100 Baby Challenge Rules | Sims 4 | Sims 3 | Sims 2 (2023)
The Sims 4 Has all kinds of challenges to make the game more fun and interesting to play. The 100 baby challenge Sims 4 is one of those challenges. In this challenge, a female Sim has to give 100 babies. She has to do this all within ten years or less. In brief, the whole concept of the challenge is to give birth to a hundred babies in the shortest amount of time possible.
This mod is one of the most famous and popular challenges in the game. Many Sims have played with this mod for many years now. Since the Sims 4 has changed so much over the years, this challenge also changed along with all the different versions of the game. We have listed the rules of all the versions of the game below:

Table of Contents
The Sims 2
In the second version of The Sims 4 100 baby challenge, the objective of this Sims is that the female Sim has to eat a cheesecake every time she gets pregnant with a new baby.
Sims 2 100 baby challenge rules
- Cheating is not allowed.
- If you give birth to more than 50 babies, you will lose. To help you with this, you can get the triplets and quads mod.
- When raising babies, only teenagers are allowed to help. Accordingly, if you are not a teenager, you cannot take any external use to raise the kids.
- The challenge will not allow you to get pregnant twice with the same man.
- If you have teenagers in your house, you have to send them to college.
- You cannot give the family aspiration to the matriarch.
- You also need to fulfill the lifetime wish of the matriarch.
The Sims 3
The objective of this hundred-baby challenge in the third version of the game is to have 100 babies. You have to produce these 100 babies in as few generations as you can.
Sims 3 100 baby challenge rules
- The matriarch cannot have a job and can only get out of the house to meet a man.
- You can increase the age of infants whenever you want.
- Until the toddlers can walk, talk and go to the washroom by themselves, the matriarch has to raise them. Once they are old enough, the game will automatically increase the number of children.
- If you are a teenager, you can get a part-time job to help with finances.
- If you are a young adult and you cannot have a proper job where you live in the baby challenge house. Furthermore, you will also have to move out as soon as possible.
- You can hire helpers, but they cannot help you with your kids.
- You cannot decide the gender of the baby by yourself.
- You cannot choose any treats for your Sim. As a result, the only chat that you can choose is for the matriarch.
- The last Sim, borne by the matriarch will continue the challenge. This Sim has to be a female.
- As long as your matriarch lives in the house, she cannot marry.
- The matriarch moves out of the house the moment she gets someone older. This rule is so that there can be more space in the home and another adult.
- In addition, you will lose this challenge if you do not give birth to a female baby.
- You are not allowed to use cheats in this challenge. “Resetsim” Is the only cheat that you can use.
- You cannot give birth to another baby with the same dad.
- You cannot hire a babysitter.
- You have to wait for your kids to grow up.
- You cannot send your Sims to a boarding school.
The Sims 4
The objective of this challenge in the fourth version of the game is to produce 100 babies in as few generations as possible. You also have to raise them.
How to set up for the challenge
- Develop a system of your own by using CAS. This Sim will be the matriarch and the Sims who will give birth.
- Your Sim has to be the only one in the house when you start.
- You can give the matriarch any features or looks you want them to have.
- The matriarch can have any gender that you wish them to have
- The starting fund for the matriarch will be $20,000, not more than that.
- You can get a house in any lot that you want. Make sure that you do this only if you can afford it, as you cannot use cheats.
- You can also get lots from the gallery if they are affordable.
Sims 4 100 baby challenge rules
- The household must have an active aging function.
- Set the lifespan of your Sim to normal.
- You can play in any household from your files. Just make sure that the matriarch’s family does not age.
- You cannot use any unfair means of playing. Therefore, you cannot use any mods that may count as cheating.
- Like the mods, the challenge will not allow any cheats that may be unfair and count as cheating.
- The challenge will end when you give birth to the hundredth baby.
- You cannot use any of the rewards given by the game.
- You cannot allow ghosts inside your household.
- Your baby’s age will only increase if it’s their birthday.
- The age of toddlers will increase at level three.
- If your child gets an A in their scores at school, then you can increase their age.
- If you are a young adult, you will have to move immediately out of the house. This rule is because you need to make space for your kids.
- When your matriarch is no longer capable of giving birth, the female Sim, the youngest in the house, will take over the challenge of giving birth.
- You cannot kill any family member to make space in the house. In addition, the game will not count your child as one of the hundred children until it grows into a young adult.
- You can hire an NPC. The only ones that you can’t hire are caterers. The reason for this is that they might contribute to feeding the children, which is the mother’s job.
- The matriarch can not have any other jobs to focus on her children. The challenge only allows teenagers in the house to get jobs.
- Marriage is strictly prohibited for the matriarch.
- You cannot have more than one child with the same man.
- If a donor moves into your house, they need to take care of the kids. You cannot use the child support feature of the MC command center.
- Adopted kids will not count as one of the 100 babies.
- You cannot decide the gender of your baby by yourself.
- You cannot decide on any traits or features of your kids.
Additional expansion pack rules
There are more rules and 100 baby challenge tips for the additional expansion pack. They are:
- You can decide the features of your house by yourself. However, if the creators have already determined the house’s traits , then you cannot change anything.
- If your matriarch needs to work, she can only work from home.
- Adopting pets is allowed for the matriarch.
- If you go on vacation, then you can’t go alone. You have to bring your whole family with you.
- Teenagers must have at least one trait within the trait range.
- The matriarch has to take care of the kids.
- You can use the prompt teaching methods to discipline the child.
- If you cannot meet the needs of the child, you can use the well-wishing feature.
- You can hire a butler and disable child care options if you have the MC command center.
Occult rules (optional)
The occult rules for Sims 4 are:
- When any occult teenagers all the child goes out of the house, they need to look like any other Sim. If some strangers who are not part of the occult recognize them, you have to erase the memory of that person.
- The members of the household cannot interact with the occult.
- The child count will get two points added, if the child born to the matriarch is an occult or a hybrid occult.
- If the child is born normally but decides to become an occult, then it will not add the two points as they are not naturally an occult.
The 100 baby challenge Sims 4 is very popular. It is something new and unique and is also not that easy to play. Due to this, it adds excitement and interest to the game. If you like to play challenges that are difficult to complete, this one is definitely for you!