Sims 4 Death Cheats List (Complete Guide) 2023
There are many things to like about The Sims 4’s unique and fun personality in the sizeable virtual universe where players build and manage their fantasy worlds. However, the famed Sims 4 Death Cheat is hidden within this idyllic-looking simulation.
Today, we set out on a quest to explore the depths of this contentious game component that lets players control life and death with a few quick keystrokes. Join us as we explore the motivations behind its development, its effects on gameplay and narrative, and the ethical issues it poses in the virtual reality space.
Get ready to investigate the darker side of our beloved virtual reality and the fascinating discussions surrounding this mysterious cheat in The Sims 4, whether you’re a curious player or a seasoned Sim veteran.
Table of Contents
How to Enable Cheats in The Sims 4

In The Sims 4, enabling cheats is a simple step that gives you access to several potent tools to improve your gaming experience. To ensure a seamless start, adhering to a few straightforward measures is crucial.
1. To start, concurrently press your computer’s CTRL, Shift, and C buttons to open the Console Command Bar. The command console window will be opened, allowing you to enter different cheats.
2. Activate testing cheats. Although it’s not required for all cheats, it’s a good idea to do so to open up more options. In the command console, type “testingcheats true” and press Enter. This action will allow you to use a wider variety of cheats during your gaming.
You’re now prepared to explore The Sims 4’s exciting world of cheat codes with the console command bar open and testing cheats enabled. However, it’s essential to use cheats responsibly and with prudence, making sure they fit with your preferred playing style.
Base Game Death Types

The Sims 4 provides a wide variety of death kinds that can enhance the complexity and depth of your games. Several methods exist for your Sims to pass away unexpectedly in the main game alone, and additional death kinds are added through various expansion packs.
Let’s examine each sort of death, its causes, and ways to prevent them.
1. Old age

In The Sims 4, old age is the most common and unavoidable cause of death. Your Sim’sSim’s tenure in this virtual realm ends when they enter their more senior life stage. While there might not be any overt indicators, keeping a watch on the age bar might help you predict when death might be close.
2. Fire

Fire may be a fatal menace in your Sim’sSim’s environment, whether brought on by the Sims themselves or by architectural mistakes. Planning and being patient are necessary when starting a fire.
If you want your SimSim to perish in the fire, don’t tamper with them while they’re there. If you’d rather avoid dying, extinguish the fire immediately to prevent it from spreading and doing further damage.
3. Overexertion

Elder Sims are most at risk for overexertion, which results in death. An older Sim may reach their breaking point if they engage in repetitive woohoo sessions or severe physical activity. Watch out for the “dangerously tired” moodlet, which signals that continuing with physical activity could be fatal.
4. Electrocution

Electrocution offers a direct path to the embrace of the Grim Reaper for a quick and dramatic conclusion. The possibility of a deadly mishap increases when you give your Sim responsibility for electrical repairs. Electrocution has a low probability of survival, and seeing your SimSim suffer could make you feel guilty.
5. Drowning

It is a slow and deliberate means of killing a Sim. Remove the pool ladder and put up a fence surrounding the swimming area. Gradually becoming exhausted, your SimSim will eventually pass out and drown. Be patient as this procedure develops.
6. Hunger

In The Sims franchise, starvation has always been a result, and The Sims 4 is no exception. A tragic end may result if a Sim’s basic nourishment needs are neglected.
Put your SimSim in a locked room so they cannot obtain food. Please pay attention to the moodlets that indicate when they are close to passing away, then wait for the tragic result.
7. Cowplant

A novel and exciting way to end a Sim’s life is introduced: the cowplant. The Cowplant, when cultivated in your garden, might tempt your SimSim with some cake.
The cake will set off a variety of moodlets and might make the SimSim take a shower as a result of eating it. But the Cowplant’s milk can be extracted to get a poisonous chemical that would kill your SimSim.
8. Humiliation

Death by humiliation is possible in The Sims 4, even though it is difficult to stage. A Sim must experience many unpleasant events to transition from severe embarrassment to shame. By clicking on a bed, you can tell your SimSim to hide from other Sims to secure survival.
9. Emotional Deaths

Sims 4’s emotions system enables profound emotional experiences, and some severe emotions, such as hysteria, enragement, and mortification, can result in death. Nevertheless, controlling these emotions and attaining these deaths gets more complicated as more DLC is added to the game.
Remember to approach these situations with caution and respect for their potential effects on your virtual characters as you explore the world of death in The Sims 4. Help will come from juggling the drive for dramatic storytelling with moral considerations.
DLC Death Types
In The Sims 4, expansion packs include new death kinds, giving your Sims unusual and surprising ways to pass away. These deaths can add to your Sim’sSim’s enjoyment of the game by being exciting and unexpected.
Let’s examine some of The Sims 4’s DLC death kinds and how they may affect your gameplay.
1. Sauna

With The Sims 4: Spa Day, saunas have been added as a relaxing feature. However, using the sauna too frequently can have adverse effects.
You might see changes in your Sim’sSim’s moodlets with frequent sauna use, starting with happiness and finally progressing to warnings of catastrophic consequences. These moodlets should be taken seriously because they warn you that your SimSim could pass away.
2. Pufferfish

Consuming Pufferfish Nigiri that has been improperly prepared might be lethal in The Sims 4. Pufferfish are extremely dangerous. Thus, only a talented cook can successfully prepare them.
Before consuming the food, examine its quality because a bad Pufferfish Nigiri has a 50% chance of killing your SimSim. Furthermore, putting your SimSim in a foul mood raises the possibility of dying.
3. Sunlight

In The Sims 4: Vampires expansion pack, sunlight makes vampires more susceptible. They risk dying if they spend too much time in the sun. Monitoring the vampire energy bar is essential because it depletes quickly when the sun is present.
Your vampire sim will burn to death if they don’t take refuge inside, with eerie animations showing their skin slowly vanishing. But you can employ vampire abilities to protect them from sunlight.
4. Poison

In The Sims 4: Forest Adventure, your Sim may encounter poison while exploring the forest. Poisoning can be caused by scorpions, spiders, bees, poison darts, and opening treasure boxes and gates with poison gas. Find a Pile of Bones in the temple and trade it with a local for an antidote to heal your SimSim.
5. Rabid Rodent Fever

Even adorable hamsters in The Sims 4: My First Pet Stuff can endanger your sims. Rabid Rodent Fever (RRF) can be brought on by mistreating a hamster, housing it in an unclean cage, and having a poor relationship with it.
Your SimSim will have a tense moodlet after being bitten by the hamster, which indicates a chance of being sick. You have two choices: use the computer to research treatments or worsen the illness. Your SimSim becomes contagious as the disease worsens, and other sims nearby may also contract RRF.
The moodlets during this procedure indicate how long until your SimSim passes away.
6. Cold

You can freeze your SimSim to death by exposing them to cold conditions through a blizzard or the Weather Control Device. Put your virtual pet in warm-weather attire and leave them outside for around five minutes.
Within an hour, your SimSim will begin to become blue and eventually perish from freezing. By wetting your SimSim or employing a ghost who previously died from cold, you can hasten the process by having your sim “Cool Down Sim.”
7. Overheating

Like freezing, overheating can cause death if your SimSim spends too much time outside in the heat without the proper gear. This death type is introduced in The Sims 4: Seasons, highlighting how crucial it is to outfit your sims for hot weather during heat waves.
Have your SimSim take refuge indoors, dress appropriately, or cool off in a pool or with water toys to avoid dying.
8. Murphy Bed

Death by being crushed by a Murphy Bed is a new death type added to The Sims 4 Tiny Living Stuff Pack. There is a danger that the bed will break if you use it or sleep on it frequently, which could result in your SimSim getting crushed.
The crushed Sim’sSim’s spirit will exhibit a sleeping effect and grow afraid of beds. They had to take a couch nap to get their energy back.
9. Lightning Strike

A lightning strike is a very uncommon type of death in The Sims 4: Seasons. A very slim possibility exists that a sim playing outside during a rainstorm will be struck by lightning.
The death animation simulates electrocution, and the SimSim won’t be able to see it coming. The chances of this death are slim, and the SimSim might need to be knocked out first for it to work.
The Sims 4’s DLC death types offer the game a sense of surprise and difficulty, enticing players to experiment with various circumstances and results for their sims. Take care while enjoying how exciting and surprising these deaths are in your games.
Create a Ghost: Death Cheat

The Sims 4 has cheats that let you turn a Sim into a ghost without having them undergo the typical dying procedure. These exploits are focused on particular sorts of death.
The following are the hacks for various kinds of death and the related ghosts:
1. Lightning (Seasons Death): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Lightning
2. Freezing (Seasons Death): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Frozen
3. Overheating (Seasons Death): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Overheat
4. Anger (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_anger
5. Elder Exhaustion (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_ElderExhaustion
6. Electrocution (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Electrocution
7. Embarrassment (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Embarrassment
8. Fire (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Fire
9. Hunger (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Hunger
10. Laughter (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Laughter
11. Mother Plant (Strangerville): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_MotherPlant
12. Old Age (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_OldAge
13. Pufferfish (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Pufferfish
14. Rodent Disease (My First Pets Stuff): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Rodent_Disease
15. Seance Table (Paranormal): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_SeanceTable
16. Sauna (Spa Day): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Steam
17. Anger (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Anger
18. Potion Failure (Realm of Magic): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality_Failure
19. Cowplant (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Cowplant
20. Curse – Nightstalker (Realm of Magic): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_Stalker
21. Death Flower (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_DeathFlower
22. Drowning (Base Game): traits.equip_trait trait_ghost_Drown
23. Poison (Jungle Adventure): traits.equip_trait trait_poison
24. Vampire in Sunlight (Vampires): traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun
25. Murphy Bed (Tiny Living): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_MurphyBed
26. Bug Drink (Eco Lifestyle): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Beetle
27. Fly Swarm (Eco Lifestyle): traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Flies
Using these cheats, you can transform your Sims into specific types of ghosts, allowing for unique gameplay experiences and storytelling opportunities.
Death of Pets

Unfortunately, The Sims 4’s loving cats and dogs are not immune to death’s inevitable conclusion. However, the only way they can leave the game is by naturally growing old.
Pets cannot die from malnutrition, illness, fires, or other causes of death as sims may. Adult dogs and cats have a lifespan range of 12 to 96 sim days, depending on the lifespan parameter you have selected.
It’s crucial to remember that when pets die from old age, they change into ghost pets who stay inside your home. You can add them back to your family by using the cheat “testingcheats true” to keep them as a member.
Alternatively, if you want to bring them back to life, you can pay 2,500 simoleons to the Vet and get an Ambrosia treat, which you can use to revive them.
Debug Sim Death Options
If debug options are enabled, you can use the following cheats. Currently, these cheats have to be activated using MC Command Center. Please carry out the following actions to access the Debug Death cheats:
1. Start the game by clicking on a computer and choosing MC Command Center.
2. Next, select MCCC Settings, which is the first option.
3. Go to Settings under the Notification/Console/Menu section.
4. Make sure Console Command Settings are selected.
5. Now select Debug Commands from the Cheats menu.
6. You must restart your game to use the death cheats. After restarting the computer, click the SimSim that has harmed you while holding down the shift key. Select the “kill” option from the list of alternatives.
You can use the Debug Death cheats and perform the necessary activities within the game by following these procedures.
All New Deaths
The Sims 4: Cottage Living introduced players to the dangerous dangers of wicked chickens and murderous rabbits. The most recent addition, the Sims 4: High School Years, has enlarged the concept of mortality by adding brand-new ways to pass away. The following additional game deaths should be avoided:
1. Death from Urban Myth

The Bloody Mary legend shouldn’t be taken lightly because it now kills people online. When your SimSim gets to level 8 in the Mischief Skill, they can interact with a mirror to call up an Urban Myth.
Bloody Mary will be summoned as a result and will follow your SimSim obstinately. She will finally succeed in killing your SimSim after three tries.
2. Death from a Stink Capsule

It is another fatal result of the Mischief Skill. When your SimSim reaches level 3 in this ability, they can choose the “Plant Stink Capsule” interaction in a locker at school.
If your joke is unsuccessful, your SimSim will get a “self-linked” moodlet. Once again, play the prank while under the influence of this moodlet, and your SimSim will suffocate to death.
Exercise caution when participating in these game-related activities because the results could be disastrous. Be aware of the threats lurking in The Sims 4: High School Years, and make sure your virtual avatars are secure.
An intriguing, if contentious, aspect of gameplay in the well-known simulation game is The Sims 4 Death Cheat. While allowing players to influence life and death in their virtual worlds raises crucial moral questions about the limitations of our interactions with digital spaces.
The cheat significantly impacts gameplay and storytelling since it gives players the freedom to create original stories and investigate novel situations. However, it’s essential to use it wisely and consider its possible effects on how we view life and death.
The Sims 4 Death Cheat continues to be a provocative issue that asks us to consider the delicate balance between freedom and responsibility in our simulated pursuits as we navigate the constantly changing realm of gaming and virtual reality.
Yes, cheats are available to kill a Sim in The Sims 4.
In The Sims 4, you can utilize the Ambrosia treat, which costs 2,500 simoleons and can be obtained from the Vet. Giving a dead Sim this treat will bring them back to life.
Different causes of death are available in The Sims 4, including old age, drowning, fire, electrocution, malnutrition, pufferfish poisoning, cold, overheating, and more.
There isn’t a specific cheat to bring a deceased Sim back to life immediately. To return the SimSim to life, try using the “testingcheats true” cheat, then shift + clicking on the ghost of the SimSim and choosing the “Add to Household” option.