Sims 4 Master Controller & Story Progression Mod

Sims 4 Master Controller & Story Progression Mod (Download) 2023

The Sims 4 master controller is a must-have if you are a fan of the Sims 4. This Mod will give you everything that you could ever ask for in your game and will make it so much better. There have been many different things and functions that users have wanted in the game for a long time now. Therefore, the Sims 4 master controller was made to deliver all of these requests

Features of the Sims 4 master controller

There are many things that the master controller Sims 4 will let you do. You can deal with many things such as pregnancies, house bills, ,storylines etc. With the help of this master controller, you can also add more sliders to your game, which you initially couldn’t. You will get to add up to 100 sliders. You will also get a bunch of other advanced interactions in an optional form. You will also need to switch to either city living or a computer menu. If you want to change, select another Sim. Earlier you could only get the advanced interactions for base-mod. Here are a few things that the Sims 4 master controller allows you to do:

Time Change

With the help of this feature, you can control the timings of everything in your game if you want the game to feel more realistic and want everything to function based on its time in real life. Then this Mod is perfect. If you are cooking or going about your daily chores, they will take the time you have decided. You can also choose the time for your friendships and relationships based on this function.

Automated Housekeeping

All of the housekeeping functions are automated within the game. You will not have to worry about doing any of the work yourself as the game will already do it. It will do everything, including changing the last names of the female Sims after marriage. This will eradicate any annoying interactions and pop-ups and make the game smoother.

Appearance Maintenance

With this feature of the controller mod, you will be able to maintain your appearance and look good and presentable all the time. You can control almost every part of the body of your Sim and change it according to however you want. The face, arms, hips, stomach, thighs, etc., of your Sim, can all be changed and customised. With the help of this, you can get your dream body 24/7. You can also change their fat levels and walk styles according to how you want. There is also a function where you can add certain similarities in the appearances of the family members so that they look like they are from the same household.

Cheaters Prosper

There are a lot of tasks that you can do by cheating. You can use various commands and make your Sims force abductions, demote or promote a Sim, leave their lot, etc. You can also give them considerable skills and change their emotions. You can make your Sims feel happy, sad, excited, depressed, and many more. Also, make sure that you do not choose any buff at the maximum level as it may lead to your Sim dying out of overflowing emotions.

Control Everyone

You can control any extra character in the game. All the NPC Sims are Sims that were once active but now have no purpose. However, these Sims can get annoying at times to disrupt your gameplay. Therefore, with this feature, you can now control these Sims so that their interactions are based on how you want them to be. You can also hold their conversations or commands.

Sims 4 master controller

Sims 4 increase slider range

With this function, you can exceed the default limit of any slider in the game. Usually, sliders in Sims 4 are used to change certain parts of your body. For example, if you want to change the shape of your eyes and make them bigger or smaller, you can use a slider to do that. However, usually, there is a limit to the slider in the default game. Using this feature, you can increase these sliders’ minimum and maximum limits. How to increase slider range is something that many Simmers have wanted to know, and now you know this with the help of this master controller. This is great as you can change the whole look of your Sim and make them more creative and unique. Here are a few features of which you can change your Slider limits:

  • Hips
  • Neck
  • Height
  • Facial Symmetry
  • Ears
  • Hands
  • Fingers

More features of The Sims 4 master controller

  • MCCC Settings – With this, you can change various settings of the game according to your wish.
  • MC Career – with this, you can choose a career of your choice for your sims. You can also make various kids work.
  • MC Cleaner –If you wish to clean up your game, you should use this feature. You can remove any excess characters or items in your game that are causing disturbances with this feature.
  • MC Clubs – You can help your Sim join various clubs with this feature.
  • MC Dresser – with this feature, you can give yours and a lot of different outfits. You can also customise their businesses and choose the ones which look the best to you.
  • MC Occult – with the help of this feature, you can include a lot of supernatural and fantasy characters into your game. You can add aliens, zombies, ghosts, werewolves, and many more.
  • MC Population – with this feature, you can control your game’s population. If you want more women or men to be part of your game, you can also do that. You can change the ratio of men and women and kids and adults.
  • MC Pregnancy – you can customise the pregnancy features of the game with this feature. You can also add teen pregnancy and various other types of pregnancies.
  • MC Tuner – You can control the behaviour of your Sims around other people with the help of this feature.
  • MC Woohoo – this feature will give you various WooHoos to add to your game and make it more exciting.

Sims 4 story progression mod

Take charge of Alien Abductions

You can add aliens to your story and base a storyline around them with this feature. As we all know, Sims 4 allows us to add various supernatural characters to our game to make it more interesting. Therefore, we can use aliens and add multiple twists and turns into our storyline due to their presence and make the game more fun. You can also add a function wherein the aliens abduct Sims and turn it into a mystery. The Sims can also get pregnant after being abducted by the aliens, and the kids can be either a regular Sim or an alien Sim or even a mixture of both. 

Sims 4 Story Progression

With this story progression mod, you can add some purpose to your game. You can create a storyline and add interactions based on that. You can slowly progress the story from start to end. You can also add plot twists, shock factors, and risks to the story to make it more exciting and exciting. You can also get pregnant in different and unexpected ways, such as before marriage, after marriage, teen pregnancy, etc. You can also change the number of kids you can have and how you can do so at what age.

How to read the last exception in Sims 4?

If you have the last exception of the MCCC, you will get an orange notification. If you do not have an MCCC, you can check your last exception by following the Sims 4 pathway and searching for the last exception. Txt file. If you want to avoid these errors, try not to change the location of any item. You can also clear your localthumbcache. Package and fix various issues by using the TS4 for the master controller.

The Nraas Sims 4?

All of the above models, which we just named, were created by the Nraas industries. These industries are in charge of making all of these mods, such as the master controller mod, story progression mod, and overwatch mod. These would not have been possible without this industry. Add a very experienced driver and give you a lot of smooth installation processes. You also can get some additional mods and also combine two mods. This industry constantly tries to update its mods as much as possible to make them easier to work with. They Invest a lot of their time working for these mods and have helped a lot of fans of the game to make their game better.

How to install the master controller In Sims 4?

Follow the steps below to learn how to install the master controller mod:

  • download the module from the official website.
  • You can download many more mods once you have reached the website.
  • You can download either the master controller Sims 4 download Mod, or you can also download a file named MC command centre_all modules.
  • You can now save the file you downloaded into a zip folder.
  • After that, you can extract all of these files from the zip folder and save them into your mods folder in the game.
  • Make sure that your script mods option is enabled so that this Mod can work smoothly in the game.
  • You should now be able to use this mod.

MC master controller Sims 4: enable custom content

For any of your mods to work, you need to ensure that you have an MC master controller enabled in your game. To allow custom content with the MC master controller, the steps are as follows:

  • Go to your games option.
  • Select the “others” option from the menu that drops down.
  • After that, you will see an option titled “enable custom content in the game”.
  • This will be a checkbox. Therefore, you can go ahead and click on the checkbox to enable your custom content.
  • After this, you will add custom content to your game without any issues.
  • Also, make sure to select the “apply changes” option after you have made your changes to save them.
  • Once you have done the above steps, you can restart your game for all of them to work.

How to use master controller Sims 4?

TS4 master controller is pretty easy to use. The story progression Mod is also connected with the master controller mod. This is great as you can have a proper storyline for your game. You can also add a lot of personality to your characters and add actual events into your game. All you need to do to use this Mod is have all of the Mod files of the MC command centre master controller present in your game in separate folders.

Sims 3 Slider: How to increase or decrease?

With the help of the slider, you can add more unique and different features to your character. You can also make them look exactly how you want them. The details of your characters’ bodies will also be more defined and realistic. You can either increase the slider range or decrease it. All you need to do is download the master link to get the slider. After you have downloaded that, you will get a lot of options for many different types of sliders. You can choose the slider of your preference and download that slider separately.

After downloading it, follow this pathway: Documents/EA (Electronic Arts)/ Sims 3/Mods. Sliders are available for both Sim characters and also pets. After this, you need to extract your files from the zip folders and save them into your mods folder. Remember to download every file separately and not merge any two files in your folders as it may cause issues or conflicts. To download the slider in Sims 3, you need to install the NRAAS. After downloading that, you can follow the same steps as Sims 4 and use it. We have listed some popular sliders below:

  • Height Slider
  • Pointed Ears Slider
  • Butt Slider
  • Shoulder Height Slider
  • Physique Slider
  • Head Size Slider
  • Glasses Slider
  • Nose Width Slider
  • Facial Asymmetry Slider
  • Breast Augmentation Slider

This was all of our information about this Sims 4 master controller. We hope that it was of use to you and helped make your game more accessible and fun to play.

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