78+ Best Sims 4 CC Packs | Clothes, Hair (Download) 2024
One of the best things about being a part of the Sims 4 community is the ever-expanding custom content packs and features. The Sims 4 cc packs have become very versatile and have only improved the gameplay for players.
Simmers can download anything they want for their Sim. Creations range from hairstyles, clothes, nails, houses, furniture, and even fashion accessories. Sims 4 custom content packs show a lot of creativity and transform your Sim’s lives.
You can find the best Sims 4 cc packs right here from different categories:
Table of Contents
Best Sims 4 CC Packs
1. City Adventurer

Nothing looks better on your Sims than casual clothing. This collection brings you a modern design and comfortable clothes. This custom content features a collection of approximately 14 pieces for all men, women, and teenagers. Each item in this Sims 4 cc pack is designed in such a way that it pairs well with its other counterparts. Match any time with any, and it will still give you a complete and cohesive look to flaunt. The neutral color palette coordinates exceptionally well with the in-game colors of various other things in your Sims 4 world.
This Sims 4 cc pack is base game compatible and is a must-have for your sims.
2. Ivy Icy Park Snowy Outfit Set – Sims 4 CC Packs

Often, designs start getting very dull and become very basic. Nothing excites the heart. There is no hope for any creativity or any experimentation,
However, this SIMS 4 CC pack is entirely different. It features new designs for an outfit that is completely fresh and new. This is the perfect outfit to feature in the winter fashion show. It will capture everyone’s attention. It is highly stylish and will fit like a soft cloud keeping you warm and comfortable all the time. It features scarves and high heel boots along with the entire outfit.
There are a lot of swatches available. Hence find the best one that suits your Sim. This stuff packs CC is a must-have for a fashionable winter.
3. Bridal Pack Sims 4 CC Packs

It is wedding season, and your character deserves the best wedding dress ever. This dreamy silk gown will leave your Sim groom in awe. There are five swatches available in design. And they feature long sleeves, sleeveless, and backless, and one also features a chic bow stripe. Choose the best design to make your Sims day much more memorable. Besides being a wedding dress, various color options are also available. Hence, if not a wedding, your Sims can wear this beautiful dress to a party or use it as a bridesmaid dress. A pair of silver high heels are a perfect match no matter what design dress you choose. For party mode, change the colors and the heels.
Many Sims 4 mod packs also feature wedding services for your Sims that should take care of everything.
4. Dead By Daylight Feng Min Top 011 With Hoodie

Not everything can be sweet and adorable in Sims 4. A lot of players embrace their goth and horror side in the Sims 4 world. With this hoodie, however, you can embrace your dark side. You can find this jacket hoodie for your female Sim under Jackets in CAS. With bloody makeup, you are set to use this as a part of your Halloween costume. Pair this with the perfect skirt, and you will definitely have an outfit to kill for.
5. Solshark Athletic Set

Females often lack variety when it comes to athletic wear. However, this Sims 4 cc pack by Solshark is a fantastic new choice for your Sims to try out. This pack includes 20 color swatches and is of high quality. The outfits are of very high definition. This Sims 4 mod pack is base game compatible. Three kinds of bottoms are included– short, knee length, and full length. Each type is available in different colors. These pieces are inspired by real-life gym wear.
6. Beards N1, N2 & N3 Realism CC

Sims 4 CC packs featuring beards are not too common. This Sims 4 CC has done a great job. This collection features three different custom beard versions. Each version has 14-15 swatches available to explore. The first version features a regular beard. It fits and looks good on most faces. The beard also seems quite realistic. The second version is very subtle and interesting. The third one features a modest goatee and a mustache. This one is a fan favorite and used by a lot of players. There are 14 swatches available in this version with various intensities and colors to explore. This Sim 4 cc pack is HQ compatible.
7. Zuwu Hat

We all wish for our Sims to look unique. This Zulu hat is here to grant that wish. Your Sims outfit can now look more individualized. The creator offers you 40 swatches. So there is always something that will complement the Zuwu Hat. The Sims 4 does not have a lot of variety when it comes to hats. Sims 4 mods packs featuring hats also get monotonous after a while. However, this SIms 44 cc is here to stay for a long time, setting new trends regularly in the Sims world. This Sims 4 hat works on both males and females. It is also available to all teenagers and elderly Sims.
8. Cloud Glasses -Brsims – The Sims 4

Just when we thought Sims 4 cc fanmade stuff packs could not get any more interesting, this pair of cloud glasses surprises you. These glasses are the perfect accessory for your trendy Sims. This fun accessory will go with any outfit your Sim wears. It adds personality and some sass to your outfit. This cute pair of sunglasses features dangling water droplets. This unique shape makes the sunglasses a must-have in your wardrobe. Your Sims will soon become the talk of the town as they walk across the park with these cute sunglasses and an outfit that compliments the pair. There are 30 swatches available to explore. This Sims 4 cc is HQ and base game compatible.

If you love to make your Sim feel and look gorgeous, then such Sims 4 custom content packs are a must-have in your wardrobe. Designed by Redheadsims, this Sims 4 cc features long nails. There are 23 colors available for your Sims to choose from. Experiment with all colors and find the one that suits you and your outfit of the day. These long pointed nails will give your Sims a divine and elegant look. You can find these nails in the Gloves category. It is HQ compatible.
10. ASHwwa Ninja Darts AccSet

This Sims 4 stuff pack cc features sharp, goth, bloody ear piercings, and a choker for your Sims. These piercings look great on both males and females. They are available in six colors. Your Sims will look more intense and intimidating. No one would dare sit on your seat at the cafeteria or on the train. For Sims that love death, goth, and gore, this is perfect for them. The choker features five swatches. The choker also features sharp ninja blades. Do not hesitate to use them if someone gets on your nerves. Both the items are base game compatible.
11. MIRELA By Simstrouble

Sims 4 hair mods packs are unique. Each hairstyle is beautiful and gorgeous. This Sims 4 cc features a wavy hairstyle and cute bangs in the front. There are two versions available within this CC. This hair features a perfect balance between warm and cool tones that compliment your Sim’s complexion. The hairstyle brings out your Sims’ beautiful eyes and also compliments an excellent tropical tan. There are 24 swatches available for your Sims to choose from and experiment with. This Sims 4 cc is base game compatible and is a maxis match time, which makes it a must-have for your Sim.
12. Teenage Dreams Sims 4 CC Pack by Caio

Sims 4 cc packs for teens are always very trendy and unique. This Sims 4 pack is no less. It features preppy and bright clothes and darker alternatives to the same. It basically features both ends of the spectrum. This cc features a total of 17 items. Ten clothing prints are featured along with 25 colors from the default palette. This cc is base game compatible. For you high school-going teenage Sims, style is a necessary subject. And with such Sims 4 cc custom packs, they will definitely pass the style test.
13. Love Affair Sims 4 CC Stuff Pack by AdrienPastel

This Sims 4 cc pack has it all. The low-button shirts featured in this mod are very trendy and cool. Apart from clothing, it also features 16 Hairstyles. The low-button shirts are perfect for a tropical getaway or a pool party. Pair this up with the ideal hairstyle and click Instagram-worthy pictures. For female Sims, it features long skirts, robes, and also dresses. In total, this Sims 4 stuff pack cc features an astonishing 52 items. Each item has its own color swatches available. Experiment and explore this Sims 4 custom content pack and never go out of style. This stuff pack download is a must for your Sim’s wardrobe. This cc pack is base game compatible.
14. Vacation Sims 4 Shoes CC Pack by Jius-sims

Packing footwear for a vacation can cause a headache sometimes. You never know what you will need and what will be comfortable. However, with Sims 4 custom content packs created by Jius-sims, you need not fret. This Sims 4 cc features three kinds of footwear. It includes flat sandals with 25 swatches available and 13k+ Polygons. Next are Leather Platform Ankle boots which feature 18 swatches and 12k+Polygons. And last but not least, Platform pumps with 18 swatches to explore from and 4k+ Polygons. Such shoes and cc stuff packs created by creators eliminate the stress of choosing from limited options.
15. Rainy Days Sims 4 Toddler CC Pack by PowLuna

Let’s shift to something adorable for a change. Sims 4 cc packs for your little Sims are also available on the internet. One of them is this cute little five-piece rain suit. This will protect your Sims from splashes but also help them splash their adorable cuteness on you. This toddler cc is a maxis match. It fits both boys and girls. Tens swatches are available in each item. Hence, you can mix and match depending on your mood and aesthetic. This Sims 4 cc is base game compatible.
16. Winter Weather Sims 4 Custom Content Pack by Serenity

Why sacrifice style when such Sims 4 CC packs give you warmth and style? Now no more hanging onto ugly sweaters when it gets cold in the Sim world. In the Sims 4, seasons pass faster than in real life. Hence it is better to always be prepared. This Sims 4 custom pack’s main feature is the stylish and snuggly warm jackets and coats. This cc includes 13 items, including clothes, hair, and jewelry. The hair in this cc has a default EA palette. This Sims 4 mods pack is also base game compatible.
17. Midnight Collection Sims 4 Lingerie Pack by Sentate

Sims 4 custom content packs can get a little boring. So why not add some steam to it? Now your Sims can stop wearing the typical, boring underwear and switch to something breathtaking. Use it for everyday use or on special occasions; that choice is up to you. Let your Sims wear their ultimate fantasies. This Sims 4 stuff pack cc features 29 items and over 25 color swatches available. This features lingerie for both males and females. The male and female items have been separated to make the stuff packs download easy. You can download whatever you want.
18. Sims 4 Beach Wear CC Pack by Sentate

Sims 4 fanmade stuff packs are pretty interesting sometimes. They take into consideration every kind of event in the Sims 4 world. This Sims 44 cc pack is for the summer. If your Sims are bound to visit the tropics this summer, then be sure to pack this cc for travel. This custom content clothing for the beach will give you the perfect tan and the perfect evening party style. This cc features seven items. Each time has 25 color swatches and five print swatches to explore. This April 2022 collection by Sentate is a must-have for your Sims to have a model summer photoshoot. The hotness of your Sims will definitely be the one that maps people’s sweat rather than the Sun. The luxurious bikinis, swimsuits, and cocktail dresses will grab everyone’s attention.
19. Master Bedroom Sims 4 CC Stuff Pack by Max 20

The master bedroom is an essential part of the house. Sims 4 mod packs created to enhance this room are a must-have for your Sims. Make this room comfortable and a safe haven for your Sims to rest in after a long day of work.
This Sims 4 cc pack features 26 maxis match furniture items. All these items fit in perfectly and in no way clutter the room. All the furniture included in this CC is functional. Some of the items featured in this Sims 4 CC stuff pack are a bed, aquarium, curtains, mirrors, paintings, and much more. This master bedroom stuff packs download is a must to avoid the hassle of purchasing each item individually from the store.
20. Street Fashion Sims 4 Clothes Pack by Trillyke

The Tokyo street style is very renowned around the world. Hence, Sims 4 cc packs that feature such streetwear clothing are a must-have for your younger Sims. All the items in this pack are unique. This Sims 4 CC collection features 12 items. This includes primarily tops, bottoms, shoes, and also accessories. Fifteen color swatches are offered, along with 15 more pattern swatches. Hence, you can experiment with various colors and patterns and find your Sims’ perfect style. This CC is base game compatible. To know more about this collection, check out the stuff packs download link.
21. Wedding Furniture Sims 4 Pack by Charly Pancakes

When it comes to Sims 4 cc packs, it is necessary to include wedding cc stuff packs. This wedding cc pack is a big one. This pack features a whopping 59 items. You can use these items for various kinds of weddings. The items in this pack are suited for multiple themes, such as rustic, countryside, and even beach weddings. All the items are well crafted and feature every single thing. From tables, altars and chandeliers, it also features small things such as centerpieces, cutlery, napkins, candle holders, and many more. Make precious memories and make the wedding a beautiful event in your Sim’s life.
22. Greenhouse Collection

Spring is right around the corner, so why not take the help of Sims 4 cc packs to look your best? This Stylish Sims 4 cc pack will freshen up your wardrobe. It features a total of 22 items, of which 18 items are dedicated to female Sims and four items for males. It includes hairstyles, hair clips, tops, denim bottoms, and shoes. Each item has 21-24 swatches approximately. So download this mods pack and explore the style of spring.
23. Ballet Stuff

Toddlers can’t do ballet in The Sims 4. Although even if they can’t dance, it’s always cute to see them running around in pretty dresses. This stuff pack puts your toddlers in ballet costumes. It is made for both boys and girls. For the girls, there is a beautiful pink dress. Whereas for the boys, it’s elastic leggings. Even if they can’t do ballet, they can at least get used to the clothes they will have to wear once they grow up. Apart from this, this Sims 44 CC is also perfect if you want to do a child photoshoot. There are 17 or 34 swatches available. This Sims 4 mods pack is also base game compatible.
24. Back to The 60s

The past often serves as an inspiration to fashion designers when brainstorming ideas. It is very cool and fun to create something modern yet trendy from the past. Such Sims 4 custom content packs offering realtor clothing are entertaining and amusing. This Sims 4 stuff pack features the fashion from the 60s. It features a very colorful palette. There are more than 28 items included in this CC. It features the 60s hairstyles, accessories, clothes, and shoes. All the items included in this CC have matching color palettes. This means you can mix and match a piece of clothing. There is no limit to what your imagination creates. There are hundreds of options for your Sim to choose from in this CC. This Sims 4 stuff pack is base game compatible.
25. Sleek Kitchen

Designing a kitchen can get very tiresome. A lot of thought needs to be put behind each item and color. However, with fan made stuff packs cc, things get incredibly easy. This Sims CC, created by Illogical Sims, features a very modern look. It is incredibly beautiful and has over 20 objects to choose from and use. Each item is very sleek and contemporary and matches perfectly with the other kitchen items in the CC. You can find items such as an In-built stove, counters, stools, chairs, sink, and many other necessary things. Each item is fully functional, and the Sims 4 CC pack is base game compatible. Place each item depending on your convenience and get the entire modern kitchen ready in less than a week. The color scale of this CC is important to know as it is very minimalistic. The color scale of this Sims 4 stuff packs kitchen CC would be gray and white.
26. Sayulita Bathroom

Designing your dream bathroom can become a headache if you do not have matching items. However, with Sims 4 CC packs like Sayulita Bathroom CC, things can get relatively easy and exciting. It features 50 items to choose from and decide the best ones. This includes nine windows, three doors, and four arches. A shower, sink, door, and bathtub are also included. Each item is said to have approximately 20 swatches. And with all the things being functional, this bathroom cc adds a lot of personality to your house. The hanging rope mirror is the most unique item from this Sims 4 mods pack cc.
27. Modern Living

Since everything needs to be modern nowadays, and that’s what the demand is, Sims 4 cc packs need to be made accordingly. This Sims 4 stuff pack by Illogical Sims features a very elegant, sleek, minimalist living room. It contains 13 objects in total, and each object has almost five swatches. The color palette is mostly gray and white and is perfect for a modern home inhabited by rich Sims. A green and white color combination is also available for your Sims. It includes cool tables and chairs and a unique egg chair to sit comfortably in when it’s warm. This Sims 4 CC pack is base game compatible.
28. The Art Room

Sims 4 custom content packs can be attractive too. And the best Sims 4 cc packs have a lot of creativity involved. This Sims 4 cc is full of creativity. This CC features an art room. This will allow your Sim to focus on their painting skills. Most of the items are functional in this cc. However, a few are used only as decorative items. It has a total of 10 items, each with 10-12 swatches. The art room will enhance your Sim’s hobby and leave them with a calm state of mind. This Sim 4 cc is base game compatible and a must-have for recreational purposes.
29. Casual Classics Sims 4 CC Stuff Packs by Moontaart

Sometimes simple Sims 4 fanmade stuff packs are more appealing than others. We want our Sims to look as realistic as possible. And what better way than to choose clothes similar to your real-life outfits? This Sims 4 cc pack features simple classic outfits you can pair with any clothing item. This custom had 23 pieces of clothing, including tops, bottoms, jewelry, and nail polish. Each item had over 28 swatches to explore. All the items included in this stuff pack are base game compatible.
30. Flower & Butterfly Shoes

Shoes and sandals are what complete an outfit. In many Sims 4 mods packs, footwear is not given too much importance. However, this Sims 4 cc brings to you the cutest pair of footwear you could ever ask for. This cc includes three kinds of footwear. Butterfly Sandal, Canvas Sneakers, and Flower Heeled Sandals. Each item has 20-28 swatches available. This cc is perfect for spring outfits and would look amazing on teenagers. With the number of swatches made available to your Sims, your Sims can try a new design every day or every week according to their tastes. Shoe stuff packs download is very easy and a must-try.

What gives your Sims home character are Sims 4 mod packs featuring rugs that enhance the interiors. It is challenging to come across Sims 4 cc stuff packs that feature such incredible unique rugs. This Sims 4 cc offers rugs in a variety of colors and patterns. The designs are stunning. These customized items will match any Sims home. There are 54 swatches for you to choose from and decide on the best texture and pattern. This Sims 4 cc pack is base game compatible.
32. Soboro – Chanel Brooch Short Sleeve Knit Dress

This Sims 4 cc pack features short sleeve knit bodycon dresses. It is highly fashionable and has about 26 color swatches. They feature unique Chanel cuffs buttons and a Chanel brooch on the chest. The white sleeves feature a puffed pattern. This is made of delicate chiffon fabric. This gives your Sims a very formal and elegant look.
33. Sims 4 CC Cute Outfit (Toddler)

This Sims 4 cc pack of clothes, made of fine cotton, is a must-have for your Sims. It features cute ballerina-like outfits for your toddler Sims. It has nine swatches and features adorable patterns for you to explore. Your Sims will definitely love the outfit. This Sims 4 stuff pack is base game compatible and a must-have for your toddlers.

Thanks to the diverse community of Sims 4 custom content packs creators; your Sims always have a plethora of stylish options. Fashion will never be the same for your Sims. This Sims 4 cc pack features high-heel boots. These boots will make your life fun. It provides 24 swatches to match your vibe and personality.
35. Anonimux – Lipstick N06

Makeup is very important in a Sim’s life. Sims 4 cc packs featuring makeup content are essential to have. This Sims 4 cc features custom lipstick only for females. There are ten colorful and beautiful swatches available. You Sim’s lips will look outstanding with these lipstick shades. This CC is base game compatible and also compatible with the color slider.
36. Soft Vibes Makeup Collection

This Sims 4 cc glamor makeup pack has a very retro vibe. It features two eyeshadows and two eyeliners. The eyeshadow has a shimmery effect and gives a 3-D look. It provides a very chic and, at the same time, a professional party look as well.
37. Eyeliner 01

Eye makeup is what catches everyone’s attention. Makeup is one of the ways to make your Sims look realistic, and Sims 4 cc packs featuring makeup are essential. This cc features a custom double eyeliner. This will empower your Sim, make them confident, and show off their personality. This eyeliner is absolutely free to use and base game compatible.

This maxis match cc makeup is perfect for your Sims. This CC features a simple eye shadow and a lipstick combo. It is very elegant and will make your Sims look like royals. This includes a mix of various shades and tones. It is highly sophisticated yet simple at the same time. It is functional for all genders and ages. Each item has 16-18 swatches.
39. Lenses 014

This Sims 4 cc pack features lenses that create an impression of your Sim crying. It features 24 color swatches. It is functional for both females and males. It also works on all toddlers and the elder. So select your lenses depending on your mood for the day.
40. Catemcphee’s B-04 Kylie Highlight

This Sims 4 makeup lifts your Sim’s personality to another level. It features a highlighter for all the female Sims. This is perfect if your Sims are looking for an innocent look or even slick sultry eye makeup. It makes your Sims look their best. There are nine different colors you can choose from in this CC.
41. Prada Handbag

This Prada Saffiano Leather Saddlebag will give your Sims a taste of real-life luxury. This bag made of supple leather is perfect for a Ladies’ night out. It is a glamorous accessory that will lift up your Sim’s style. This cc offers two swatches and can be found in your menu’s bracelet category.
42. Bead Necklace – Mina Sims 4 CC Packs

This unique Sims 4 mods pack features many amazing swatches. This piece of accessory is perfect for everyday wear and is a beautiful addition to your collection. It is a necklace made of layers of pearls. Wear this at important events to look sophisticated and stand out. This is for adults only and features 55 swatches. Also, this is functional only for female Sims.

Sims 4 custom content packs that feature a refreshing look are necessary from time to time for your Sims. An active lifestyle requires that your Sims freshen up their style regularly. This cc features a comfy chic hairstyle with a hairband. There are 58 swatches available in this TS4 cc. It works on both male and female Sims. This is base game compatible and a must-have for a Sim ready to party.

These masks give your Sims a relaxed vibe. Sims 4 mod packs can often be different in unexpected ways. These masks may not always fit your Sims face. However, if desired, they can still move their eyes and mouth. This cc features eight types of masks that have a spooky vibe. For Halloween, these masks are a perfect accessory.
45. Ranger Set – Gloves

For your female Sims, these gloves add an edgy style to their outfit. The gloves include a metallic belt around them. This Sims 4 cc features around 16 swatches of different colors. Your female Sims will adore these gloves and will soon become a part of your daily style. The colors will suit every kind of outfit.
46. Eisha Hair

This beautiful custom hairstyle pack features a beautiful hairstyle that is a must-have for your Sims. It features two long braids which fall down gracefully. It can be considered like a crown over your Sims’ heads. This CC has over 24 EA swatches available, providing them with a lot of variety. This hairstyle will make your Sims look pleasant, younger, and more approachable. This Sims 4 custom content pack is base game compatible.
47. Bianca Hair – Greenllamas

Braided hairstyles have gained a lot of popularity recently. Give your Sims this fashion upgrade and stay in style always. This cc is for females only and works for all teenagers to elders. It features 18 EA swatches and is a perfect hairstyle for everyday style. It will be easier for your Sims to manage. This Sims 4 cc stuff pack is base game compatible.
48. HONEY Mallory AF Hair

Some Sims 4 custom content packs are pretty simple. Like this Sims 4 cc pack which features a simple and short hairstyle for your female Sims. This hairstyle features about 20 swatches for your Sims to explore. It also features light curls and bangs.

This Sims 4 cc pack lets you own your own Taco Bell in the TS4 world. Your Sims will get nine various options for building and decorating the restaurant. The food inside is just as realistic. Your Sims will not be able to resist the menu and will stuff themselves till full.
50. Sleepy Wolf Plushie Sims 4 Clutter

Every Sims 4 fanmade stuff packs should feature something cute for your Sims. This Sims 4 cc features an adorable Sleepy Wolf Plushie. This is perfect for adding on top of your beds or your couch. Your Sims will definitely love this clutter plushie on top of their bed. It is soft, velvety, and has a cuddly exterior to hug while asleep. It features a few natural swatches as well.
51. Lil Baddie Purrr Neon Signs

Decorate your Sim’s room with this cook neon light sign. It is perfect to create a romantic or retro vibe. A party vibe is also excellent. Apart from the bedroom, this would look perfect even in the living room. Place this sign anywhere, and your Sim’s place will definitely light up with an extraordinary light.
52. Denumm Sims 4 Jeans Pack by Mossylane

Sims always need a new pair of clothes from time to time. And this Sims 4 cc pack is perfect. It features new jeans for Sims to wear. There are three different types to choose from. However, each pair had various swatches. This gives a varied variety to choose from. Explore your denim style to the fullest extent.
53. Edgy Sims 4 CC Pack by Aretha

For your female Sims, this cc is a perfect alternative. This cc features a hair and top, which are available with an overlay. It also features skirts and stockings available to your Sims in three lengths. Other accessories such as jewelry items and piercings are included in this pack. In total, it contains around 12 items which are all base game compatible. There are also numerous hair swatches for your Sims to be able to explore.
54. Preppy Sims 4 CC Pack by greenllamas

If academia aesthetic is your style, this Sims 4 cc pack is a must-have for your Sims. With this stuff packs download, you get 15 iconic items. This comprises seven masculine items and eight feminine items. This cc is perfect for a university-going Sim. It includes items such as hair, tops, bottoms, and various accessories.
55. Coachella Sims 4 Custom Content Pack by Caio

These Coachella clothing outfits are a must if your Sims plans on going to the music festival. These clothes are perfect for hot weather and keep you comfortable dancing all day long. This Sims 4 custom content pack features a total of 7 items. This includes five clothing items and two accessories. Twenty-five color swatches are available. This modpack is base game compatible.
56. Basics Collection Sims 4 CC Pack by Aretha

The basic look is also excellent. Basic does not mean dull when it comes to fashion. This cc features some of the best clothing for everyday wear. It includes nine items, including hair, clothing, shoes, and various other accessories. This Sims 4 cc is base game compatible.
57. Workout Clothes Sims 4 CC Pack by simkoos

It is never too late to start working out. So why not get your Sims motivated to get into better shape? The best way for this is to put them in athletic wear cc. This Sims 4 cc features highly comfortable athletic wear, a 20-piece collection. The items are available in two color palettes and a few tie-dye options as well.
58. Luxury Clothes Sims 4 Custom Content Pack by Sentate

Your Sims will now be the talk of the town with this Sims 4 cc pack. This Sims 4 cc includes some of the most elegant and luxurious cloth designs for Sims to wear. It consists of a total of 5 outfits and a pair of shoes. Now let your Sims make a statement with their style. It features beautiful pantsuits and cocktail dresses. There are around 25 color swatches available for your Sims to choose from.
59. Sims 4 CC Shorts Collection by Mossylane

High-waisted denim shorts are definitely a piece of clothing loved by many. This is a staple outfit during summers. So why not give the same freedom and coolness to your Sims? This cc features three pairs of shorts to choose from. There are a variety of swatches available from your Sims to choose from. It also includes various patterns to explore.
60. Kelani Sims 4 Braids Set by Aretha

Long braided hairstyles suit a lot of Sims. This is a very diverse style and is something that your Sims should adopt more. This Sims 4 cc features various types of braided hairstyles. Some of them include buns and ponytails. This Sims 4 stuff pack is functional for both male and female Sims. There are ten items in the stuff packs download, including two overlays. All the items are base game compatible.
61. Summer Stroll Sims 4 CC Packs

Some summer-themed items will make all your masculine Sims happy. This cc includes two pairs of shoes, tops, and a see-through visor. The tops feature floral designs, a must for tropical getaways. Two kinds of masculine hair are also included in this Sims 4 cc pack. The hairstyles are highly versatile and cool.
62. Spring Fling Sims 4 CC Packs

This Sims 4 custom content pack is perfect for a spring party or an Easter celebration. It features gorgeous items such as flower crowns, beautiful hairstyles, eyeshadow options, and even a face paint option for kids. There are a lot of clothing options included in this cc, along with beautiful floral decor items. It features items for both male and female Sims.
63. Glitter

This Glitter Sims 4 cc pack features some gorgeous items. A unique thing in this pack is the pair of shiny boots. Your Sims will also have different hairstyles to choose from and various clothing items. There are 24 EA hair swatches. All items in this pack are base game compatible.
64. Butterfly Collection

This Sims 4 mods pack has some simple yet exceptional items. It features beautiful hairstyles, tops, versatile pairs of shorts, and pants. The clothing items can be mixed and matched as they go with just about anything. There are a lot of color options available. This cc is simple and would look amazing as a university outfit.
65. The Gossip Collection

This Sims 4 stuff pack features items inspired by the clothing worn in a popular show, Gossip Girls. This cc includes 16 items. With seven items for masculine Sims and eight items for feminine Sims. It includes items such as hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, and various accessories. There are a variety of swatches also available.
66. Unify Collection

The Unify Collection is perfect for everyday Sim wear. It features a total of 36 items. The clothing is very comfortable and features simlish designs rather than the usual English ones.
This cc is perfect for teenagers. It includes 16 tops, 16 bottoms, and four accessories. All items are base game compatible.
67. Boys Be CC Pack

Sims 4 cc packs creators often ignore male Sims. There are a lot of Sims 4 custom content packs featuring items for females. Hence, this Sims 4 cc is just for male Sims. It features masculine clothing, which is simple yet elegant. It features tops, bottoms, jeans and a few hairstyles too. Each time has various swatches for your Sims to explore. All items are base game compatible.
68. The Mimosa Collection

Collaborative Sims 4 cc packs are always unique. This pack features interesting items for your Sims to wear. It includes objects such as necklaces, skirts, dresses, sunglasses, and other accessories. It also has over 12 solid color swatches and ten patterns to choose from in this mods pack. All items are base game compatible.
69. Classic Kitchen

A classic fresh kitchen is perfect for your Sims to start their day making delicious breakfast. This kitchen cc features bright, simple colors. The tone is relatively neutral. It includes various appliances such as a new fridge and stove. These designs are modern and sleek. Some beautiful decor items are included in this Sims 4 cc, such as a flower pot, utensil holder, and a butter dish.
70. Spring-Six Kitchen

Having a fun kitchen means your Sims will have fun cooking meals for themselves and their family. An entertaining kitchen is crucial for a lovely meal. This Sims 4 fanmade pack features various retro items such as a retro fridge, stove, toasters, set of cabinets, and different decor items as well. Most of the appliances are functional and ready to use. The color features are pretty neutral and fun to look at. This entire pack is base game compatible.
71. Serenity Bathroom

This Sims 4 stuff pack adds over 25 new bathroom items to the game. This cc includes things such as new plants, a sink, shower, bathtub, and a towel ladder. Use these items along with many others to build a fantastic bathroom for your Sims. All the items in the pack are base game compatible.
72. Hamptons Builtin

This Sims 4 cc pack is made for the living rooms. It is centered around a giant built-in cabinet and sitting area. This pack features some exceptional customized items and cabinets to make your living room comfy. It creates a very modern aesthetic and will make your Sims feel like they belong in a rich person’s home. The items in this mods pack are base game compatible.
73. Living Room Sims 4 Custom Content Pack by Madlen

This living room set has it all. It features faux fur and four other items included in the cc. Each item has a couple of neutral swatches to experiment with. This living room is a highly comfortable and visual pleasure. This is quite elegant, and a must.
74. Cozy Corner Sims 4 Dining Room Pack by Aphrodite Sims

Everything you will ever need for your dining room is included in this Sims 4 cc pack. Around eight sims can eat at the table at once. This cc consists of five items. All items are base game compatible and have various color swatches available.
75. Arcade Room Sims 4 Fanmade Stuff Pack by Cepzid with Hakrabr

This Sims 4 cc pack is the ultimate addition to any Sims home. It features an entire arcade for your Sims to enjoy their time. An avid gamer would love this room. The custom content includes around nine functional objects, two walls, 11 basic objects, and eight new clothing items. Your Sims will, however, have to pay for playing each time, just like in a regular arcade.
76. Restaurant Furniture CC for Sims 4 by Tubs

This Sims 4 cc pack could not release all the content at once. But now it includes everything in one link. This cc features 74 items, which includes everything you will ever need to set up a commercial kitchen. It includes tables, chairs, bar, lights, wallpapers, and even the entire kitchen setup. The majority of the items in this cc are base game compatible.
77. Modern Sims 4 Furniture CC Pack by Charly Pancakes

This Sims 4 mods pack features a very sleek modern style of furniture. It includes molded acrylic furniture. There are four items included in this pack. Three transparent furniture items and one retro smart speaker for your Sim home. All the items in this pack are base game compatible.
78. MidCentury Sims 4 Office Set by Surely-Sims

This Sims 4 stuff packs cc features a fantastic retro-style office space. This office includes over 41 different items. It has windows, chairs, desks, and various kinds of office decor. This pack even has a custom vintage computer for your Sims to use. If your Sim is soon going to start a business, this Sims 4 cc pack is a must-have.
79. Talvera Pop Sims 4 Build CC Pack by RusticSims

This mods pack has some of the best Spanish-inspired custom content you will ever encounter. The detailing is very well done. All the items are beautiful and represent Mexican culture in a lively manner. This Sims 4 custom content pack includes a total of 63 items with 12 swatches available.
80. Adirondack Sims 4 Outdoor CC Pack by Peacemaker

This Sims 4 cc features a collection of outdoor furniture which fits well in your Sims suburban backyard. There are three versions of furniture included in this pack. There is also a table included in this cc, a dining set, and an umbrella. Each item has 30 wood and solid swatches available. All items are base game compatible.
81. Sims 4 CC Office Furniture Essentials by leaf-motif

Your Sim’s office should be a place that allows them to think and be active. The environment becomes essential in such cases. This Sims 4 cc pack brings you the perfect furniture set for your Sim’s peace of mind. This furniture set includes ten different items. Some of these items are desks, chairs, shelves, and other decor items. All the things are base game compatible.
Some more Best Sims 4 Mods
Here are some other mods for Sims 4 that you can check out.
1. Realm of magic cheats
2. UI cheats
3. Needs Cheat
4. Relationship cheats
5. Reshade Presets
6. Anime mods CC
7. School mods
8. Disney Princess
9. Garage door cc
10. Pregnancy mod
11. Baby shower
12. Better schools mod
13. Basemental drug mod
14. Drunk mod
15. Homeschool mod
16. Full edit mode
17. Lip presets
18. Master controller mod
19. Realistic mods
20. Mansion
21. Granite falls
22. LGBT mod
23. Plastic surgery mod
24. House layouts
25. Challenges
26. Nintendo Switch
27. Stand still in cas
28. Strip club
29. Gnomes
30. Resource cfg
31. Buttler mod
32. Adoption mod
33. CC websites
34. Custom Furniture
35. Last exception
36. Explore mod
37. Complete collection
38. Mods folder
39. Retail cheats
40. Change work outfit
41. Seasons mod
42. Camera control
43. CC hair
44. Face presets
45. Muscle mod
46. University mods
47. Autonomy
48. Ultimate collection
49. Occult mods
50. Height slider
51. Horns cc
52. Save files
53. Apartment mod
54. Restaurant mods
55. Control pets
56. Romance mods
57. Body presets
58. Baby challenge
59. Life tragedies
60. Road to fame
61. No mosaic
62. Funeral mod
63. Werewolf mod
64. Hoe it up
65. Abortion mod
66. First love
67. Polygamy mod
68. More columns
69. Fallout 4 Multiplayer
70. Teen pregnancy mod
71. Teleport
72. Preschool mod
73. Household mod
74. Nude mod
75. Rags to riches
76. Slice of life
77. Furry mod
78. Simda dating app
79. Royalty mod
80. Simulation lag fix
81. Drug mod
82. Tray importer
83. Extreme violence
84. Conflict detector
85. Teenager mod
86. Burglar mod
87. Butt slider
88. Grocery mod
89. Script mods
90. Sex mods
91. Wonderful whims
92. Rating and age
93. Ultrasound mod
94. Cheating mod
95. Sex mods
96. Black sims
97. MC command center
98. Woohoo mods
99. Bathing outfit
100. Witch cc
101. Fill out reports
102. Change career outfit
103. Tool mod
104. Nails cc
105. Invisible crib
106. Skills cheat
107. Nraas master controller
108. Nursery cc
109. Nose Piercing
110. Chromebook
111. Multipack installer
112. Custom food
113. CAS presets
114. House ideas
115. University degrees
116. Kids cc
117. Clothing beauty
118. Pose player
119. Notebook
120. Custom aspirations
121. Tea mods
122. Pufferhead
123. Fame points
124. Period mods
125. Teen jobs
126. Vampire mods
There are thousands of Sims 4 cc packs present on the internet. Choose the best ones and utilize them for your needs as and when required. The Sims 4 custom content packs are incredibly important for keeping things interesting. It brings a sense of realism to the game. Moreover, Sims 4 fanmade stuff packs are free to use. You will no longer have to spend money on DLCs or other content that lack certain things.
All the custom content creators that work to create such exciting and creative CC should be commended for their hard work. The creators make much more beautiful items than the default game offers. The Sims 4 cc packs are much needed to improve your gameplay and feel relaxed regarding specific decision-making scenarios.
Happy Simming!