The Sims 4 Drama Club

Sims 4 Get Famous Drama Club (Download) 2023 (All Free)

Celebrities have been a long and vital part of The Sims episodes, with cameos from famous singers and actors such as Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, Emma Watson, Hilary Duff, John Lennon, and Johnny Depp.

The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion Pack introduces a new gameplay feature that allows players to join a drama club and pursue an acting career. 

The drama club is an excellent way for players to improve their acting skills and gain fame and fortune.

This feature allows players to join a drama club and take on various roles in plays and performances. 

The drama club is an excellent way for sims to improve their acting skills, make friends, and even earn some extra Simoleons.

The drama club is open to all adult and teenage Sims, and joining is simple. 

Where Is The Drama Club

Where Is The Drama Club?

Players can head to the new drama club lot in the entertainment district and interact with the bulletin board to join the club. Once a Sim is a member, they can begin participating in the different levels of performances.

The drama club is situated in the new acting career lot, the Drama Club and Studio.

 Once you join the drama club, you can participate in plays and performances. 

How To Join The Drama Club?

Make sure that your child sim has access to their phone. 

Scroll down to the bottom of the phone menu and select the option “Join After School Activity.” (This will include a list of different clubs and activities from which your sim can choose.)

Once your sim is welcomed to the drama club, they will be officially enrolled and able to begin attending meetings and participating in performances.

It’s essential to remember that while joining the drama club can be a fun and rewarding experience for your child sims, it’s not the only option available to them. 

There are plenty of other after-school activities and clubs to choose from, so if your sim decides that acting isn’t for them, they can always try something else.

Levels In The Drama Club?

There are three levels in the drama club, each with its unique perks and challenges:

1. The Junior Drama Club (Amateur Level):

At this level, sims will learn the basics of acting, such as stage presence and delivery. This newfound creative information is practiced by participating in small productions and plays. This level provides the participating sims with a great sense of approval and acts as a generous take-off point.

2. The Senior Drama Club (Semi-Pro Level):

At this level, sims can take on more prominent roles in productions and plays. Sims working at this level in their career have a higher earning stream and get more work efficiently. This level is perfect for sims looking to improve their acting skills and earn extra Simoleons.

3. The Elite Drama Club (Professional Level):

At this level, sims can take on leading roles in productions and plays. Sims at this level earn the highest for their perseverance towards the art and can gain enormous amounts for their work. All famous actors strive to be and belong to this level.

In addition to the drama club levels, players can take on various roles in plays and performances. 

The functions include lead actors, supporting actors, and extras. Each position has its unique perks and challenges.

Five levels in the drama club as students

Players start at level one and work their way up to level five by completing various tasks and earning points.

1. The “Newcomer” level:

Players will learn the basics of acting and gain experience points by performing in front of a small audience. The audience will give feedback on the player’s performance, which will help them improve their skills.

2. The “Rising Star” level:

Players will learn to perform in front of larger audiences and gain more experience points. Actors at this level gain greater comfort in their art form and learn critical lessons such as controlling their emotions and vulnerabilities during a performance. 

3. The “Leading Actor” level:

Players will learn how to take on leadership roles in productions and gain even more experience points. They will also learn how to handle the pressure of being a leading actor and how to handle the media.

4. The “A-Lister” level:

Players will learn how to handle the paparazzi, negotiate contracts, and manage their public image. They will also learn how to take on more challenging roles and gain even more experience points.

5. The “Hollywood Icon” level:

Players will learn to take on the most challenging roles and gain the most experience points. Fame and fortune become an integral part of their lifestyle. Handling such large fandom and accurately keeping track of their earnings is a part of their daily routine.

What is the Highest Level of Drama Club Sims 4?

The drama club in Sims 4 offers four levels for players to work through, each with its own requirements and rewards. 

The levels are

1. The Stage Beginner level:

The starting point for players new to the drama club. 

Sims at this level will learn the basics of acting, such as stage presence and delivery.

Time and Weekdays: Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

2. The Line Learner level:

Next step for Sims who want to improve their acting skills. 

Sims at this level will learn how to recite lines and enhance their delivery.

Time and Weekdays: Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

3. The Practical Performer level:

Next step for Sims who want to take on more prominent roles in productions and plays. 

Sims at this level will learn how to perform in front of larger audiences and gain even more experience points.

Time and Weekdays: Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

4. The Junior Artiste level:

The final level of the drama club.

Sims at this level will learn how to take on the most challenging roles and gain the most experience points.

Time and Weekdays: Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Types Of Actors

  • Lead actors can earn the most Simoleons for their performances, but they will also have to deal with the pressure of being the production star. 
  • Supporting actors will also have the opportunity to earn Simoleons, but they will have less pressure than the lead actors. 
  • Extras will earn fewer Simoleons, but they will have less pressure than lead or supporting actors.

In addition to participating in performances, Sims can also take part in drama club competitions. These events provide an opportunity for players to showcase their talents and compete against others for prizes and recognition.

Cheats For The Drama Club

For those who want to speed up the process of progressing, cheats available can promote your sim to the next level of the drama club.


  1. Players must first open the cheats bar by pressing the Command, Shift, and Control keys. 
  1. After you have opened the cheats panel, type in “testingcheats on” and press enter. This will enable cheats in the game.
  1. To promote your sim to the next level of the drama club, players can type in “careers.promote drama club” or “careers.promote volunteer_dramaclub” in the cheats bar. It will instantly promote your sim to the next level of the drama club without having to complete the usual tasks and requirements.
Sims 4 Paid Drama Club Mod

Sims 4 Paid Drama Club Mod

The Sims 4 Paid Drama Club Mod allows players to earn Simoleons for their teen sims’ participation in drama club. 

This mod adds a pay rate of 15 Simoleons an hour, making it easier for players to earn money while participating in drama club.

Sims 4 Child Stars Mod

Sims 4 Child Stars Mod

This mod allows child sims to pursue a career in acting and gain fame just like adult sims. 

It adds up to five levels of celebrity fame and enables child sims to work on their acting skills.

This mod has two versions, so players must carefully select the right one.

Sims 4 Reality Show Event Mod

Sims 4 Reality Show Event Mod

This mod is not directly related to the drama club but is a fun addition to the game. 

Created by KawaiiStacie, it allows players to participate in a three-day reality show with the chance to earn Simoleons and fame. 

It is a fun way to add some variety to the game and is an excellent option for players looking for something new and exciting.

How do you attend a drama club performance In The Sims 4?

Players must first ensure their sim is registered in the drama club to participate in a performance. 

Once registered, they will automatically attend drama club meetings and concerts after their academic schedule has ended. 

However, players may need to prompt their sims to attend if they are not reaching school on time.

During the performance, players will notice that their sims will be transformed into a distinct clothing set related to acting, which will stay on until they decide to change back to their regular clothes. 

Players should also ensure that their sims pay attention to their drama club meetings, finish any daily tasks, and improve assignments to enable their sims to attain the next level.


The Drama Club is a rabbit hole activity, meaning that the sims will disappear into the club during the meetings, and the player won’t be able to control them. However, players can track their progress and see the rewards they have earned.

Players can meet other sims in the field while participating and making new friends.

Once your sim completes the final level of the drama club, they will earn a trophy as a reward for their hard work.

Customizations Galore!

One of the best things about the drama club in The Sims 4 is the ability to customize your character’s acting style

You can choose from various acting styles, such as comedic, dramatic, and romantic. 

It allows players to tailor their performance to their role and the audience they are performing in front of.

Players can also purchase drama club outfits, which can be worn during performances and events to help boost their performance and earn more experience points.

Players can also use their acting skills to make money by performing in plays, movies, and TV shows. 

It can lead to a successful career in the entertainment industry, and players can even become Hollywood icons.

In addition to participating in performances, Sims can also become a drama club director

This career path allows Sims to create and direct their productions, choose cast members, and even design sets and costumes.

In conclusion, the drama club in The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion Pack is an excellent way for players to improve their acting skills and gain fame and fortune. 

With five levels, each with its own set of challenges and rewards, players can work their way up to the top of the acting world. 

The ability to customize your character’s acting style and earn money by performing in plays, movies and TV shows makes the drama club a fun and engaging gameplay feature. 

So, if you’re looking for a new and exciting way to experience the Sims 4, the drama club is worth checking out!


What is the Highest Level of Drama Club Sims 4?

The highest level of the Drama Club in Sims 4 is Junior Artiste.

How Many Acting Levels are There in The Sims 4?

There are upto ten levels in a Sims acting career.

How Do you Practice Acting Scenes in Sims 4?

A sim can practice their acting scenes by performing in front of a mirror or family/small audience to boost their confidence and make a difference.

What is the Cheat to Improve Acting Skills in Sims 4?

set_skill_level major_acting (number/ level)
To become a master of the skill level: stats. set_skill_level major_acting 10.

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