plague begin in The Sims 4.

Feed As Much As You’d Like
This mod is relatively straightforward in its functioning. With the help of this mod, your Sims can now feed as much as they want from the same Sim. It removes the recovery period of the Sim. This mod also removes any restrictions which were there before for turning into a Vampire. Your Sim can now turn into a supernatural even if they haven’t been bitten recently. The “Recently bitten” buff does not show up after your avatars have fed themselves. However, one thing that is there from the base game by EA is that your victims will still be uncomfortable for the next 24 hours. There is also an optional download where Vampires can bite each other in the game.

Keep Mortals Out
Vampire Sims 4 cc can sometimes be straightforward, which still solves an annoying problem for you. This simple mod created by TwistedMexi will block normal, mortal Sims from walking around your Vampire Club. Mainly the Forgotten Hollow. Any mortal Sim will not be able to walk by your Vampire neighborhood. They will be able to enter the neighborhood only via an invitation or by them turning into a vamp. It will make your neighborhood quite exclusive.

Realistic Vampire Teeth
This mod improves your supernatural characters. It works for all genders and toddlers to elders. These teeth look pretty creepy and realistic. They have only one color and can be found in the teeth category. You can probably also use these Vampire teeth on normal mortal Sims to give them a scary vibe. For Halloween, these are perfect.

Keep Vampires Out
This mod is perfect if you wish to have Vampires in the game but not around you. This mod will not allow other supernatural characters to enter and roam around your neighborhood. Now your normal Sims do not have to fear being sucked for blood. This mod, however, does not include the fake Vampires. As in, normal Sims wearing a Vampire costume will be allowed to roam around the neighborhood. Read the download instructions before installing the mod to ensure smooth gameplay.

Vampires – Coffins Hibernate animation change
Purple smoke keeps coming out of the coffin whenever you Sims hibernate in their coffins. This can be pretty annoying after a while or boring. This mod by Tremerion fixes the problem. You can get rid of the purple smoke now. This mod gives you three versions to choose from. The first version allows you to have nothing coming out of the coffin: no smoke or anything else. The second version involves bats. A few bats will fly up as soon as your Vampire Sims close the coffin. However, this lasts only for a small moment. The third version puts a small black shroud over the coffin while your Vampire Sims hibernate. Select the version that appeals to you.

These were some of the best Sims 4 Vampires mods. These mods include unique items and interactions for your Vampires Game Pack. Check them all out and make your gameplay even more exciting and immersive. Players still keep asking for more such mods. Download these mods immediately if you can’t get enough of the blood-sucking vampires.
Happy Simming!