How To Complete The Sims 4 Not So Berry Challenge (Guide) 2024
The Sims 4 Not So Berry Challenge is one of the most fun and exciting challenges in the game because it’s a legacy challenge by lilsimsie and alwaysimming, and it has various quirky elements to keep you hooked. “Berry” refers to the sims who have colorful hair, eye color, and skin tone and wear matching outfits.
If you wish to complete this challenge, then you’d need the Get to Work, Get Together, Parenthood, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, City Living expansion, and Movie Hangout stuff packs. Let’s know more about it.
Table of Contents
Sims 4 Not So Berry Challenge Rules
This challenge isn’t ideal for beginners because your sim would spend all their time with a single family for 10 generations. Before we move on to more specifications about this challenge, here are some general rules that you must follow.
- There are 10 generations, and each generation should represent that color in their clothing, hair, makeup, and so on. However, changing their skin tone to that color isn’t compulsory.
- Your sim’s spouses aren’t part of this aspect, so it’s not necessary for them to follow the color scheme.
- You can use money cheats in the game but to a limit. For instance, you can use the freerealestate cheat to get your first house and then play the game without cheats.
- There’s no restriction as to where you live unless specified in that generation’s rules.
- In every generation, it’s vital to fulfill your heir’s aspirations and career goals unless told otherwise.
- You should keep your sim’s lifespan to normal.
Generational Rules
As I mentioned earlier, there are 10 generations in this game that your sim needs to go through to successfully complete this challenge. Every not so berry challenge Sims 4 has specific rules and traits for your sims, so it’s essential for you to know them.
Generation 1: Mint

Your sim’s a whimsical scientist who is obsessed with mint color, and even though you’re ambitious and focused on your career, you still take out time to have fun and be mischievous. Living in luxury is a necessity for you, and you’re concerned about yourself and your family.
Career: Scientist
Traits: Vegetarian, Jealous, Materialistic
Bonus trait: Dastardly
Aspirations: Chief of mischief
- Your sim must master the scientist career and complete their chief of mischief aspiration.
- Become a master of mischief and logic skills.
- Finish the elements collection.
Generation 2: Rose

You led a happy life where you had everything you wanted, but you always craved more. You’re unable to commit to a relationship because of your ambitions and focus on your career. You’re a workaholic and have no parental instincts, but you love your child beyond a doubt.
Career: Politician
Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, Romantic
Bonus Trait: Alluring
Aspirations: Serial Romantic
- You can only have one child.
- Become a master at your career and fulfill the serial romantic aspiration.
- Excel at the charisma skill.
- Leave someone at the altar when getting married.
- Marry someone when you’re an elder.
Generation 3: Yellow

You never had a good relationship with your parents and stayed in your room thinking about space, and you wish to visit Sixam at least once in your lifetime. Your love for space exceeds everything.
Career: Astronaut
Traits: Clumsy, Ambitious, Loner
Aspirations: Nerd Brain
- Excel at rocket science and handiness skill.
- Master astronaut career and fulfill the nerd brain aspiration.
- Build a rocket ship and go to Sixam.
- Visit the secret lot in Oasis Springs, and you need maximum handiness skill for it.
- Don’t create close relationships with parents, but only with grandparents from Generation 1 until they die.
Generation 4: Grey

You were never one to follow in your parent’s footsteps because you always felt different. While your family was busy in the lab, you were always more inclined toward basketball. You wish to become an excellent athlete and be a good parent to your children, unlike your own parents. You also love singing.
Career: Athlete
Traits: Active, Slob, Music Lover
Bonus Trait: High Metabolism
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
- Become a master at singing, parenting, and athletic skills.
- Excel at your career and complete the bodybuilder aspiration.
- Before marrying a neat and clean sim, have 3 failed relationships first.
- Strive to be good friends with your children.
- Plan a movie night with your husband and children every Sunday.
Generation 5: Plum

Whatever you decide to do, you excel at it, so it has always been difficult for you to choose one career. You worked as a doctor for a few years, but as soon as you turned an adult, you wanted to become a professional dancer. Therefore, you quit your job to become an entertainer. All in all, you are pretty indecisive.
Career: Fast Food, Doctor, Entertainer
Traits: Genius, Noncommittal, Dance Machine
Bonus Trait: Quick Learner
Aspiration: Renaissance sim
- Excel at dance and two other skills of your choice, and achieve level 8 in six skills.
- Finish your renaissance sim aspiration.
- Get a divorce and then remarry the same person.
- You must live in 3 different worlds in your entire lifetime.
Generation 6: Orange

You live in a busy household and have been a black sheep all your life. You want to be evil but don’t have a single evil bone in your body. You prefer breaking into your neighbor’s house to eat their food, and you love baking and eating sweets the majority of the time.
Career: Criminal
Traits: Evil, Self-Assured, Glutton
Bonus Trait: Dastardly
Aspiration: Public Enemy
- Master at baking and charisma skills.
- Excel at criminal career and also fulfill the public enemy aspiration.
- Your sim should live their entire young adult life in a TLC apartment.
- Give birth to twins, and you can use cheats to do so.
- Persuade people that you’re evil and a criminal mastermind, but they won’t believe you. Not even your own children.
Generation 7: Pink

You are living a poor life dependent on paychecks from your business career as your parents. You wish to become a romance author, but you’re also afraid to leave your steady job. This shows that you’re practical and know that being a successful writer isn’t that easy. However, as an adult, you decide to follow your dreams, and even though you’re a hopeless romantic, you can’t find love because of your unflirty nature.
Career: Business
Traits: Neat, Unflirty, Creative
Bonus Trait: Muser
Aspiration: Best Selling Author
- Finish your postcard collection.
- Excel at writing and wellness skills.
- Master your best selling author aspiration.
- Maintain a garden.
- Quit your day job to pursue your dreams as an adult.
Generation 8: Peach

Your parents were always supportive of your dreams, and your dream is to become a detective and a comedian. But who said you can’t pursue both? So you become a detective by day and a comedian by night.
Career: Detective
Traits: Foodie, Lazy, Goofball
Bonus Trait: Gregarious
Aspiration: Joke Star
- Get married to your co-worker.
- You must learn to play a musical instrument.
- Excel at gourmet cooking and comedy skills.
- Master at detective career.
- You must live in a different world than the one you were born in.
Generation 9: Green

You got a job at a major tech company because they caught you hacking and offered you a job. You’re focused and dedicated toward your work, but you also take out time to have a good time. You can manage both, partying till 3 am and going to work at 6 am.
Career: Tech Guru
Traits: Squeamish, Geek, Cheerful
Bonus Trait: Quick Learner
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
- Excel at mixology, video gaming, and programming skills.
- Master your career as a tech guru and fulfill your computer whiz aspiration.
- You cannot deny any invite to a party from your friends or colleagues.
- Make 5 good friends and 5 enemies.
Generation 10: Blue

You live a utopian life with a beautiful house, a loving husband, and gorgeous children, but you’re still not satisfied. You had an affair once and regret it your whole life. However, now you spend your life dedicated to your children and marriage and don’t tell anyone about the affair.
Career: Critic
Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist, Family Oriented
Bonus Trait: Domestic
Aspiration: Super Parent
- Adopt at least a single child.
- Excel at photography, parenting, and cooking skills.
- Master your critics career and fulfill your super parent aspiration.
- Marry your high school boyfriend and live with them your entire life.
- Have a secret affair once.
Features of This Challenge
There are several features apart from the ones we discussed, and they are as follows –
Custom Content
You can enjoy this colorful and whimsical challenge even more with custom content that is available in all generational colors, such as hair, makeup, clothing, and so on. You can find them by searching for tags related to the Not So Berry challenge on websites or look for them in the Sims 4 gallery as well.
Decorate your Lot Correctly
It’d help you achieve all the aspirations and skills that each generation requires if you plan your lot traits accordingly. For instance, if you’re playing the first generation and you’re a scientist, then you should decorate your house so that it looks like a scientific lair. This way, you can accomplish things faster, such as level up your logic skills and so on.
Choose the Right Sims to Befriend or Make Enemies With
It’s always essential to choose the right sims to become friends or enemies with. For instance, in the first generation, your sim would have the mischief trait and would obviously make enemies, but they won’t have issues making fun of them. It’s always better to choose evil sims as your enemies because such sims don’t have any friends and hate everyone, so antagonizing them is fun.
This is all the information you should keep in mind while playing the Not So Berry Challenge. This challenge might seem like a lot; therefore, we don’t recommend beginners to try this challenge as their first. But there’s no doubt that this is one of the most intriguing and exciting challenges, and you’d feel the accomplishment once you complete it successfully.