Best Sims 4 Lot Traits & Challenges (Updated) 2024
The Sims 4: City Living introduced the concept of Sims 4 lot traits, which is sort of like giving your household or the place you live in a personality. You’ll find apartments as well as base game traits available for your lot.
You can customize the house in a way that helps your sim in gaining skills more quickly and to make it look distinct and fabulous by adding positive or negative attributes. These traits also enhance your gameplay and storyline in a significant way.
In this article, we’ll discuss the various lot traits that come in the base game, along with the City Living Pack and so on, so that you can make an informed decision.
Table of Contents
How to Add Lot Traits Sims 4?
Before we go into the types of attributes available, let’s understand how to add the feature you like.
- Click on the top-right corner or press F2 to enter the build mode.
- Then, click on the small house icon in the top-left corner.
- A list of all the available lot traits would pop up.
You can choose any three lot traits for your character’s household or not choose any; it’s up to you.
How to Edit Lot Traits Sims 4?
You can even delete or switch between these features depending on what benefits you and your character. However, there are some apartment traits, such as Historical or TLC, in the City Living pack, which cannot be removed.
If you wish to remove an attribute, hover your cursor over it and click on the small x that appears in the corner. To change one of the features, go to the build mode, where the information about the house is provided. Click on the question mark above it to go to the Traits Panel.
Also, some of the qualities might not be available if you don’t have the required game or expansion pack.
Base Game Lot Traits

Now, we’ll first focus on the attributes that don’t require any game pack or expansion pack for players to download. They are available to everyone.
1. Homey
If you want your character to gain 50% skills in cooking, baking, gardening, gourmet cooking, handiness skill, and mixology, then this is the trait you should add. So those characters with mixology or culinary career in the game or a green thumb would benefit a lot from this feature.
2. Bracing Breezes
This trait would get your avatar a 50% increase in athletic and wellness skills after the Spa Day Pack was released.
3. Great Acoustics
As the name suggests, this lot trait offers your avatar a 50% increase in guitar, violin, DJ mixing, singing, piano, and organ skills. It helps them make side money by playing for tips and also gain success in the entertainer career.
4. Fast Internet
If you don’t want any internet issues in your sim’s house because we know how annoying it is, then add this attribute to your household. It boosts their computer, programming, writing, and video gaming skills by 50% and is perfect for the Computer Whiz Aspiration.
5. Private Dwelling
Privacy is quite crucial for everyone and especially for people who aren’t that social, and this trait would help you do that. This option would stop neighbors from visiting your house to annoy your avatar and would only visit when they are invited by you. Pretty convenient, right?
6. Natural Light
When it comes to enhancing your painting and photography by 50%, then this is a must have trait, and if your avatar has the Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration then this is the best feature to add to their household.
7. Teen Neighborhood
When you buy a house, it’s essential to check out the neighborhood, especially if you have kids. However, if you add this trait to your lot, then you won’t have to worry about it because it’ll ensure that your teen sim has friends of the same age.
8. Science Lair
Planning on visiting Sixam? Well, you’ll have to increase your character’s logic and rocket science skills by 50%, which is possible by adding this lot trait to them.
9. Convivial
A convivial person is friendly and cheerful, and this trait would help your sim’s social skills by increasing their charisma, comedy, and mischief skills by 50%. An avatar in the Entertainer career would benefit a lot from it.
10. Off the Grid
Sometimes, even our sims require some time off from the city’s hustle and bustle, so that’s when this lot trait comes into play. This would change a lot for you and your avatar, such as showering options would only include the Take Quick and Tepid Shower option, using electricity is a big no, and the stove can only work with gas.
It’s quite an exciting turn of events. Also, if you’re planning on playing one of the lot challenges, such as the rags to riches challenge, it’ll be a valuable trait for that as well.
11. Clothing Optional
It’s as simple as it sounds; this lot attribute would make wearing clothes optional for your avatar. Ah, freedom! They can roam around naked, covered by pixels, wherever they want. It might be interesting, so do give it a thought.
What Lot Traits Come With City Living?
Those who have the City Living pack can enjoy these lot traits Sims 4. Let’s take a look at them.
1. Gnomes
Broke a cup? No worries because the gnomes will fix it for you overnight. This is one of my favorite lot traits to add to the household.
2. Sunny Aspect
6 p.m. to 6 a.m. is going to be the time for your avatar to feel inspired, energized, or happy because of this feature, and it’ll last for 12 hours.
3. Romantic Aura
With this attribute, your avatar’s house would give them a flirty moodlet whenever they are in a romantic interaction. It also applies to other sims who come to your house, and they’ll get the same moodlet.
4. Child’s Play
When you add this attribute to your character’s household, they will gain a +1 playful moodlet whenever they interact with a child’s object. An adult with the childish trait would also acquire this mood.
5. Home Studio
Your avatar would gain the ability to create objects that they can sell to earn money. They’d often gain artsy whims, which would boost their skill levels. So at level 3, your character might be creating pieces like a level 7 artist. Those with the Painter Extraordinaire or Best Selling Author Aspiration would benefit from it as they can create masterpieces and sell them.
6. Sims 4 Gremlins Lot Trait
We’ve talked about Gnomes who repair things; now, let’s meet its flip side, gremlins who break stuff in the middle of the night. It can get quite annoying, but it also helps your character gain handiness skills.
7. Grody
This isn’t one of the most excellent traits in the game, but it can make for exciting gameplay. Due to this attribute, your character would have one in three chances (33%) to become nauseous because of something they drink or eat or use the bathroom. It doesn’t make sense, but it is a fun addition.
8. Good Schools
With the good school trait, your character has a 30% chance to do well in school and score an A. In addition, they also have a 25% chance of acquiring a “quality education” moodlet, which would increase their confidence.
9. Cursed Lot Trait
Well, you can’t expect anything good with this attribute because it curses your avatar’s house, which would cause various incidents to happen. Their food would spoil quickly; there’d be fire incidents, and they’d feel uncomfortable or tense while doing regular tasks. Your character can also die from electrocution or exhaustion as well.
10. Haunted
Ghosts would be regular visitors at your character’s house every night around 10:30 p.m p.m., break objects, and cause drama, which is also fun.
11. Penny Pixies
We have all wished at one point how great it would be to earn money for doing household chores, and now it’s possible with this attribute. They’ll also gain a happy moodlet when they find pennies for doing menial tasks.
12. Mean Vibe
It’s quite evident that this characteristic would give your sim an angry moodlet for a long time when they are doing a mean or mischievous interaction.
13. On Ley Line
Your character’s chances of giving birth to twins or triplets increase by adding this lot trait, and it’s perfect for the 100 baby challenge as well.
14. Quake Zone
This characteristic would randomly cause earthquakes in your avatar’s household and break objects, which would cause your character to receive a tense moodlet.
15. Great Soil
If you want your garden to flourish, then add this trait to the lot because it ensures better quality plants at a faster rate. Those with the Freelance Botanist Aspiration would profit a lot from it. It would have an impact on the planter boxes, though.
16. Filthy
Your character’s house would become dirty at double the rate, and they would have to clean it constantly and might even have to hire a maid to do so.
17. Party Place
Achieving romantic and friendly interactions during social events would be much easier, and the goals of the social event can also be accomplished quickly. So those with the Party Animal Aspiration can benefit from it.
18. Chef’s Kitchen
Your character would be more like a master chef and would cook great food, and they’d also gain a +1 inspired moodlet for 2 hours whenever they cook in their new inspirational kitchen. Sims with the High Palette Attribute would require this lot trait to eat good food or someone with the Master Chef Aspiration.

Island Living
Island living folks can now enjoy the benefits of the following lot traits.
1. Island Spirits
This one’s quite similar to the Haunted trait, but instead of ordinary ghosts, island spirits would visit your character’s lot frequently, and it’s up to the sims as to how they interact with them.
2. Oceanic Paradise
Your character’s lot would be surrounded by the ocean, and they can easily spot dolphins and other rare fishes in there. The beauty of the ocean would inspire your character, and they can even call dolphins using the “Call over dolphins” interaction from any part of the lot.
3. Volcanic Activity
I think it’s obvious that this lot would be near an active volcano, and your characters would have to be cautious of earthquakes, lava bombs, and steam vents going off on random occasions.
Discover University
The attributes mentioned below would be beneficial to university going students, so let’s see what it entails.
1. Study Spot
Your character would gain a 20% boost in learning new skills and would also complete their homework 40% faster for all the classes. If they have a presentation or an exam coming up, the quality of doing those would also increase at a faster pace. The highlight of this feature is that even after doing all this, they won’t feel any mental exhaustion.
2. University Student Hang Out
Being a student, all we want is to eat and drink at discounted prices, and that’s precisely what this lot trait offers you. All the food and drinks sold in this lot would be 30% less than the standard price. This would also increase the chances of Foxbury and Britechester University students visiting the lot. However, this feature clashes with the Hottest Spot in Town trait.

Eco Lot Expansion Pack
To unlock the attributes mentioned below, players would have to download the Eco Lot pack.
1. Eco Lot
Sims who live in lots with this characteristic can easily transition to an eco efficient lifestyle.
2. Geothermal
This is an excellent attribute for your lot to have because it generates more heat on its own, so you don’t have to pay for electrical appliances to keep you warm.
3. Natural Well
You no longer have to pay the water bill because your lot would supply you with spring water all day long.
4. Landfill
Players might not be a fan of this feature because it’d cause garbage to build up around your lot. Unless your character’s into gardening and can use that as a fertilizer, there’s no point in having garbage piled up.
5. Reduce and Recycle
Recycling and composting garbage will now become easier for your avatar.

Cottage Living
Here are the lot traits that players with the Cottage Living expansion pack can enjoy.
1. Simple Living
Living in a cottage isn’t always easy, but you do lead a simple life. Therefore, this attribute would allow your characters to only cook food for which they have the ingredients at home.
2. Wild Foxes
Your lot would attract foxes to visit it frequently.
Locked Apartment Traits
The characteristics mentioned in this section are those that are assigned to specific apartments. Neither can you add these to any other lot nor delete them from the pre-existing ones.
1. Serviced Apartment
When it comes to this attribute, it’s assigned to luxurious apartments in the City Living pack and offers you a maid for free to work on weekdays to keep your house clean.
2. Great View
As is obvious from its name, this feature would offer your character an excellent view from their apartment whenever they are near a window. It’d keep your avatars happy as well.
3. Historical
Now, this feature isn’t that interesting, but what can you do about it? So your apartment would have a historical plaque, which would make your avatar feel inspired when they look at it.
4. Quiet
Those with this lot apartment trait are blessed because they never have to stay around noisy neighbors who’d keep them awake at night.
5. Romantic Fireplace
This option is similar to the Romantic Aura lot trait because it also gives your character a flirty moodlet whenever they are around the fireplace in their house. It’s perfect for those with Serial Romantic Aspiration.
6. Lively Neighbors
Unlike the Quiet feature, this one features noisy neighbors who would party the whole night and disturb your sim’s sleep. You wouldn’t want to live in such an apartment.
7. Needs TLC
An apartment with this attribute would need a lot of love and work to make it a livable place because there’d be mice, bursting pipes, weird smells, and so on. Your character’s handiness skills and relationship with their landlord would improve due to this as well.
Vampires Lot Traits
Those with the Vampire pack can enjoy the benefit of these characteristics.
1. Vampire Nexus
Vampires would now become regular visitors at your sim’s place due to this feature, and it might help them if they’re working on their vampire powers as well because these supernatural beings can be of great value.
2. On a Dark Ley Line
This characteristic is the opposite of On Ley Line because it ensures that even non vampire sim parents can give birth to a vampire child. In fact, a child’s chances of being a vampire increase by 4x. They can even conceive vampire twins or triplets.
3. Registered Vampire Lair
Your character would receive updates from other vampires through their mail, such as books, plasma packs, and so on. This feature is only available on home residences, though.
Cats and Dogs
Let’s move on to the players who have the Cats and Dogs expansion pack and see what all lot traits they can access.
1. Training Ground
Your avatar would gain a 50% increase in their pet training skills, making it easier for them to train their pets quickly.
2. Dog Hangout
Dogs would become frequent visitors to your character’s place, including stray dogs, and you can befriend them and leave food for them as well to make them love you even more. It’s a dream come true for every dog lover, and sims with the Friend of the Animals Aspiration would find this feature quite helpful.
3. Cat Hangout
Similar to the last trait, this one focuses on stray cats wandering into your character’s house, and they can become friends with them and make them happy by leaving food out for them.
4. Cat Friendly
Any lot with this characteristic would be perfect for your sim to take your cats to because it’d be full of other cats, allowing your avatar to befriend them. It’d help them achieve their Friend of the Animals Aspiration as well.
5. Breeding Grounds
It’s a similar concept to On Ley Line feature, but for pets. It enables your cats or dogs to give birth to more than one baby.
Jungle Adventure
Jungle Adventure pack comes with its own lot trait to offer the players, and they are as follows.
1. Peace and Quiet
This attribute would make your characters want to read more books, so buy skill building books for them as it would help them learn skills faster. They won’t feel tense for a long time as well, which would allow them to work harder.
2. Creepy Crawlies
No one likes creepy crawlies around them, but this feature would make it so that your character’s lot randomly spawns spiders, bats, bees, and other such creatures, which would negatively affect their mood as well.
Get Famous
The last pack to offer players unique lot traits is this one. Let’s take a look.
1. Hottest Spot in Town
Now, buying a restaurant with this characteristic would be so profitable because everything that you’d sell here would be double the standard price, and even booking a seat here would charge a fee. Average avatars can’t afford this place, but it’s the only place where you can host Starlight Accolades. Sounds excellent, right?
2. Up and Coming Hot Spot
This feature is ideal for community lots because it lets your characters get a discount on food and drinks. So celebrities who wish to organize a meet and greet with their fans can do so at this place for a reasonable price.
3. Celebrity Home
Being famous can be a bane sometimes because there are always people wishing to take photos with you; however, this attribute would save your character from such things. There won’t be people outside their houses waiting to take pictures because they won’t get access. Sims who aren’t famous and still live in a lot with this characteristic would receive negative moodlets.
How Do You Get Rid Of Unremovable Lot Traits In Sims 4?
As we mentioned earlier, there are a few locked apartment traits that no one can add to any other lot or delete from the ones they are assigned to. However, there are two cheats to unlock those attributes, and they’d help you answer an essential question “how to edit lot traits sims 4?“
Download the Unlocked Lot Traits mod to add or remove any characteristic that you want from your lot. It’s quite a convenient way to plan your lot the way you want your lot to be.
There’s another way as well, which is to enable the cheats and then entering,
“type traits. remove_trait TraitsName.”
These were all the Sims 4 lot traits that you can enjoy in the game depending on the expansion packs you have installed, or you could stick to the ones that the base game offers you. No matter which lot trait you acquire, they’d all be an excellent addition to the game and would enhance your game’s storyline as well.