71+ Sims 4 Challenges (Best) – Download – 2023
To make Sims 4 more fun and exciting to play, creators came up with many challenges for you to complete. There are different types of challenges available in the game for all users. Some of these are thrilling and scary, while some are more focused on realism and drama. Many challenges are also based on stories so that you can stay invested in your game. Choosing the best one out of these challenges can be a little tricky. Hence, to make this job easier for you, here is a list of some of the best Sims 4 challenges:
Table of Contents
Best Sims 4 challenges
Legacy Challenge
In the Sims 4 legacy challenge, you will have to work with 10 different generations of your family. You will have to initially purchase a 50 into 50 apartment lot and grow your home. You will also have to find a spouse for yourself and pass down your bloodline to create a legacy. This challenge is enjoyable and exciting to play. It will keep you invested in the game for a very long time.

Black widow challenge
The black widow challenge will make your game very dramatic and thrilling. You will have to find a male Sim to marry in this challenge. The female will not be allowed to work a job, and all her money should come from her husband or spouse. This challenge is all about drama. Your female Sim will have to go through many trials and find her way out to get the best husband for herself.

Sims 4 career legacy challenge
This is for career legacy challenges about building your career and getting rich. This is also one of the legacy challenges. At the start of the challenge, your Sim will not have any money. They will have to work their way up and get many jobs to get very successful. You can then pass on this wealth to the next generation.

Breed out the ugly challenge
In this challenge, the founder of your legacy has to be very ugly. You need to look as terrible as possible. This challenge is enjoyable as you can do something unique, and you will not have to put much thought into it. You can download a bunch of mods that will allow you to customise the bodies and faces of your Sims and then make them very ugly. After that, you will have to reproduce and give birth to babies. You will have to keep this chain going until you get a very average looking baby.

Live For Something – TS4 Legacy Challenge
In this Sims challenge, you will have to get a lot of skills and build a collection. You will have 11 generations, and you will have to play through all of them and acquire new traits. This challenge is all about your life experiences and what you learn from them.

The Decades Challenge
In the decades-long challenge, you will go into a world of history. You will live through the history of the United States all over again. This challenge is based on the era of the 1890s to the 2010s. You will have to face various difficulties and complete this challenge. It is an enjoyable and exciting challenge to play.

The alphabet legacy challenge
In this challenge, you will have to play around with letters. It is a straightforward and fun challenge to play. The whole concept of this challenge is to have a family with all the letters of the alphabet as their names. Therefore, your name as the first member of the family will start within an “a”. After this, you have to keep producing heirs to name the last member of your family with a name that begins with a Z. There are many more fun Sims 4 challenges like this.

Homeless to famous Sims 4 challenge
In this ts4 challenge, your sins will go on a journey that will lead them to success. This journey will be filled with many troubles and problems, but the end will be fulfilling. You will have to start with nothing. In this challenge, your Sims will be very poor when they begin. They will only have an empty apartment and one musical instrument. After this, your Sims have to create a musical career and get famous. You will have to work hard to gain a lot of success until you get a substantial furnished apartment.

Sims 4 Mystical Motherhood: The Occult Baby Challenge
In this Sims4 challenge, your Sim will have to attempt to have a baby. You will have to play this challenge in the occult mode. You will have to have all different types of supernatural kids and then teach them various skills and objectives.

Stardew Valley Sims 4 Generations Challenge
In this challenge, your Sims will get introduced to characters from the stardewValley. You will start a generation in the stardewValley. Different characters will lead different generations. You will have to start the game off with Abigail, and until you get a character called Shane, your challenge will not end.

Astrology Legacy
Everything will be based around planets and stars in the Astrology legacy challenge. Everything will be related to astrology, just as the name suggests. Your generations will be based around the planets. Your character’s personality will also change according to the generation of the planet that they are in. It is an exciting and unique challenge in Sims 4.

The Sims 4 Vampire Legacy Challenge
In the vampire legacy challenge, your symptoms will be playing in the occult mode. You will have a family of vampires, and you will have to create a legacy with them. The main goal of this challenge is to turn as many sins into vampires as possible. You can be a good vampire as well as a bad vampire. It is an exciting and fun challenge.

The Animal Kingdom Challenge
In this animal kingdom challenge, you will have to play the characters of animals. All of your animals will live in different locations, and you will have to get through various generations of animals by marrying and reproducing.

The Wonder Child Challenge
The wonder child challenge is unique and exciting in the game. You will have to participate in the government project and give birth to a unique child who will be called the wonder child. You have to raise this child then and teach them many skills. You will also be given $22,000 initially to take care of the time

The Sims 4 Aspirations Challenge
In the Sims for aspiration challenge, your Sims will experience different types of aspirations. You will also have to live through 30 generations and play each aspiration that the game offers.

Whimsy Stories Legacy Challenge
In this challenge, your sims will have to live through a storyline. You will have different storylines for different tasks. You will have to live through 10 whole generations. It is an enjoyable challenge which is great if you want something to pass your time with.

Bad to Good Legacy Challenge
In this challenge, just like the name, your Sims will start with a very rough start. They will have to go through generations and figure out their skills, aspirations and dreams. You will have a lot of problems and also a troubled family. You will have to live to 10 generations in this challenge, and it will start with black and end with white.

The Sims 4 Bunker Challenge
In this challenge, you will have to live in a bunker. You will also have to earn a lot of money and create new generations.

Secret Garden Challenge
In the secret garden challenge, you will have to create your garden. Every generation from your legacy will have to create a unique garden. The generations will also be named based on the different flowers. You will also have aspirations and career goals and a few rules and tasks.

All That Weather Legacy Challenge
You will have to go through five different challenges and five different legacies in this weather legacy challenge. Each generation will be named after the weather and will have to complete a particular number of tasks. Each generation will be given a set of tasks to complete. Once you meet all of these tasks, you will win the challenge.
The Island Challenge for The Sims 4
You will have to live on a deserted island in this Island challenge. You will have to fight against the gods and their wishes on this island. You will also have to complete various tasks and goals like fishing, gardening, etc.

Just like the name suggests, you will have to give birth to 100 babies in this challenge. It is a viral challenge, and almost every user of Sims 4 knows about it.
100 Baby Challenge

Celebacy Challenge
In this challenge, your Sims will be very famous. You will have to get through various generations that will be named after the skill you are famous for. People can recognise you for cooking, acting, singing, and many more. You will have to get to various problems that fame comes with to win this talent.

Greek God Legacy Challenge
In this challenge, you will have to play the various roles of the Greek gods and goddesses. You will get to play these characters for five different generations, and you will also experience a lot of drama and romance and crimes.

The 10 Generations 10 Ghosts Challenge
In this 10 generations challenge, your Sims will live as ghosts for ten generations. Every spirit will have a back story and some unique traits to it.

Stranded – A Multi-Household & Rotation Survival Gameplay Challenge
In this challenge, you will be stranded without a house and live a tough life filled with problems. Your Sim will have to survive on an island it landed on after a cruise crashed. You will have to build a whole new life on this island to succeed in this challenge.

TS4 Parentcy Challenge
In this challenge, you will experience being a parent for 7 different generations. You will also need to develop other skills and have a stable career.

The Cult or Commune? Challenge
In this cult or commune challenge, your Sim will have to get one piece of land and then build a cult of its own on that land. You will get new tasks daily and weekly.

Tiny Living Legacy Challenge
In the tiny living legacy challenge, your symptoms will have to live in tiny houses. You will have to live for five different generations, and each generation will have to live in a small house. You will have to learn various skills and complete a few tasks to win this challenge

Bloodline Challenge
In this bloodline challenge, you will be living the life of the Royals. You will have a goal of making your King and queen live for ten generations. This is because the king and the Queen disappear every time new hair is on the throne. This is an exciting and unique challenge.

The Bromance Legacy: A Challenge for Best Buds
In this challenge, you will have to leave it to 10 generations. Your Sims will live with their best friends and complete various tasks and challenges.
Zodiac Legacy Challenge
In the zodiac challenge, you will have to live with different generations. You will have to complete 12 generations, and each of these generations will be named according to the zodiac signs. Therefore it will start as Aquarius and end with Capricorn. Based on their zodiac signs, each generation will get different tasks and goals that they will have to complete.

7 Deadly Sins Challenge
This challenge will let you be downright evil. You will get to play as a villain and commit various sins. This is a great challenge, as you get to experience and do things that you wouldn’t be able to in real life

The Sims 4 I’m a Lover Challenge
This challenge is quite a fun challenge as it is all about romance. Your sins will have to find love. You will also get various problems, issues, and tasks that you will have to complete a new generation. It is a story-based challenge. Therefore it is also exciting and will keep you engrossed.

TS4 Bachelor or Bachelorette Challenge
The bachelorette inspired this challenge. This challenge consists of a competition, where your Sims will compete within themselves to gain some romance.

The Alien Adoption Challenge
Your Sims will get to adopt an alien in this challenge. The challenge starts after your Sims discovers a baby alien who landed on earth after its spaceship crashed and its parents disappeared. You will have to take care of this baby and raise it to adulthood.

The Sims 4 Royal Kingdom
This challenge is another royal kingdom challenge. You will get to play the various roles people have in a kingdom, such as kings, queens, peasants, soldiers, etc. You will have to go through multiple challenges to win these challenges.

Witch Legacy Challenge
In this challenge, you will have to build a legacy of a generation of witches. Your family will have a curse on it. Your goal is to overcome this curse by the end of this challenge. You will also have to use some Sims 4 gameplay ideas to overcome this challenge

Cas Stories Legacy Challenge
This is a challenge based on building a legacy and following a storyline. You can also customise your storyline as it is a cas challenge. You can also get help from some Sims 4 let’s play ideas to win this challenge.

Family Dynamics Challenge
This challenge is one of the most fun on this challenges list. It is based around different families. You will have to go through different generations and live through various family problems and complete many tasks. It is a great challenge and has some fantastic storylines and game ideas

Foster Challenge
In this challenge, you will have to raise many foster kids. You will;l have to raise a total of 50 kids. The game also comes in 3 different levels of difficulty

Dreamhouse Challenge
In this challenge, you will have to build your own dream house. After making it, you will have to complete various tasks and buy that house.

Sims 4 Runaway Teen Challenge
In the Sims 4 runaway teen challenge, your Sim will run away from their house and start the game off with nothing. This is also a type of rags to riches challenge where they work their way up to become famous and wealthy.

TS4 Flipping House Challenge
In this challenge, you will have to go around filling houses with $20,000 initially. You will have to keep flipping houses until you earn enough money to buy your own home.

Achievement Challenge
In this challenge, you will have to gain a lot of achievements. You will have ten generations of the game, and each generation will have a bunch of tasks and goals to complete. This challenge is very addictive and will make your game fun and interesting

Townie Life Challenge
In this challenge, you will get to live the life of a townie. You will live in guest rooms initially and then have to make your way up to success by completing various tasks

The MasterChef Oasis Springs Cooking Challenge
This challenge will put you in a Masterchef cooking competition. You will have 8 Sims along with you as the contestant. The main goal is to win the cooking contest to win this challenge.

Mermaid Legacy Challenge
In this generation challenge, you will have to create a legacy of generations of mermaids. You will have different skills, traits, personalities and tasks to acquire and complete in this challenge. You will also have to give birth to mermaid heirs.

Sims 4 Challenge: The Life Coach
This is quite a unique challenge. You will have a personality and an aspiration in this challenge. However, the challenge is that the traits of the personality of your Sims will be contradictory to the goals required for their ambitions. This will make the challenge very interesting. You will only get to perform three actions a day and will have to achieve your aspirations. Once you achieve your goals, you will win the challenge.

A Free Will Experience
In this challenge, you will have no control over anything in the game. The members in your house and pets will move around according to their own free will. If you do a good deed, you will receive points, and you will lose points if you do a terrible deed.

The Sims 4 Stereotypes Legacy Challenge
This challenge will have four different generations. Each of these generations will have a stereotype given to them. This is quite a fun challenge as you will experience various personalities.

We have come to the end of this article about the best Sims 4 challenges. We hope this article helped you discover some new Sims 4 challenges to spice up your game and make it more fun.