Sims 4 Pc Controls

Sims 4 PC Controls – Cheats & Hotkeys (Guide) 2024

Various controls and shortcuts are available in The Sims 4, a well-liked life simulation game, to improve your gameplay experience.

Understanding these keyboard commands can significantly enhance your gaming experience, from camera manipulation to home construction and cheat usage. 

We’ll look into The Sims 4’s numerous controls in this post, including camera settings, first-person mode, shortcuts for construction, and game tricks.

These controls will provide you the freedom and creativity to move about the virtual environment, whether you’re an experienced Sims player or brand-new to the game. 

Let’s explore the mechanics that make The Sims 4 gameplay effective and exciting.

The Sims 4 Camera Controls And Suggestions

Changing the camera type:

Changing the camera type

You can easily switch to it for a more comfortable experience if you enjoy The Sims 3’s camera style. Press Control + Shift + Tab to do so, or take the following actions: the Esc key.

Choose the Sims 3 Camera under Controls and Camera in the game’s options. Experienced Sims players will particularly benefit from this camera type’s view-adjusting simplicity. 

In addition, turn on edge scrolling if it suits your preferences because it makes exploring the neighborhood more accessible. Keep in mind that by holding down the right mouse button, you may still move about.

Taking Screenshots and Videos of Moments:

Taking Screenshots and Videos of Moments

‘C’ takes screenshots, and ‘V’ records videos, so keep those hotkeys in mind for those picturesque moments and memorable games. 

Your saved screenshots and recorded videos can be found in the directories listed below: Screenshots and recorded videos from The Sims 4 can be found in Documents/Electronic Arts. You can share screenshots and videos of your projects even when in development mode.

Live mode and build mode camera controls:

Live mode and build mode camera controls

The ability to control the camera is crucial for fluid gameplay in Live Mode and Build Mode. Learn how to use these practical hotkeys:

  • Home: Raise walls 
  • End: Lower walls 
  • Page Up: Move up a floor 
  • Page Down: Move down a floor 
  • Holding Right-Click: Effortlessly navigate the neighborhood
  • W or Up Arrow: Move the view upward
  • A or Left Arrow: Move the idea leftward
  • S or Down Arrow: Move the idea downward
  • D or Right Arrow: Move the idea rightward 
  • Shift + Enter: Center the camera on the current lot 
  • Left-click on a Sim’s picture: Select that Sim 
  • Left-click on a Sim’s image: Direct the camera to focus on the Sim 
  • Right-Click on a Sim’s image: Enable camera tracking for the selected Sim 
  • Hold Mouse Wheel: Rotate or tilt the camera to change angles 
  • Z, X, or Scroll Mouse Wheel: Zoom in and out 
  • C: Capture a screenshot. 
  • V: Begin or end video recording. Fine-tune video settings in the Game Options menu.

These controls will improve your gaming experience and let you easily explore The Sims 4’s virtual environment while capturing special moments in photos and movies.

Basic Hotkeys for Live Mode Navigation

Basic Hotkeys for Live Mode Navigation

Knowing the essential shortcuts will significantly improve your gaming when you dive into Live Mode and start your Sim’s journey. While selecting an icon from the menu is an option, shortcuts can speed up menu navigation and simplify interactions. 

These shortcuts can eventually become second nature, enabling you to access numerous Sim-related features quickly. This compilation gives you access to a complete set of Live Mode hotkeys, giving you quick access to vital details about your Sim’s requirements, desires, and more.

Mastering the Hotkeys:

  • G–Open the Aspiration Window 
  • I–Display your Sim’s Inventory 
  • J–Access the Career Tab 
  • L–Show the Skills List 
  • R–Reveal the Relationship Panel 
  • Y–Explore Simology 
  • O–Review Sim’s Current Need Levels 
  • M–Enter Map Mode 
  • P–Pause the Game 
  • Esc–Open the Main Menu or Cancel Actions 
  • Left Click on Object or Sim– Interact with the Selected Object or Sim 
  • Left Click on Selected Sim–   Choose Different Sim Actions 
  • Left Click on Ground– Shift Sim’s Location 
  • Enter– Locate Active Sim Space 
  • N– Select the Next Sim in the Household 
  • Left Click on Sim Portrait– Choose a Specific Sim 
  • Control + Shift + C– Access the Cheat Console 
  • ~ , 1, 2, 3– Pause, Normal Speed, Increased Speed (x2), Maximum Speed (x3)

You may easily explore your Sim’s world and quickly manage their wants, aspirations, skills, and interactions by having these Live Mode hotkeys at your fingertips. You may develop a more profound, more engaging gameplay experience with the help of this knowledge.

Investigating First-Person Mode: Explicit Controls

On November 13, 2018, a patch for The Sims 4 added an engaging first-person mode. Your gameplay will take on an entirely new perspective thanks to this mode. The following is a list of the controls for this mode:

  1. Shift + Tab: Easily switch between first-person view and third-person view.
  2. Left Click: You can interact with things and Sims to make them move. Remember that both Sims and items must be in your line of sight.
  3. Shift (Hold): Move the mouse while holding Shift to interact with game interface items without changing the camera.
  4. Right, Click: Use the’ go Here’ feature to go around barriers like doors and walls that might not be apparent.
  5. Tab: Immediately hide the user interface.
  6. Ctrl: To align the camera with the Sim’s gaze.
  7. Mouse Wheel: Increase your screen view by changing the Field of View (FOV) with the mouse wheel. FOV can be expanded by scrolling down (or out on a Mac). If you get motion sickness, use this with caution. Zooming in can reduce FOV, but it’s only advised once essential.

Enhancing Construction and Purchase: Creative Hotkeys

In The Sims 4, creating homes for your Sims can be rewarding whether you start from scratch or rely on presets. These hotkeys can speed up this procedure by empowering your creative endeavor in both Buy Mode and Build Mode while saving you from menu navigation:

Switch between Live Mode, Buy Mode, and Build Mode by pressing F1, F2, or F3.

  • H: Use the hand tool to grab things
  • B: Use the wall-tool
  • Hold Ctrl: Deleting walls and rooms with the Wall tool.
  • Holding Shift: Allows you to switch between the Wall and Room tools.
  • E: Use the eyedropper tool to duplicate objects.
  • K: Use a sledgehammer to smash things.
  • Delete: Take away or sell the items
  • R: Access Design Tool (change object colors)
  • (Numpad): Select an object before placing and press + (Numpad) for diverse color options 
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo action 
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo action 
  • G: Toggle Grid 
  • T: Switch to Top Down View 
  • L: Adjust lighting 
  • U: Relocate the entire lot 
  • Shift (Hold): Place an additional identical object 
  • (hold Shift) Backspace: Safely store held objects, 
  • (Comma): Rotate the selected object to the left. 
  • (Period): Rotate the selected object to the right 
  • Hold Alt w/ Object: Position the object anywhere 
  • F5 toggle: Position objects at the grid in 1/2, 1/4 increments 
  • Ctrl + F: Place 1/4th of a Tile 
  • Hold Alt while Painting: Fill a straight wall with the selected pattern 
  • Hold Shift – Walls, and Floors: Fill the floor/wall with the chosen pattern 
  • [ (Square Bracket): Reduce brush size (Circle and Square brushes)
  • ] (Square Bracket): Enlarge brush size (Circle and Square brushes) 
  • ; (Semicolon): Soften brush 
  • ‘ (Apostrophe): Strengthen brush 
  • Ctrl: While painting terrain, 
  • hold Ctrl: Reset to default.

These hotkeys support your construction efforts and make it easier for you to develop elaborate Sims dwellings and environments. You can handle the intricate mechanics of construction and improve your gaming experience by embracing these shortcuts.

Enhance Gameplay By Unlocking Game Cheats

Enhance Gameplay By Unlocking Game Cheats

Your Sims 4 experience can be drastically changed by exploring the depths of game cheats, which also offers newfound flexibility and creativity.

Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C to access these cheats. You can use a variety of commands to sculpt your virtual world once the text input area displays at the top of your screen.

  • Help: Show a detailed list of all possible commands.
  • resetSim FirstName LastName: Reset a particular Sim to a brand-new state.
  • fullscreen: Turn on or off full-screen mode for an immersive experience.
  • headline effects: Hide all headline effects, including thought balloons and plum bobs.
  • Death.toggle: Turn off Death’s grip to prevent your Sims from dying too soon.
  • FreeRealEstate on/off: All residences become cost-free when this option is turned on in the neighborhood or the world view.
  • motherlode: Give your Sim a significant injection of 50,000 Simoleons.
  • kaching: Quickly boost your Sim’s fortune by 1000 Simoleons.
  • Rosebud: a different route to 1000 Simoleons.
  • Pressing Shift +]: Enables larger configurations by enlarging the size of objects.

Giving Your Sims Power Through Testing Cheats:

Allowing testingcheats true/false provides a range of options:

  • testingcheats true: Opens up more opportunities for cheating.
  • cas.fulleditmode: Allows for thorough editing by unleashing all Create-a-Sim features.


Getting the hang of The Sims 4’s controls is crucial if you want to improve your gaming. A more immersive and pleasurable setting is created by the ease with which it is possible to move between different types of cameras, capture beautiful moments, and explore both Live Mode and Build Mode.

These capabilities allow you to become the perfect virtual architect and storyteller, whether changing camera angles, handling your Sims’ demands, or building complex structures.

Adding the first-person mode gives the game a new level by enabling players to put on the skin of their Sims and experience the world from their point of view. This feature enhances the possibilities for storytelling and immersion when combined with simple controls.

Additionally, the game cheats made available through these controls grant you creative flexibility, allowing you to modify your Sims’ environment and way of life as you see fit. The world of your Sims can be altered entirely and customized using these shortcuts, opening up countless possibilities.

In The Sims 4, the keyboard transforms into your entryway to a world of imagination, exploration, and boundless potential. With these options at your disposal, it’s easy to design, personalize, and curate your Sims’ lives in entertaining and fulfilling ways.


What are the controls for Sims 4 on the keyboard?

WASD or Arrow keys to move the camera, Space to pause, Esc to access the menu, C to switch to camera mode, V to record video, and more.

How do you rotate the screen on Sims 4?

To rotate the screen, press and hold the right mouse button while moving the mouse.

How do you freely move objects in Sims 4?

To move objects at will, use the ‘BB.MoveObjects’ trick in build mode or ‘Alt’ in a live way.

What does F1 do in Sims 4?

In Sims 4, F1 enters Live Mode.

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